Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Elemental Magic: Putting it All Together

We have finally reached the end of the Elemental Magic Series. I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed this series as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I think this has been one of my most comprehensive and helpful series apart from the one I did 2 years ago on hedge riding. After the success of those two series, I have no idea what to write about next! So, if you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments below. But I digress...

If you have read through the entire series and completed the tasks I've given you for each element, you now have a journal full of elemental information, from how to Sun moves around your home to your experiences connecting with Earth through the process of Earthing. You've opened your Third Eye and peered into what could be. If anything, you survived a global pandemic, hopefully using the elements to help you manage this crisis. So now what? What should you do with all this information?

While at first these tasks may have seemed disjointed, they are anything but. You have just unknowingly built the foundations of a local, magical practice. You have connected with each of the elements as they appear where you live. You know the rivers and streams and lakes where you can obtain healing waters, enter the Otherworld, and wash away unwanted energies. You know the spirits of the land around you that will aid you in raising energy for spells and have felt the grounding energies of the soil beneath your feet or hands so that you can root yourself in this reality prior to spell work or after hedge riding. You know where the Sun cast his strongest rays so you can cleanse and charge your magical objects. These are the same locations where the Moon will show herself, allowing you to cleanse and charge by the gentle moonlight. You know how the wind blows so that you may send messages and wishes to the Universe. And finally, you know yourself, your purpose, your soul's journey. You now have the tools you need to use the elements in your magical practice as they pertain to you, as they present themselves to you. 

Furthermore, you built a strong relationship with these elements, allowing you to call on them in whatever capacity you need them and they will come. Use the tools I have given you to strengthen your future spells and develop your relationship with the elements further. Return to your notes often and add to them as you grow as a witch. Spend the next year adding the elements thoughtfully to your practice, harnessing their unique abilities to bring about the change you wish to impart on the world.

I sincerely hope that this series has benefited you in your practice. Until next time, I wish you all the best on your journey.

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  1. Bravo on finishing such a comprehensive series. This has been a joy to read all year and I've learned so much. I've especially loved the emphasis on making our practices local. I'll reference this material for a long time to come.

  2. Thank you. Not a wee bit, not casually, but powerfully and with sincere gratitude for the phenomenal time, effort, knowledge, passion, and love that you poured into this series. It is akin to a book (or even multiple books) unto itself and will stand as invaluable source of guidance and inspiration to scores of people the world over for ages to come.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed the series my friend! <3


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