Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Strawberry Freezer Jam Love Spell

love spell, spell, ritual, magick, magic, witchcraft, strawberry, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, occult,

Strawberry season is well on its way here in Georgia, and as such, we ventured out to the local farm to pick us some delectable, juicy strawberries. Picking fresh strawberries is my favorite part of Spring, although in most places strawberries don't ripen until Summer. Either way, heading out to the country for a morning out in the fresh air is on the top of my list of things to do as soon as the strawberries are ready. I try to make it out every year, and each time I come home with more strawberries than before; they are just that good! I love to eat them fresh or dehydrated where they turn into gummies, but my all-time favorite way to enjoy strawberries is through strawberry freezer jam. It also happens to be my father's favorite, so I am also sure to bring him some once it's ready. And every year, I am sure to fill each jar with love, a simple kitchen witch spell I am passing on to each of you today.

Now I know love spells get a lot of flack, but this one isn't going to make anyone fall madly in love with you against their will. It's designed to let them know you love them and can be "spiced" up, if you will, to induce amorous feelings if you so wish. However, I usually make this for my dad and co-workers, so I'm not looking to do anything other than let them know I care about them. If you are worried about free will, this isn't a spell that will infringe on that right.

What You'll Need

  • 4 Cups Strawberries (2 cups crushed)
  • 4 cups sugar
  • Sure Gel Pectin
  • 3/4 cup water
  • Freezer-safe jars
  • Cinnamon (optional)

What to Do

The recipe I use to make freezer jam is the one featured in the Sure Gel Pectin recipe. Make sure you follow it exactly as stated, otherwise your freezer jam will not set and you will be left with a syrupy mess!

During the Waxing or Full Moon, mix your crushed strawberries with your sugar. Stir the mixture clockwise to draw love in. As you do, envision the people you wish to share the jam with. See them delighted and thankful for the wonderful gift, smiles adorning their faces. Remember how much you love and care for them and pour this energy into the mixture. See it filling with pink, red, and golden light as you infuse it with your love. Continue stirring and say, "Strawberries red and sugar sweet, let those close know how much they mean to me." Allow this mixture to sit for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

In a saucepan, mix your water and pectin and bring to a rolling boil for one minute. Stir constantly then combine with the strawberry-sugar mixture. Stir clockwise to combine the two completely while saying, "Pectin bind this spell together, seal in the love that shall not weather." Immediately jar and allow to sit at room temperature for 24 hours before refrigerating or freezing.

If you wish to add a little spice to your love life and conjure some amorous feelings from a partner, add a pinch of cinnamon to the recipe, while saying, "I add this cinnamon to spice up my love life. Bring me the passion I seek."

Why You Did It

Understanding the why's of a spell are just as important as performing it. It helps you understand the process so you can modify the spell or ritual to suit your needs and helps guide you to write your own. It's my intention that by providing these explanations, that you can build a better understanding of how spells are written and executed so you can modify and build your own spells (the goal of my Spellcraft Series). 

For this spell/ritual, you have two options for the Moon phase, giving you ample time to make your freezer jam before your strawberries sour. Both the Waxing and Full Moons are about manifestation, especially if you are looking to bring something new into your life, such as spicing your love life up a bit. These are also the perfect Moon phases for love spells, whether you are promoting friendship or seeking a new relationship. 

love spell, spell, ritual, magick, magic, witchcraft, strawberry, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, occult,

The main ingredient in this spell is the strawberries! Strawberries, which are red, heart-shaped, and governed by Venus, have long been associated with love. They are considered a fruit of passion and according to Roman mythology, are said to have arisen when Venus wept for the death of Adonis, her lover. Furthermore, the idea of strawberries being a symbol is so engrained in modern society that on Valentine's Day, chocolate cover strawberries are commonly exchanged as a token of love. Due to their color, shape, and mythological and modern associations,  strawberries the perfect fruit for a love spell, especially a freezer jam. 

The sugar is added to sweeten the spell, enhancing the feeling of love, as well as to stabilize the mixture so it can set up properly. It's more than just a bit of spellwork here. The ingredients were combined by stirring clockwise to bring things to you and those partaking of the jam, while your visualization and energy raising infused your love and kind feelings into the strawberries and sugar. Finally, the pectin was added to bind the ingredients together, including binding your intentions into the spell so they don't wander off. Energy has a habit of dissipating and the pectin is able to bind this energy to the spell, as well as bind the ingredients so you end up with a jam instead of syrup.

If you added cinnamon to your jam, this was done to "spice" up your love life. Cinnamon is associated with love and sexual desire due to it being a "hot" herb. The spiciness of cinnamon is said to heat things up and therefore explains cinnamon's association with the element Fire. The powers of cinnamon were so potent, it is believed the Egyptian queen Cleopatra included cinnamon in her famous seductive oils to increase her allure.

Wish to break this spell? Toss the jam out! 

Remember to record this ritual on your ritual/spell worksheet or in your Book of Shadows for reference later.

I hope each of you enjoys the first fruits of Spring and Summer!

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Monday, May 17, 2021

Review: Sacred Hags Oracle by Danielle Dulsky and Janine Houseman

oracle cards, divination, hag, holy wild, dulsky, pagan, witch, witchy, occult, wicca, wiccan, neopagan, witchcraft

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a free copy of this deck in exchange for an honest review.

I love Dulsky's work, having reviewed both Holy Wild and Seasons of Moon and Flame here on the blog over the years. In fact, I was reading Holy Wild while going through abdominal surgery and I will never forget how it helped get me through that trying time. Needless to say, when I was sent a copy of Dulsky's new oracle deck, Sacred Hags Oracle, I was excited to start working with them. If you have read Dulsky's prior works, or are looking for a way to delve deeper into the lessons she outlines in her books, I highly encourage you to pick up her new oracle deck. It's the perfect companion, and I am shocked these cards were not released sooner.

oracle cards, divination, hag, holy wild, dulsky, pagan, witch, witchy, occult, wicca, wiccan, neopagan, witchcraft

The deck consists of 56 cards, divided up into four suits: The Sacred Hags, The Seasons, The Stories, and The Spells. The Sacred Hags represent "elderly guidance and grandmotherly wisdom," some of which are featured in her books, while The Seasons, 14 cards total, represent the lunar cycle and pertinent times in your life such as childhood. The Story cards, on the other hand, represent major life events, lessons learned, challenges, etc on your journey of life. Finally, The Spells cards are "medicine cards," offering meaningful advice on the next steps you should take. Each card is beautifully designed by Janine Houseman who offered insights into the cards meaning through the illustrations, colors, and overall design. However, each card is also clearly labeled and numbered, with each suit containing a custom-designed sigil. Houseman is considered the sigil witch after all. Her cards would not be complete without the incorporation of sigils. Furthermore, each card is thoroughly explained within the guidebook, so you can work intuitively with the cards or with the guidebook to determine meanings and revelations. 

oracle cards, divination, hag, holy wild, dulsky, pagan, witch, witchy, occult, wicca, wiccan, neopagan, witchcraft

The guidebook is clearly written by Dulsky herself, as the text is beautifully poetic and magical. Dulsky not only opens the book with a poetic journey but also offers six detailed opening rituals to begin working with the cards. You read that right, SIX. This provides the user with a number of ways to work with these cards, making the deck accessible to all those that pick it up. I greatly appreciated the variety and inclusivity of the rituals. She then offers up a variety of spreads the user could potentially work with before finally delving into each of the card's deeper meanings. Each card description includes a picture of the card, a "Grandmother speaks" introduction (a concept found in her other works), a morning ritual, and a moonlit ritual to better connect with the card. I love the morning and moonlit rituals as they help you connect with each card individually. Like the process outlined by Lara Veleda Vesta in Wild Soul Runes, Dulsky promotes developing a deep relationship with each card over the course of days or weeks to fully connect with the oracle deck.

oracle cards, divination, hag, holy wild, dulsky, pagan, witch, witchy, occult, wicca, wiccan, neopagan, witchcraft

Despite how much I love the concept and the guidebook, I am unimpressed with the quality of the cards. They are glossy and printed on a rather thin card stock. With multiple uses, these cards will degrade quickly and require a replacement which defeats the connection and energy you have with the deck. However, if this is a deck you plan to only use once in a while, then it should last you longer. Again, if you are looking for a new set of oracle cards or looking for a way to connect more deeply with Dulsky's other works, I encourage you to give this lovely deck a look! Sacred Hags Oracle by Danielle Dulsky and Janine Houseman and available now!

oracle cards, divination, hag, holy wild, dulsky, pagan, witch, witchy, occult, wicca, wiccan, neopagan, witchcraft
Dulsky even shows up in the cards as Blood of the Warrioress!

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Friday, May 14, 2021

Book Review: A Witch's Guide to Wildcraft by JD Walker

herb, wildcrafting, herb magic, green witch, green witchcraft, kitchen witch, kitchen witchcraft, book review, witchy, witchcraft, witch, occult, hedgewitch, magick, magic, ritual, spell, witchery

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

As this year continues, my list of awesome occult books grows. Today I have yet another book review on a book you witches will want to get your hands on! A Witch's Guide to Wildcraft: Using Common Plants to Create Uncommon Magic by JD Walker covers a variety of plants most witches in North America can find right in their backyard for use in their magical endeavors. I couldn't be more thrilled with such a book as many of the herbal books on the market cover the same basic plants, many of which are not available in Georgia. While that's fine, it makes it difficult to practice more local witchcraft when every herbal spell book calls for plants I don't have easy access to.

Walker, a horticulturist, master gardener, and fellow witch, begins the book by discussing the basics of wildcrafting, including setting some ground rules for gathering from both an ecological and witchy point of view. As an environmental science teacher, I greatly appreciated her discussion of threatened and endangered species. It's important to note that not all plants are threatened or endangered in every area so prior to harvesting, you should check with your local and state governments. Thankfully in the United States, each state has a comprehensive list of threatened and endangered species per the Endangered Species Act. Walker provides detailed information on how to go about researching local and state regulations on wildcrafting, making it easy for the reader to find the needed information prior to harvesting. Walker then goes on to discuss the foundations of a magical, herbal practice, from proper harvesting techniques to planetary influences for each herb, including which signs work well together and which don't. This is something I find lacking in a large number of herbal books. Sure, the planetary correspondences are there and a reverence for the plant's spirit, but there is very little talk about how the herbs actually work together and that despite what some people may say, not all herbs play well together magically. I appreciated this deeper look into how different planetary signs and magical correspondences work or fail to work together in magical workings. Understanding magical interactions are the foundation of successful witchcraft and is often overlooked in beginner books. Building upon this, Walker suggests planetary times to harvest herbs, but also encourages the reader to accept the gifts the Universe provides, time be damned. Before covering each herb in detail, Walker provides several tables that classify the herbs based on their planet correspondence, moon phase, elemental correspondences, and magical correspondences. This makes it super easy to reference the herbs quickly to find exactly what you need without having to read through each plant individually in the second part of the book. I love that these lists make the book more accessible and useable as a reference material, one that I will likely return to often. 

In the second half of the book, Walker goes into detail about 32 common plants found in North America from boxwood to willow. For each plant, she includes a picture for identification, Latin name, location, parts used, hardiness zones, planetary ruler, uses, edibility, warnings, written description, history of use from a horticultural perspective, and finally the magical uses of the plants. Whew! You get a ton of practical information, all tightly packed into each plant section. Many sources, including my own Herbarium posts, don't often refer to which part of the plant is used magically. I appreciate Walker's deliberate inclusion of the part of the plant used and why that part of the plant is used. Each part corresponds slightly differently magically, and this should be taken into account when working a spell. The root of a dandelion acts differently than the flowers and it's important to understand this distinction. All of the book is thoroughly referenced, with intext citations and annotated sources. I greatly appreciated the references and complete bibliography at the end of the book. Finally, Walker offers a magical project for each and every plant; yes, every single plant has a spell, ritual, or craft associated with it. I absolutely loved this! Most books include all these magical uses, but then don't offer a way to practice the magic; Walker defies this trend, offering recipes and directions for runes, cherry jam, glamour toner, floor washes, bath mixtures, besoms, and asperging wands. This was my favorite part of the book, but for some of the projects, I would have liked to see the inclusion of visual instructions instead of just written ones. I am a pretty visual person, so I struggle with written directions when constructing something.

If you are looking at growing your magical practice with herbs, this is certainly the book for you. Unfortunately, the plant section will be limited for those outside of North America and Europe, but the information is still worth reading for those in other areas, as Walker offers new insight into plant magic not covered in other texts. A Witch's Guide to Wildcraft: Using Common Plants to Create Uncommon Magic by JD Walker is available now, and I promise you won't regret picking up this fantastic resource. 

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Monday, May 10, 2021

Magical Properties of Citrine

citrine, witchcraft, crystal magic, witch, wiccan, wicca, pagan, neopagan, occult, gem, stone

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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Book Review: Wild Soul Runes by Lara Veleda Vesta

runes, divination, book review, witchy, witchcraft, witch, occult, hedgewitch, magick, magic, ritual, spell, witchery

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This has probably been one of the best years so far for occult books. It is rare for me to thoroughly enjoy so many and add them to my must-have list, but here I am, yet again, adding another book to the list. There is a shift occurring in the occult book market; many publishers are moving away from traditionally Wiccan beginner-type books in favor of expanding their beginner and intermediate books to include a variety of magical and occult practices from around the world as well as introducing books on more advanced topics, such as runes, wildcrafting, and spirit work. I am all for this transition, as the beginner information is readily available in hundreds of books, blogs, and forums, while intermediate and advanced magic is few and far between. Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine by Lara Veleda Vesta is just another book in this trend toward more advanced topics.

Once again, I absolutely loved this book. Both sides of my family have roots that trace back to Nordic countries, so anything to do with their magical practices has always fascinated me. I made my own rune set several years ago, but I haven't really worked with the runes since making the set. I honestly feel bad about this, but I was never sure where to start. I feel a little more comfortable with tarot cards, but even then I prefer getting answers to my questions through hedge riding. After reading Wild Soul Runes, that is about to change. Vesta begins her book by breaking down the history of the runes, which she mentions is very limited. She pulls from a number of sources, including the original Poetic Edda, the contemporary Bruce Dickins translation, and her own translation. The fact that Vesta spent hours translating the Poetic Edda herself in order to build a better relationship with the runes is the mark of a true practitioner. If I am going to take rune advice from anyone, it's going to be her. She is truly an expert. I was utterly fascinated by the history of the runes and the sources Vesta pulled from, all of which are perfectly outlined in the bibliography.

The second half of the book is designed as a workbook to help you build a relationship with each rune. Vesta suggests working with each rune for at least one week before moving on to the next. She encouraged the reader to set up an altar dedicated to the rune and spend at least 10 minutes a day building on the relationship. She includes a set of "Inquiry" questions for each rune to journal about and provides the original Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem, Dickins Translation, and her own translation to work with and translate for yourself. The Elder Futhark runes also include an Icelandic rune poem and Norwegian rune poem complete with Dickin's and Vesta's translations for you to translate as well. Not only does she include the traditional Elder Futhark runes, but she also includes the Anglo-Northumbrian or Jotun Runes, which she feels cannot be separated from the Elder Futhark runes. Spread throughout the weeks, Vesta includes some reflections, moments for the reader to pause and think about their journey so far with the runes. I enjoyed each of these pauses and know they will make more sense once I start my rune journey in full.

Vesta ends the book with her experiences, saying "I feel that showing the process can sometimes support another's journey" and I couldn't agree more. This is why I started my blog in the first place; to share my journey to support others. If we were all a little more open about our practice, maybe we could help others grow as well. I will be honest, I skimmed over her experiences because I did not want them to influence my own journey that I plan to embark upon this week. I appreciated Vesta's openness to discuss her practice, including her failures while working with the runes. It allows the reader to connect to her writing and sets her apart from a number of other authors.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book and ordered some notebooks specifically for the purpose of starting my own 33-week rune journey. Hopefully, I come out with a deeper relationship with my runes and the desire to continue to use them for divinatory purposes. If you are looking to learn more about the runes, their history, and build a deeper relationship with them, this is the book for you. Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine by Lara Veleda Vesta is available now and I promise it will not leave you disappointed. 

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Monday, May 3, 2021

Interview With a Witch: Jocelyn from Triple Wick Goddess

I'll say it again for those in the back, I looooooove supporting small businesses and bringing attention to new witchy businesses. Every time, you wonderful readers come through too, and I love that even more! Earlier this month, after much back and forth and complete upheaval on my end, I interviewed Jocelyn, the witch and candle maker behind Triple Wick Goddess.

However, before I jump right into that interview, I want to talk a little about what I think of her amazing candles. Jocelyn was kind enough to send me two candles last week, one of which we have teamed up to giveaway to you lovely witches! There is more about this giveaway at the bottom of this post, but I want to discuss just how amazing these spell candles actually are. First, I could smell both candles the moment I opened the shipping bag. Jocelyn specifically curates each candle based on the intention behind the candle, using scents that correspond with these intentions. They both smell heavenly, especially the Friendship Bond candle, which also features a dual color of two shades of pink.  All of her candles include intricately designed tops that also correspond with the intention of the spell, items that you can keep after the spell candle has burned down. She includes a number of different items, including large, sustainably sourced crystals, herbs, glitter, spell jars, and so much more. These artistically designed candles are beautifully handcrafted and there simply isn't anything quite like them on the market. I am so blessed to have one of these lovely candles to call my own, and can't wait to incorporate it into my own spell work.

So what does Jocelyn have to say about herself and her business?

What brought you to witchcraft in the first place?
I am actually a generational witch, however, I didn't start practicing until I was in my 20s because I thought my aunts and everyone who was a practitioner were just weird. I was like I donno if I want to do that. That's weird. You know? You're in high school, and you have a lot of outside pressures, and I went to a Catholic high school of all places. It was a very weird dynamic for me to start anything early. So I guess I was like 21, 22, and I finally went to art school and I was like oh, I don't have to prescribe to this box mentality that I was kinda shoved into. I was like ok so maybe I'll open up more to this. So I started little things and kind of shadowing my one aunts who is a very seasoned practitioner and kind of started diving into it a little more. I'm 30 years old right now, I'd say right around 25 I started to fully understand my path in witchcraft and started doing candle magic more than anything else because it's something for me that felt easy to manipulate. It also felt foolproof when I started. How bad can I mess up a candle ritual? It can't be that bad! So that's kind of how I started in it.

Does your mom or dad practice or is it just your aunts and uncle and extended family?  
So it's extended family. My father is an Italian Catholic and my mother's side is from Iceland, with lots of pagans. So that kind of determined my path right there. I was raised very Catholic from him and went to an all-girl Catholic school for a time. It was such a weird dynamic. My father would always refer to it as my "hoodoo aunts" and brushing them off so it took time for me to figure out what it was about without his influence.

How would you classify the type of witchcraft that you do?
I actually follow more of a Wiccan path but with that being said I do not consider myself Wiccan. I kind of forged my own way. I've pulled from all over the place just because I needed to find what worked for me. There are a lot of elements of Wicca I do follow and there are definitely elements of Wicca I don't follow. I feel like that's okay because I've made a melting pot of what does work. If I had to put a name on it I would consider myself more Wicca and green witch than anything else. I love playing with my herbs and growing things; anything that gets me out in nature.

What got you into the business of making spell candles in particular?
It all started with my doing my own candle magic and from there it was people who had the same ideals or were trying to manifest things for their life would come over and ask about stuff that I had out for myself. They eventually asked if I could make them some. So it started as more of a personal way to manifest then for friends and family. From there, word of mouth spread, and I had to make a choice. In a way, I was forced into it. I didn't have time to make everything everyone was asking for, so I either just jump into it and quit my job and hope this works or this is going to flop and I'll have to go get a new job and it'll be fine. So I just pulled the chord and jumped. My business has only technically been fully open for six months but within that six months, I'm already to the point where I won't have to be returning to work in the foreseeable future. I definitely have an entrepreneurial spirit. I'm constantly learning and I still have lots to learn.

What do you feel sets your candles apart from the dozens of spell candles on the market?
You know what I've really noticed between my competition and myself is the little details. A lot of my competitors aren't necessarily using all the elements they could be using to put an impactful manifestation or intention into their candle and what I mean by that is that when I pour my candles it's poured during a specific moon phase. I make sure everything is cleansed beforehand and make it a full charge at the end of everything. Depending on what the intention of the candle is, this is usually under the full moon, but others require other moon phases. I also put a spell or intention cards with each of them and I think it's just those little details and that I give you a well-rounded almost ritual aspect that my competitors don't have.

I've looked at your candles. They are absolutely beautiful and they are much bigger than many on the market. Roughly how long do your candles burn for?
They are all soy wick candles with wood wicks instead of cotton. With wood wicks, you get a longer burn time so my average candle burns closer to 10-12 hours instead of average 6-8 hours. 

Nice! So, you can definitely use these over multiple days and let them burn for a time and relight them especially for spells that take 7 days or something like that?

That's great! When you're designing your candles, how do you decide what type of candle you're going to make and the ingredients you're going to use?
I ended up with 36 core collection candles and it was essentially just the intentions or manifestations I kept getting requests for. For those core 36, I basically looked at each element and built it like a piece of art. Like I said before, I went to art school. My background is art and fine art and I love the creative outlet this has given me. I build them from the ground up. I think about color. I think about the layers that are needed. For example, I have a candle called Grief Release, and it's an ombre that goes from black on top to white on the bottom in 7 different layers. Its to guide you through the 7 different stages of grief. So for the concept of the design, the colors that I use, the scents, the herbs, the crystals, all of it, I take into consideration what exactly you are trying to do with it. Even with the top design depending on what the candle is meant for will determine how many crystals I include, whether or not it has glitter, whether or not it's a cluster formation, etc. Each one is definitely made to be special and a work of art for spellwork

Do you have a favorite candle that's for sale right now?
They are like my children. They are all my favorite, but the one I use for myself is the Manifestation candle. It holds a special place in my heart because it's the first candle someone asked for from me. I really look a lot of time and effort to put that one together. The color theory behind it is something that really resonates with me.

Do you have a best seller?
Bestseller would definitely be the Grief Release, unfortunately, which I think is a reflection of the time we are in. The other one would be Raise Vibes. That is another common need for my fellow witches

Yeah, really telling regarding what we are going through.
Yeah, I can definitely see the shift in the collective mind depending on what I am selling that month. It was crazy. Right after Christmas, and I donno exactly what sparked it, but all of my candles dropped sales except for Anti Anxiety, Anti Depression, and Grief Release and it wasn't until mid-March that I started seeing other candles pick back up again.

I would be interested to see what happens in the next year. How that shifts.
Me too.

You mentioned in your last email that you were introducing a new product line. What sorts of candles will be in that?
I am! I am going to be doing mini-collections that will be dropping quarterly. What these mini-collections are is I am going to be featuring 4 candles that have a different theme. My first one this coming month is the Goddess Collection. They can be used as offering or just to simply try and have that connection to the goddess. I am doing Hekate, Lilith, Aphrodite, and Selene. I think that's a good base for me to start with that goddess collection. Next will be the gods, then I have some astrology ones lined up. The Goddess Collection will be limited, so once they are gone, they are gone. They are going to be more intricate than the permanent collection. They are going to have different charms or spellwork jars and some of them even have pressed flowers involved in them. They are definitely going to be more elevated than the core collection. I am super excited to debut those goddesses as my mini collection.

I am looking forward to the astrology candles, especially the Libra candle because I'm a Libra.
Ok, fair enough! I'm actually going to do 3 separate ones. Its going to be the rising sun and moon sign in 3 separate mini collections.

That sounds awesome!
Thank you. I'm still trying to figure out the logistic of those which is why they are after the gods and goddesses. I consider myself to be like a wax artist and I've been trying a bunch of different techniques recently. I just figured out how to use mica dyes within my wax which is not something I've seen anyone else trying to do. It's always wax dyes. So I figured out how to glitter with mica. Oh my god, it's so pretty. I'm so excited for these.

Are you planning on doing any non-jarred candles, like rolled or dipped candles in the future?
I don't think I'm going to be doing rolled or dipped simply because the equipment that is needed for those is not something I have the ability to invest in at this point. With that being said, I am going to do a line of candles that will be more cost-effective versions of the spells candles I have right now. I do know that my costs of candles are a little high, but they are more of a niche artwork type of candle compared to other spell candles on the market. I am going to be doing essentially large tea light collections that will be smaller, more affordable that will have the same elevation to them. They will have micro crystals instead of big chunks. I just got back from Florida where I met with my crystal guy. That's something that will be coming out early April or May. I'll probably always make container candles because I like how simple they are and don't feel like I can customize them as much then they are dipped.

How did you come up with the name of your company: Triple Wick Goddess?
It's obviously a play off of the triple moon, but when I was first starting to be more accepting of my family and all that kind of stuff, that was the first thing my aunt taught me: the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. That is something that has always stuck with me and been very impactful to me so I wanted to incorporate that into business and practice.

What is your favorite way to incorporate candles into your own practice?
Oh my god, I use candles for everything. Like everything. Sleep better at night? Light a candle. Get rid of anxiety? I'm lighting a candle. I love the versatility of it. I use them for literally everything. You know in My Big Fat Greek Wedding how the grandmother is a Windex fanatic. I am going to be the candle fanatic grandmother. Everything will be fixed with a candle and it's going to be ok. I like the simplicity; I like that anyone can understand how to use candle magic. It's simple and inclusive. There's not much to do. I feel like the only rule with candle magic is don't blow it out otherwise you've blown away your intention. As long as you snuff it, you're good.

What do you use to scent your candles?
I use a lot of different things. My favorite thing to use is different balms, but balms are harder to get candles to scent with so I do use essential oils. I'm very picky about what goes into the candles. Everything has to be sustainably sourced and high caliber product. I want the best for my clients and in order to give them the best I have to use the best and that's sort of my mentality from start to finish.

Do you have any advice for new witches getting into candle magic?
Don't overthink it. The thing I've always admired about spell candles and magic, in general, is the simplicity of it. If you don't have something you can use something else. You can improvise. I feel like in my experience when a new witch approaches me they are so nervous about trying spell work and using tools. It's one of those things where you just jump in. It's nothing crazy. Nothing crazy is going to happen. Just try it and learn from it. Be open to the possibilities and jump right in.

Where can we find you online? Are you just on Etsy or do you have a website?
I will have a website that will be launching on May 1st, 2021. We will be fully launched online and later this month [April] we will be announcing our Goddess Collection and Candle Witch Twitch! I'm going to be doing Twitch workshops. Essentially it will be a Twitch stream of me creating candles and I'll also be hosting candles once a month with a Patreon set up. 

Do you have a newsletter people can sign up for?
Once the website launches they'll be able to sign up for the newsletter. Keep an eye on my Instagram to keep up with everything that is going on.

Are you also on Facebook or Twitter?
Yes! Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Etsy!

I so enjoyed talking to Jocelyn on the phone. In fact, our conversation went on for another 15 minutes after this final question. We also talked for a good 20 minutes before the interview even started. She is an amazing young woman, so full of life, energy, and passion for what she creates, characteristics that flow over into her candles. I'm not going to include it here in the interview, but Jocelyn has some other amazing things in the work regarding her Twitch stream and Patreon that I'm excited to be involved with as a guest! 

To get ready for her new site launch ( and new collection releases, Triple Wick Goddess and Flying the Hedge have teamed up to do an awesome giveaway! We are giving away a Friendship Bond candle, perfect for spellwork between you and your bestie witch! And this time, you can enter multiple times by entering on both Facebook and Instagram. Directions on how to enter are below.

To Enter via Instagram:
+Follow @flyingthehedge and @triplewickgoddess
+Like the giveaway post on @flyigthehedge
+Tag a friend you would love to light this friendship candle with!

To Enter via Facebook:
+Follow @flyingthehedge and @triplewickgoddess
+Like the giveaway post on @flyingthehedge
+Tag a friend you would love to light this friendship candle with!

Rules and Conditions:
+Must be 18 years or older
+U.S. Residents Only
+Entires must be completed by May 7, 2021, at 11:59pm
+One grand prize winner will be selected at random using a random number generator and notified via tag and DM through Facebook or Instagram.
+Entries via  Instagram and Facebook will be tallied together for one winner only, not one winner per platform.

This promotion is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram, Facebook, Blogger, or Google. By entering, entrants confirm that they are 18+ years of age, release Instagram, Facebook, Blogger, and Google of responsibility, and agree to Instagram's, Facebook's, Blogger's, and Google's terms of use.

Good luck!

If you liked this post and would like to support future content, please consider leaving a small tip in the jar. 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Beltane/May Day/Spring Equitherm Altar 2021

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy

While the history and folklore behind the Spring Equinox and Ostara are limited and sketchy at best, this is not true of May Day, also known as Beltane or the Spring Equitherm. May Day is one of the most commonly celebrated pagan festivals across Europe and maybe the world, being a time of liminality when the faeries and spirits roam the Earth, lovers make vows, and people and animals are ritually cleansed with fire. Much like Samhain, the veil between our world and that of the Otherworld thins, allowing spirits to roam freely. However, unlike Samhain, most of the spirits associated with May Day tend to be more pleasant. This is the perfect time of year for spirit work, hedge riding, fertility magic, making vows, and otherwise enjoying the beautiful weather. I spent my morning in a field of strawberries, picking several pounds worth of strawberries for snacks, pies, and jams.

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy

1. White Baby's Breath- Unfortunately we had a really late frost here in Georgia this year and it killed off many of my spring blooms and forced my beautiful Eden rose back into hibernation. This means I do not have fresh flowers for my altar this year as nothing but the irises are blooming. While yes, I could have put some beautiful irises on this altar, I have never been able to bring myself to cut the blooms from any of my iris plants. They are too beautiful to be brought indoors to whither quickly. So instead I opted for some dried baby's breath this year which I have had from various bouquets over the years. Baby's breath, which is common in wedding bouquets, symbolized purity and innocence. Since Beltane is a popular time for weddings, vow renewals, and handfastings, I thought the flower fitting to grace this year's altar. (Where did I get it: Gifted; Cost: Free)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy

2. Lanterns- The lanterns flanking the altar represent the Sun and his masculine energies that fertilize the Earth. On May Day the Sun and Earth are officially wed, bringing forth fruitful blooms and new life.  (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree 2017; Cost: $2)

3. Carnelian, Amethyst, and Bloodstone- The three crystals I picked correspond with the energy of the sabbat. Carnelian represents the Sun, strength, and vitality while the bloodstone represents health and vitality. In between the carnelian and bloodstone is amethyst. Again, Beltane is a time of liminality, allowing for easy spirit communication, especially with faeries. Amethyst is a natural amplifier of psychic abilities, therefore enhancing your abilities to communicate with the Otherworld. Its purple color also naturally attracts faeries, thus making it easier to communicate with them as well. (Where did I get it: Metaphysical Stores; Cost: ~$5)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy

4. Nine of Fire Tarot Card- I knew I wanted to use a Dreams of Gaia card on this altar, but I wasn't sure which. When I came upon the Nine of Fire I immediately knew this was the perfect card to represent Beltane. The young Lord of Fire represents the young Sun who is just beginning to enter his prime at Beltane. In his hand is a beautiful flower, representing the Sun's connection to Earth and how he provides the life-giving energy needed for the Earth to bloom radiantly. When I looked up the meaning of the card, I was not disappointed. The Nine of Fire is associated with vitality, fruition, inspiration, and creation, all of which are also associated with Beltane. Remember witches, listen to your intuition! (Where did I get it: Amazon Dreams of Gaia Tarot Deck; Cost: $0.25; full deck $29)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy

5. Bumble Bees- The bees, which are technically carpenter bees, represent the feminine, fertility, teamwork, growth, and sweetness of life. Bees are hard at work pollinating flowers, building hives, and making sweet honey. Bees are also representative of the Sun, making them a masculine aspect as well. This duality represents the union between both the masculine and feminine to bring about life at Beltane. I picked up both of these beautiful carpenter bees last week while out for a walk with my partner. I could hear them calling to me to be brought home instead of being left for the ants. (Where did I get it: FoundCost: Free)

6. Deer Antler- The antler represents the masculine and fertility, as well as the connection between our realm and the Otherworld. Deer are said to be able to freely cross between realms to bring messages to and from the Otherworld. They are spirit walkers, and with May Day being a time of liminality, the veil is thin and spirit crossing is made easier. Furthermore, antlers are associated with vitality, strength, and fertility as male deer use their horns to win a mate, all of which are aspects associated with May Day. (Where did I get it: Found; Cost: Free)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy

7. Ivy- The silk ivy represents wealth, abundance, and fertility, as well as the Sun or Horned God who is growing in strength during Beltane. I also felt it tied the altar together nicely. Originally I did not have ivy on this altar, but my gut was telling me I was missing a key element. I dug through several boxes of altar decorations, feeling each item and speaking with it before coming upon the ivy at the bottom. I almost begged to be placed on the altar, so here it is! (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree; Cost: $1)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy

TOTAL COST: ~$8.50

Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found, made, or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. I hope you find this sort of breakdown helpful, especially those of you looking to create Instagram perfect altars on a budget!

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy

Did you do anything special for Beltane this year? As I mentioned above, I went strawberry picking. Some of these beautiful strawberries will be used later this month in a love spell, so keep an eye out for that in the next 2 weeks! Let me know your plans in the comments below. Have a wonderful Beltane, witches!

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