
This section contains all of the series I have written on this blog.

Spellcrafting Series (2021-2022)

Types of Spells: A Guide to Protection, Cleansing, Abundance, Prosperity, and Love Spells

Elemental Magic Series (2020)

A Complete Guide to Water Folklore and Correspondences
How to Connect With Water: A Complete Ritual
Tools of Water
Water Spells and Rituals

Bone Magic Series (2019)

Hedge Riding Series (2018)

What is Hedge Riding?

*Not part of the original series, but important to successful hedge riding

Mastering Your Grimoire Series (2017)

Mapping Your Magical Path
Picking Your Book 
Decorating Your Book 
Picking Your Space 
Organizing Your Grimoire 
Writing Your Dedication 
My Grimoire's Dedication Page 
Writing Your Book Blessing 
My Book Blessing
Using Colors, Aromas, and Time


  1. I absolutely love your blog. It is the best I have found for down to earth Traditional Witchcraft and not all the hocus pocus Hollywood stuff. A no Wiccan info. Nothing against Wiccan. But it is everywhere.

    1. Thank you so much! I agree, Wicca has become the foundation of witchcraft and its difficult to find sources not discussing Wicca in some capacity. <3


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