Thursday, September 26, 2024

How to Create a Purification and Abundance Simmer Pot for Your Home

How to Create a Purification and Abundance Simmer Pot for Your Home

As the wheel turns and the days begin to shorten, you may notice your home's energy begins to grow stagnant and even chaotic. The weather here in Georgia is still beastly hot, thus preventing me from opening my windows to allow in fresh air without smothering all of us in the process. I hate the feeling of trapped energy but hate being hot and sweaty even more. So what's a witch to do? Enter the simmer pot!

Simmer pots are essentially boiled potpourri and are an excellent, non-toxic way to remove stagnant energy, uplift vibrations, and bring those autumnal scents everyone loves into the home without needing a candle. Don't get me wrong, I love a good candle as much as the next witch, but burning them too often can result in wax residue on your walls and furniture, reduced air quality, lung damage, and even death of your pets. Simmer pots, on the other hand, not only safely bring comforting fragrances into your space, but may also bring health benefits such as improved digestion, increased immune function, improved mood, and stress reduction! Furthermore, simmer pots containing whole ingredients are generally pet-safe, even those that include citrus. To ensure your and your pet's safety, avoid using essential oils or perfume oils.

This particular simmer pot is a wonderful way to purify your space, attract abundance, and uplift the energies in your home using the power of aromatics and intention. To top it all off, your home will smell of cozy autumn vibes in no time!

What You'll Need

  • Pot of water
  • 1 lemon slice
  • 1 tablespoon whole cloves
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 2-3 basil leaves
  • 3 apple slices
  • 2 orange slices
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

What to Do

Begin by asking the spirits of your ingredients for their assistance in fulfilling this spell. If for whatever reason they deny your request, find a different plant to work with or a different individual to work with. Once you have secured the assistance of your plant allies, fill your pot three-quarters of the way full and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat to simmer. 

Add your ingredients one at a time while saying, "Lemon to clear all negativity and blockages from this space; cloves to protect and purify this home; rosemary to heal this space and clear away all stagnant energy; bay and cinnamon to draw abundance and success while protecting those within;  basil to attract wealth; apple for love and prosperity; oranges to bring joy and happiness to this family; and vanilla for peace, luck, and a home full of love."

Stir the mixture clockwise while visualizing a home full of wealth, health, and good fortune. As you continue to stir clockwise say, "With this scent, I cleanse and renew, abundance flows to me true." Let the mixture simmer for 30 to 45 minutes, adding fresh water as needed. Stir occasionally, repeating your affirmation above.

When finished, you can either strain the mixture (disposing of the whole plant parts outside) and use it to mop your floors or pour the cooled mixture outside, allowing it to return to the earth.

  • If you are allergic to any of the above ingredients you can replace them with the following: hyssop (purification, cleansing), mint (wealth, abundance), lavender (protection, peace), calendula (harmony, health), pear (abundance, joy), nutmeg (luck, money), allspice (uplifting, health, strength), or star anise (luck, fortune).
  • If you have no pets and would prefer to use an essential oil blend, combine 2 drops of sweet orange essential oil, 2 drops of cinnamon essential oil, 2 drops of clove essential oil, and 1 drop of lavender essential oil.

Why You Did It

Understanding the whys of a spell (or recipe) is just as important as performing it. It helps you understand the process so you can modify the spell or ritual to suit your needs and helps guide you in writing your own. It's my intention that by providing these explanations, you can build a better understanding of how spells are written and executed so you can modify and build your own spells (the goal of my Spellcrafting Series). 

This spell begins with requesting the assistance of your plant allies. I often leave this out of my spells instructions because it should be a given, but knowing that beginner witches are reading my blog, I figure I need to start adding it in or hinting at it to encourage new and old witches alike to remember we are not here to use, but instead to work with ingredients. Everything resonates with spirit and it's those spirits that lend their aid to our magical workings. Asking them for their assistance is vital in ensuring the spell goes according to plan. An unwilling participant can cause the spell to flop or backfire.

Next, the pot was filled with water, not only as a place for the spell to occur but also because water is naturally purifying and detoxing. It helps wash away negativity, sluggishness, unwanted energy, and everything else you can imagine, leaving a clean slate. Simmer the water, which releases water vapor, combines the power of water with that of fire, which is used to burn away the old, allowing the new to grow in its stead.

How to Create a Purification and Abundance Simmer Pot for Your Home

The plants chosen for this recipe, as mentioned in the chant, as specifically designed to purify, cleanse, protect, and attract different types of abundance into your life and home. The order in which they are placed is important as we start with cleansing and finish by attracting what we want to replace the energy in our now purified space. Lemon, cloves, and rosemary help to clear the space, removing stagnant and unwanted energies from your home. Lemon also helps to remove any blockages that may be preventing the energies from leaving or people from moving on. Cloves, on the other hand, not only purify but also protect against negative, unwanted energies from returning, while rosemary helps heal any wounds. Cinnamon and bay attract monetary abundance and success, all while protecting the home. Basil also attracts monetary wealth, while apple brings love, orange happiness and joy, and vanilla peace and luck. By chanting what it is you ask of each plant, you are telling them exactly what you want from them. All of these plants have multiple correspondences so simply adding them without declaring your intention can result in attracting or banishing the wrong things!

Once the ingredients are all added, the mixture is stirred clockwise to attract or pull things toward you, in this case, abundance, prosperity, wealth, happiness, joy, peace, love, and a cleansed space. You could also start by stirring just the lemon, cloves, and rosemary counterclockwise to banish, then follow up with the remaining ingredients and stir clockwise to attract what you desire to your home. It's completely up to you and I encourage you to modify this spell to suit your specific needs. Stirring occasionally and restating your affirmation while visualizing your desired outcome further empowers the spell as it progresses.

Afterward, you can strain the water and use it to mop your floors or clean surfaces, or you can simply pour it outside to return it to the earth, symbolizing a release of old energy and the welcoming of new abundance. Using this mixture as a floor wash is a great way to wash away the old and bring in the new, ensuring your home is cleansed and open to abundance.

How to Create a Purification and Abundance Simmer Pot for Your Home

Wish to break this spell? There is no way to break this spell, but it will naturally wane over time. 

Remember to record this recipe in your Book of Shadows or use my Spell/Ritual Worksheet for reference later.


We are officially in autumn and what better time to cleanse and recharge a space than at the beginning of a new season? Simmer pots always make me feel so cozy and bring a sense of warmth that other spells simply cannot. May your autumn be full of abundance, love, and joy as we head toward the longest night.

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