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1. Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen- This is a fairly popular book among the witch community, just like Practical Magic. In fact, this story is very similar to Practical Magic in that it tells the story of two sisters, one who carefully manages the family home cooking delicious, magical creations from the family garden while the rebellious sister runs amuck until she ends up back home with a daughter seeking refuge. Needless to say, its a fun quick read that is sure to delight as you sit among your own garden or at the local park.
I suggest sipping on Mother's Bouquet by Harney & Sons over ice while reading this book. It contains chamomile, rosebuds, cornflower, and orange peel, making it the perfect floral delight to accompany the story.
2. The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw- I read this book last year and devoured it in a weekend. Ernshaw has a gift with words, so much so I could feel the cold breeze on my face and smell the salty air of Sparrow. The Wicked Deep tells the tale of the town of Sparrow that drowns three sisters accused of witchcraft around the same time as the Salem Witch Trials. The sisters subsequently return each summer, dragging unsuspecting townsfolk and tourists to their watery deaths from June 1st until the Summer Solstice. Penny, a local girl, can see these sisters and is torn between saving her love interest or herself. There are so many beautiful lines in this book, but there are three in particular that I loved beyond all others.
"Love is an enchantress- devious and wild. It sneaks up behind you, soft and gentle and quiet, just before it slits your throat."
"But magic is not always so linear. It was born from odium. From love. From revenge."
And finally "Magic is a tricky thing. Not easily measured or metered or weighed."
It's not full of a bunch of witchcraft, but I enjoyed the story greatly.
I suggest drinking a strong black tea with a dash of sugar and milk with this tale. Despite it occurring in the summer, you are bound to get the chills reading this one.
3. The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert- Another quick read, this fantasy meets horror story follows young Alice on her quest to find her mother who was stolen away by characters from her grandmother's cult-classic fairy tale compilation on the Hinterlands after her grandmother dies alone in her mansion known as Hazel Wood. She teams up with an unlikely classmate who is a fan of Alice's grandmother's work in an attempt to solve the mystery and bring Alice's mother home. There are some Alice In Wonderland-esque moments, but overall, unique. I will say, there is a bit of ableism in the book, but other than that I enjoyed the read.
I suggest pairing this horror story with Peaches and Ginger Tea by Harney & Sons. The peach flavors scream of summer while the ginger has a bite that compliments this dark tale well. Drink warm or over ice.
4. The Hunter's Moon by O.R. Melling- This book is the first in a series of books about fairies, but this one can easily be read on its own without thought to the other books. Despite this, the whole Chronicle of Faerie series is fantastic and all of the books are summer reads. The Hunter's Moon, however, follows Gwen and her Irish cousin Findabhair who spend the summer traveling around Ireland visiting historical faerie sites. One night Fin is stolen away by the Faerie King and Gwen must find a way to get her cousin back before its too late.
Pair this book with an Irish breakfast tea for the sake of honoring Ireland. Besides, nothing wakes up one from a night of romping with the faeries like a stout Irish breakfast tea.
5. The Tree Shepherd's Daughter by Gillian Summers- This is another book in a long series (of 7 books, actually), but again, this one can be read alone. After her mother dies tragically, Keelie Heartwood is forced to move in with her father, a woodworker in a traveling Renaissance festival. Keelie doesn't know much about her father, and her "allergy" to wood and slightly pointed ears has her wondering if it has something to do with him. She quickly realizes there is more to the fair folk than there seems, and when disaster strikes Keelie must find a way to save herself and the others. I have actually read this book more than once, as it always gets me ready to go to Renn Fest, which occurs in the spring and early summer here in Georgia. This year, however, the festival will occur in October, but I still plan to grace these pages once again. Its another YA book, but perfect for as a quick read while on vacation or over a long weekend.
I would pair this book with Pink Rose Lemonade Tea from The Tea Spot. The unique floral concoction with a hint of lemon is calming and refreshing on a hot summer day.
6. The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black- If you have never read anything from Holly Black, you definitely should. All of her books on faeries are beautiful, fun, and quick reads, perfect for spring and summer. The Darkest Part of the Forest tells the story of siblings Hazel and Ben and the boy in the glass coffin with horns and pointed ears that suddenly awakes turning the whole town of Fairfold is turned upside down. I loved all the twists and turns in this wonderful book, and the inclusivity; that the girl is the warrior and the brother the lover.
Pair this book with Wedding Tea by Harney & Sons. This is my best friend's favorite tea and always reminds me of love. The lemon and vanilla pair beautifully together while the rosebuds tie it all together. While this story is intense at times, the deep love the characters have for one another sings throughout the story, making Wedding Tea a perfect pair.
7. The Waking Forest by Alyssa Wees- This is another slight horror meets fairytale. For the longest time, Rhea has been the only one to see a dense forest appear and disappear before her eyes. Each time, a scream pierces the sky, leaving Rhae feeling anxious and afraid. To the Witch, the forest is her home and a place of wishes for the children that visit her in their dreams. But suddenly, a mysterious shadowy figure appears in Rhea's attic and her mother and sisters begin going missing. Rhea's world collides with that of the Witch's and nothing is as it seems. This book takes a very serious turn on its head, leaving you screaming "WHAT?!" at the pages. Think M. Night Shamalan. Seriously.
I suggest drinking Seashore Breeze Iced Blend by Beach House Teas with this book. The unique combination of peppermint, spearmint, black tea, rosemary, ginger, hibiscus, and lemon peel will shock your tastebuds with each twist and turn of flavor, just as this tale will have your mind reeling. Plus, there is a lot of beach or beach-esque scenes in the book, making Seashore Breeze a great compliment to the story.
And there you have it, 7 witchy books for spring and summer that are sure to get you through the warm days ahead. Is there a witchy book you enjoy reading in the spring or summer? Have a tea you think pairs well with one of these books? Let me know in the comments below!

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