Tuesday, January 30, 2024

How to Enchant Your Jewelry with Glamour Magic For Beauty, Confidence, and Elegance

glamour, glamour magic, enchantment, charm, beauty, confidence, elegance, talisman,, spell, ritual, hedgecraft, hedge witch, green witch, kitchen witch, witchcraft, witch, pagan

Enchanting everyday items is a great way to work magic into your mundane life. Often, these are items you wear on your person every day, such as jewelry, but you can also enchant crystals, makeup, body creams, or clothing items. What you enchant the item with is boundless and should correspond with your needs and even the type of object you are enchanting. Jewelry, for example, is perfect for glamour enchants, as glamours are often used to enhance beauty and elegance, inspire confidence, or even attract a lover. Traditionally, glamour magic is used to change the spellcaster's appearance. This works not by literally changing your face or body, but by changing the way others perceive you. You have probably heard people say that those who exude confidence tend to be more attractive. Glamour magic works the same way, changing your appearance by changing the way you hold yourself and therefore how people perceive you. With Lupercalia and Valentine's Day just days away, what better time to attract a little love and beauty into your life than some glamour magic?

What You'll Need

  • Piece of jewelry, such as a ring, necklace, or earrings
  • Bowl of salt, large enough to place your jewelry in
  • Pink or white candle
  • Rose petals
  • Lavender
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Rose quartz and/or moonstone (chips will work great too)
  • Match or lighter

    glamour, glamour magic, enchantment, charm, beauty, confidence, elegance, talisman,, spell, ritual, hedgecraft, hedge witch, green witch, kitchen witch, witchcraft, witch, pagan

What to Do

Begin by cleansing and consecrating your space using your preferred method. If you wish, cast a circle and invite any spirits or deities associated with beauty, love, and confidence. Next, place the candle in the center of your bowl of salt and your jewelry around the candle. For example, if you are enchanting a necklace, make sure the necklace forms a circle around the candle; if you are enchanting earrings place each earring on either side of the candle. Make sure the jewelry is far enough away from the candle that it will not be damaged by the candle wax.

glamour, glamour magic, enchantment, charm, beauty, confidence, elegance, talisman,, spell, ritual, hedgecraft, hedge witch, green witch, kitchen witch, witchcraft, witch, pagan

Once your jewelry is placed in the salt, awaken your herbs and crystals using your preferred method. I like to blow gently onto my herbs and crystals to wake them up as it infuses them with a bit of my energy as well. Sprinkle the rose petals, lavender, and cinnamon in a circle around the candle, and jewelry. Add your rose quartz and/or moonstone to the bowl and light the candle. Hover your hands over the jewelry and say, "With rose and lavender and cinnamon true, I exude beauty and confidence through and through. What others see shall elegance be. Make me irresistible to others, drawing them to me like no other. As I will it, so shall it be." Visualize the jewelry filling with pink light, infusing it with beauty, love, and confidence.

Allow the candle to burn down completely before ending the ritual and donning your jewelry. When you feel the glamour fading, recharge the jewelry by repeating the above ritual, especially during the waxing or full moon.

Why You Did It

Understanding the whys of a spell (or recipe) is just as important as performing it. It helps you understand the process so you can modify the spell or ritual to suit your needs and helps guide you to write your own. It's my intention that by providing these explanations, you can build a better understanding of how spells are written and executed so you can modify and build your own spells (the goal of my Spellcrafting Series). 

This spell begins with placing your jewelry and candle in a bowl of salt. Salt is associated with cleansing and purification, and helps create a clean slate before charging the jewelry with your glamour magic. It also acts as a great stabilizer for the candle and working space for the entire spell, free of outside influences. A candle of either pink or white was used to infuse the spell with beauty and grace, as well as lead to the transformation you so desire. Fire is the element of new beginnings and transformations, and therefore is an excellent elemental ally when doing glamour magic. Jewelry was picked for this spell in particular because jewelry is worn often and associated with beauty and elegance, making it an excellent choice for glamour magic.

glamour, glamour magic, enchantment, charm, beauty, confidence, elegance, talisman,, spell, ritual, hedgecraft, hedge witch, green witch, kitchen witch, witchcraft, witch, pagan

The circle of herbs and crystals was chosen for their associations with beauty, love, and confidence. Rose petals are the quintessential flower of love and beauty, as well as lavender. Lavender is also associated with confidence as is cinnamon. Cinnamon also helps to strengthen the spell and bring luck. Rose quartz and moonstone, like the aforementioned herbs, are also associated with beauty, love, and confidence. They were placed in a circle around the jewelry and candle as circles are associated with wholeness, which is essential to promoting confidence.

Finally, your energy was added to the spell through words, motions, and visualization. Calling upon the elements to hear you make your intention known while hovering your hands over the jewelry and visualizing it filling with pink light binds the spell to you by infusing it with your energy. As you wear the charm, your energy will continue to pour into it, strengthening the bond you share. 

As with any spell, this one is not permanent and will require frequent refreshing. If you wish to break the spell, hold the jewelry in your hand, thank it for helping you, and let it know you release it of its duty. You can also let the spell wear off over time. You may experience some lingering side effects if you do this, but gradually the spell will dissipate. 

Remember to record this recipe in your Book of Shadows or use my Spell/Ritual Worksheet for reference later.


Glamour magic can take practice and starts within. No amount of glamour magic is going to make you confident if you don't put in the work. No matter what, remember you are a powerful witch capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. May 2024 be your year of transformation.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Magical and Medicinal Uses of Magnolia

magnolia, herbalism, herbal remedy, magic, witchcraft, herb magic, green witchcraft, hedgewitch, herb magic, herb magick, magick, magic, occult, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan

Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Powers: Abundance, Banishment, Fedility, Fertility, Growth, Self-Reliance, Tranquility, Wisdom
Magical Uses and History: Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus named the famously fragrant magnolia in 1737 in honor of the French botanist Pierre Magnol, who was one of the first to describe Magnolia virginiana, the American species of magnolia known throughout the South. The earliest record of the magnolia (Magnolia mexicana) in the West was Aztec illustrations of the flowers, which were commonly used as a flavoring for a chocolatey, foaming drink known as chocolatl. This gave the drink a spiced, ginger flavor which was often combined with chili to produce a truly warming drink.

Across the ocean in China, the magnolia was highly regarded as a traditional symbol of feminine beauty, purity, gentleness, and nobility due to its stately nature, elegant perfume, and luscious white blooms. During the Tang dynasty, magnolias were planted on the grounds of the emperor's palace and all magnolias were deemed the property of the emperor. To be gifted a magnolia by the emperor was a great honor and was believed to bring luck, prosperity, and happiness. As such, magnolia flowers can be used in glamour spells for beauty, to quell arguments, to promote confidence, to bring abundance, or to bring gentleness to spells and rituals. The flowers also make great offerings to feminine deities and ancestors. In Japan, the magnolia was often used in wedding bouquets, where they represented purity and strength of love while in Europe magnolias were given as a gift to make up for wronging a partner (cheating) to symbolize pure intentions. As such, magnolias are often associated with love and fidelity and can be used in spells and rituals to ensure your partner remains faithful or turned into a talisman to place under or over the bed to ensure marital happiness.

Apart from its symbolism, the magnolia has also been historically used for healing, especially in Chinese medicine where its bark, flowers, and resin were used to treat rheumatic problems, insomnia, anxiety, depression, cough, diarrhea, and a host of other ailments. As such, magnolia can be used in spells and rituals for health and wellness. Despite it traditionally being used medicinally, multiple cultures warn against sleeping under a magnolia, which was believed to bring death due to its powerful fragrance. Even placing a single flower blossom in a bedroom was thought to cause death overnight. Because of this, magnolia flowers and their accompanying scent have been associated with banishment. Use magnolia flowers or essential oil to remove unwanted energies from your home while replacing them with uplifting, loving ones or to hex/curse your enemies. 

Magnolia can be used in a number of spells including:
    Fidelity Spells
    Love Spells
    Glamour Magic
    Banishing Magic
    Abundance Rituals

Medicinal Uses: Magnolia bark contains magnolol and onochiol, two phenolic compounds that act as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant. These phenolic compounds have also been shown to reduce stress, thus soothing anxiety and insomnia. The flower buds are natural emmenagogues, helping regulate menstruation and stimulate menstrual flow, and as such should not be used if you are pregnant or wishing to become pregnant. There are many species of magnolia and most, if not all, are edible and safe to use, but always check before use.

Preparation and Dosage: To create a magnolia bark tea, rinse and soak the bark for at least 30 minutes in cold water. Bring the water to a boil then reduce the heat to a simmer. cover and simmer for at least 30 minutes. Strain the liquid and drink up to three times a day. If used as a sleep aid, drink 30 to 60 minutes before bed. As a tincture, take up to 2 milliliters a day. If making a tea from the flower petals, pour boiling water over fresh petals. Let steep for 10 minutes before straining. Drink up to three times a day.

Want to print a copy of this for your Book of Shadows? Click below for your free copy! 
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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Book Review: Bones & Honey: A Heathen Prayer Book by Danielle Dulsky

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Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Over the years, I have had the distinct pleasure of reviewing Danielle Dulsky's books and oracle cards (except for Holy Wild Grimoire) and I come to you today with another Dulsky review. Unlike other authors, Dulsky's works are full of poetic prose, which can make the text difficult for some and a turn-off for others, especially for a non-fiction book. Personally, I enjoy reading her works, not to garner untold mysteries, but instead to act as a balm for my weary soul. Bones & Honey: A Heathen Prayer Book takes this to an entirely new level, offering thirteen ' books' each with thirteen prayers, incantations, poetry, and stories to nourish the soul, awaken the wilds within, empower your practice, and so much more.

Most books/chapters contain at least one story, most of which are folk tales from around the world. These were honestly my favorite parts, as folklore is my area of interest. To accompany each story is a prayer or incantation that incorporates the archetypes found in the folk tales, teaching the reader how to derive meaning from folk tales that apply to our everyday lives and magical practices. This is an excellent tool, for folklore novices and experts alike, as it is incredibly empowering to use folktales to empower and inform our magic. Not only are there engaging folktales, but most of the chapters consist of a series of prayers and incantations that can be used for just about every purpose in your life, including grief, prosperity, empowerment, ancestral connection, healing, astral travel, luck, and so much more. I personally found those in chapter 12 "Book of Shape-Shifters" to be most welcome this time of year, as well as parts of chapter 8 "Book of the Nameless Grandmothers" which includes ancestral magic and healing.

pagan prayer, heathen, book review, witch, witchcraft, occult, spiritual, wicca, wiccan, pagan

My largest complaint about this book is that many of the prayers, incantations, and poetry have no context other than a non-descriptive and sometimes cryptic title and "to..." statement. While some did contain an explanation as to what the prayer was for, these descriptions were sometimes difficult to decode as well. I would have appreciated more straightforward descriptions of how to use the prayers, incarnations, and poetry in my spiritual practice, instead of being left confused, bewildered, and lost. Maybe you will have an easier time decoding what "See Our Joy: To Giggle-Spit at the False Prophets" or "The Banshee's Wail: To Howl into a Haunted House" are truly meant for.

Despite some difficulties figuring out when the best time to use these prayers and incantations, I will say that they have inspired me to write my own heathen prayers, ones that resonate with my praxis and gnosis. If you have read and enjoyed the rest of Dulsky's work or you are looking to incorporate more prayer into your practice, then you are sure to enjoy Bones & Honey: A Heathen Prayer Book.

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Monday, January 8, 2024

Yule/Winter Solstice Altar 2023

Yule, Yule altar, altar, witchcraft, witch, witchy, pagan, paganism, Yule altar decorations, festive Yule altar, Yule altar inspiration, Jul, winter solstice, winter solstice altar, winter solstice celebrations, Yule altar symbolism, nature-inspired Yule altar, candlelit Yule altar, sacred space for winter solstice, holiday traditions for Yule, Yule altar rituals and ceremonies

Yes, I know this post is incredibly late, but if you follow me on Instagram, you know why. Between having to administer end-of-semester finals and state testing, dental surgery (which went incredibly well, by the way), the holidays, traveling, and getting engaged, the last thing I have had time for recently is blogging, or anything exceptionally witchy. Heck, we didn't even exchange gifts this year! Yule and Christmas felt a bit off without the gift exchange, but we just couldn't justify spending money on items we didn't really need when we knew we would be traveling. Besides, I think my engagement ring is the best gift I could have ever received. I haven't talked about my now fiancé on my blog, but just know he is an absolute treasure, and I am so thankful I found my person. But I digress!

Despite being busy, I did set up a simple Yule altar using some of my favorite items and some new ones as well. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, marking the final day of lasting darkness and the return of the Sun. The Winter Solstice has been celebrated by a variety of cultures for thousands of years as it marked an important transition in the Wheel of the Year. With it being the longest night, folklore sprung up around what happened in the dark, the most prominent of these European myths being the Wild Hunt. Candles were lit to drive away the darkness, keep out the demons, and encourage the Sun's return so that life would flourish once more. And in the darkness, a god was born. Depending on the tradition, this included such deities as Horus, Dionysus, Apollo, and the infamous Oak King. With these themes in mind, I created this year's Yule altar to brighten my spirits and bring prosperity and light into the new year.

Yule, Yule altar, altar, witchcraft, witch, witchy, pagan, paganism, Yule altar decorations, festive Yule altar, Yule altar inspiration, Jul, winter solstice, winter solstice altar, winter solstice celebrations, Yule altar symbolism, nature-inspired Yule altar, candlelit Yule altar, sacred space for winter solstice, holiday traditions for Yule, Yule altar rituals and ceremonies

1. Goat Skull- Goats are associated with fertility, virility, and lust (all themes associated with Yule), as well as independence, ambition, and persistence. Even against all odds, goats will give everything they have, reminding us to persevere even in the face of darkness. Goats also represent the Horned God who is reborn on the solstice. In Sweden, large straw goats, known as Yule goats or Julbock, are built on the first day of Advent. This may be a nod to Thor, whose chariot was pulled by two goats, or possibly the remnants of an old harvest tradition. Either way, the Yule goat has become a symbol of Yule in many Scandinavian countries and is said to watch over holiday preparations and even bring gifts, much like Santa. (Where did I get it: Gifted; Cost: Free)

2. Evergreen Greenery- Nestled around the goat skill is evergreen greenery, which is a traditional symbol of Yule, representing the Holly King, everlasting life, regeneration, vitality, and protection. Unlike deciduous trees that lose their leaves during the winter months, evergreen trees keep their leaves, remaining perpetually green and full of life, even during the darkest, coldest time of the year. Boughs of evergreen were commonly hung above doorways and placed on altars to prevent evil from entering the home, especially on the longest night of the year. It was also believed such greenery would promote health and wellness by warding away sickness. This may have something to do with the natural scent of pine and other evergreen plants, or the antiseptic nature of the tree's sap. (Where did I get it: Target 2016; Cost: $5)

Yule, Yule altar, altar, witchcraft, witch, witchy, pagan, paganism, Yule altar decorations, festive Yule altar, Yule altar inspiration, Jul, winter solstice, winter solstice altar, winter solstice celebrations, Yule altar symbolism, nature-inspired Yule altar, candlelit Yule altar, sacred space for winter solstice, holiday traditions for Yule, Yule altar rituals and ceremonies

3. Bottle Brush Tree Lights- For those of you who don't know, I am absolutely obsessed with bottle brush trees. My current collection numbers well over 100 and when I saw these battery-powered lights in the checkout line at Home Goods, I knew I needed them in my life. Each light contains a miniature bottle brush tree, representing immortality, fertility, and protection. Evergreen trees were often brought into the home and decorated with candles, lights, and shiny objects to bring joy to those within while also warding away ghosts, witches, and other evil spirits during the Winter Solstice. The snowy scene within is also associated with purity and new beginnings, while the light represents the Sun who is reborn during Yule. (Where did I get it: Home Goods 2023; Cost: $10)

Yule, Yule altar, altar, witchcraft, witch, witchy, pagan, paganism, Yule altar decorations, festive Yule altar, Yule altar inspiration, Jul, winter solstice, winter solstice altar, winter solstice celebrations, Yule altar symbolism, nature-inspired Yule altar, candlelit Yule altar, sacred space for winter solstice, holiday traditions for Yule, Yule altar rituals and ceremonies

Bloodstone and Orange Calcite- Bloodstone was known as heliotrope by the Ancients which comes from the Greek helios meaning "sun" and trepein meaning "to attract." As such, bloodstone or heliotrope signifies "sun-turning" and is said to attract the rays of the Sun. Like the candles, this is a form of sympathetic magic to bring forth the rebirth of the Sun and ward off the neverending night. Orange calcite, on the other hand, encourages personal power, enhances creativity, and increases positivity. It's most commonly used to dispel depression, which is extremely common this time of year due to the lack of sunlight. (Where did I get it: Various Subscription Boxes and Gifted; Cost: ~$3)

Yule, Yule altar, altar, witchcraft, witch, witchy, pagan, paganism, Yule altar decorations, festive Yule altar, Yule altar inspiration, Jul, winter solstice, winter solstice altar, winter solstice celebrations, Yule altar symbolism, nature-inspired Yule altar, candlelit Yule altar, sacred space for winter solstice, holiday traditions for Yule, Yule altar rituals and ceremonies

5. White Candles & Green Candle Sticks- The ward off the darkness, candles were lit to protect those within on the Winter Solstice from dangerous spirits and the Wild Hunt while simultaneously ushering in the return of the Sun. For this reason, I have placed two white candles, which represent the Sun, purity, and renewal, on my altar. Furthermore, the Sun is reborn on the Winter Solstice, the candles being an offering to His return. I went with green candle holders, a common color associated with Yule, to promote health, fertility, growth, abundance, and the Holly King. (Where did I get it: Candles- Dollar Tree; Cost: $1, Candle Holders- Home Goods 2023; Cost: $16, $8 each)

6. Wooden Acorns- One of my favorite myths is the tale of the Oak and Holly Kings. The Holly King is at his peak during the Winter Solstice, but his power begins to weaken as the Oak King, who is reborn on the Winter Solstice, regains power. The two wooden acorns flanking each side of my altar are an ode to the Oak King. They also represent strength, new life, and rebirth, a promise of what is to come once the darkness passes. Oaks are well known for their protective nature, which is needed on the longest night of the year. The acorns not only represent the Oak King and the strength He provides but also provide my home with protection from wayward spirits and the Wild Hunt. (Where did I get it: Gifted; Cost: Free)

Yule, Yule altar, altar, witchcraft, witch, witchy, pagan, paganism, Yule altar decorations, festive Yule altar, Yule altar inspiration, Jul, winter solstice, winter solstice altar, winter solstice celebrations, Yule altar symbolism, nature-inspired Yule altar, candlelit Yule altar, sacred space for winter solstice, holiday traditions for Yule, Yule altar rituals and ceremonies


Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found, made, or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. This altar is more expensive than some of my previous altars because I wanted to include some new items I purchased this year. I hope you find this sort of breakdown helpful, especially for those of you looking to create Instagram-perfect altars on a budget!

To each and every one of you, I hope you had a wonderful Winter Solstice, a festive Yule, and a happy New Year!

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