Spiritual Activism

Introduction coming soon...


coming soon...


Social Justice & Anti Racism


Social Justice & Anti Racism
coming soon...

  • Anti-Racism Resources: A compilation of various media resources geared towards white people and parents to deepen their anti-racism work.
  • Racial Equity Tools: A vast collection of free resources for understanding race and racism.
  • (download their complete guide)
  • Black Disabled Woman Syllabus: a compilation of resources that accurately explains the diverse forms of Blackness that exist for Black women, and how the lives of Black disabled women meshed within that discourse.

1 comment :

  1. I've been practicing over 40 years and grown very tired of finding the same old basics rechewed and reguritated, both in print and online. It's refreshing to find some new perspectives and magyckal engagement in our current social struggles


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