Friday, January 1, 2021

The Best Crystals for New Year

new year, crystal, crystal magic, magic, magick, goals, goal setting, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, spirituality, occult, grimoire,

Welcome to 2021! The new year often prompts us to look inward and inspires us to make changes. What better way to help you with your goals than a bit of crystal magic? These crystals will help you cleanse the previous year, especially after what 2020 has thrown at us, and set and maintain goals for the future. No matter what kind of goals you set or your budget, there is something for everyone. I tried to make the list a decent size, so hopefully, there is something on the list you can use to help you without breaking the bank!

Remember, when in doubt, the magic comes from within you. You don't need crystals to cleanse the previous year or set and maintain your goals. Heck, take a shower to cleanse yourself of 2020 and write your goals on some paper and hang it somewhere you will see them every day. These are also powerful spells and extremely practical. However, if you are like me and love working with crystals, try these crystals out for size!

Crystals for Cleansing to Previous Year

Renewal - Mental Clarity - Calm
Fluorite is a great crystal for cleansing and removing the previous year. It absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and anxiety, bringing calm and peace. Furthermore, it is able to clear confusion, increases concentration, and allows you to make wise decisions. Fluorite can be used to both clear the previous year and help you set goals for the future.

Black Tourmaline
Cleansing - Clearing - Grounding
Black Tourmaline is my go-to crystal for anything regarding cleansing, clearing, grounding, and protection. It is a powerful protector during hedge riding, which I often do to figure out new goals, and great at absorbing negative energy and clearing the way for the future. Use black tourmaline in your New Year rituals to let go of 2020 and set your goals for 2021.

Clear Quartz

Healing - Purification - Clarity
Clear Quartz is pretty universal and can be used for basically everything. It magnifies your intentions, clears the mind, amplifies your energy, and brings things into focus, thus making it the perfect crystal to cleanse yourself of the previous year in preparation for the next one.

Emotional Balance- Inner Peace - Clarity
Sodalite is a great balancing stone while simultaneously bringing clarity and inner peace. It also encourages rational thought, allowing you to work through the trials and tribulations you have endured the previous year while enhancing your self-trust and self-esteem. Sodalite is also the crystal of communication, allowing you to communicate your intentions in the coming new year.

Smoky Quartz
Transformation - Grounding - Balance
Like clear quartz, smoky quartz is able to amply energy, but it's also great at cleansing negativity and purging you any lingering negative effects from the previous year. Leave that trauma behind with smoke quartz and let it cleanse you for the future.

Intuition - Balance - Optimism
Above all else, amazonite is a soothing stone, calming the brain and nervous system simultaneously. Furthermore, it is a known balancer, which is great for entering a new year. It alleviates worry, fear, and emotional trauma, much needed after the year 2020 has been. 


Balance - Focus - Transformation
Malachite is a wonderful crystal for a multitude of reasons. It's great at bringing prosperity but is also capable of balancing your mind, helping you focus on your intentions, while also purifying your energy. These properties make it great for letting things go.

Balance - Optimism - Grounding
Hematite is a powerful grounder, allowing you to release negative energies and any thing else that may be holding you back. Use hematite during your rituals to cleanse the previous year and to help you focus on the future.

Crystals for Goal Setting, Perseverance, and Growth


Manifestation - Prosperity - Happiness
Citrine is a powerful energizer and opens your intuition. It also raises your self-esteem and therefore your confidence, allowing you to conquer all. When you are starting to lose focus on your goals and falling off the horse, use citrine to help you get back on track.

Lapis Lazuli

Renewal - Spiritual Awakening - Inner Strength
Lapis lazuli is a beautiful crystal and great for removing blockages. If you feel yourself getting stuck while trying to achieve your goals, turn to lapis lazuli. Furthermore, it helps with spiritual awakenings making it perfect for such goals. 


Destiny - Transformation - Strength
Oh, moonstone. Another one of my favorite crystals of all time. Sometimes referred to as the stone of destiny, moonstone helps you figure out the future, strengthen your resolve to get things done, and transform your life. It enhances your intuition and promotes inspiration, making it the perfect stone for goal-setting. Furthermore, moonstone is great at soothing anxiety and removing fears so hopefully, nothing will get in your way.


Motivation - Confidence - Rebirth
Carnelian is another motivator and can be used much the same way a citrine. However, carnelian also dispels apathy and promotes positive life choices, so if you are feeling particularly stuck or have made health-related goals, carnelian is your best friend.


Creativity - Inspiration - Self Discovery
The beautiful sheen of labradorite is known to spark creativity and inspire even the most stubborn of minds. It is the perfect companion for goal setting and discovering which path you should take forward to be your best self. 


Discipline - Breaking Addictions - Focus
Amethyst is particularly powerful in promoting discipline and focus while also helping your break any addictions. If you are trying to stop a habit, use amethyst to help you do so. Furthermore, amethyst is great for spiritual growth and astral travel making it a great crystal for these types of goals as well.


Courage - Hope - Energizing 
Garnet, with its blood-red color, is a great energizer but also grounding. If you feel yourself starting to slip on your goals, especially if you are losing hope or are fearful of taking the first steps, give this crystal a try.

Tiger's Eye

Courage - Strength - Calm
I consistently use Tiger's Eye to help me meet my goals when I feel myself starting to lose sight and willpower. Tiger's Eye helps you find your personal power and strengthen your willpower, helping motivate you to achieve your goals. 

And there you have it, 14 different crystals for cleansing the previous year, setting goals, growing and persevering. I wish you all the best in 2021!

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  1. What a phenomenal selection (and awesome post). So much positive, helpful, strong, inspiring, and beautiful energy and support at work with this mighty selection. Love it!

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  2. Great collection of crystals for everyone. Amazing!!!!


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