Witch's Cabinet

This page contains a list of magical tools and their uses along with how-to's, books, and kitchen recipes. If you are looking for recommendations for books, blogs, websites, shops, podcasts, and more, please check out the Resources page.


Ailment is noted beside the remedy

Calendula Salve (cuts, bruises, and bug bites)
Yarrow Salve (cuts, bruises, and bug bites)
Sore Throat Remedy (sore throat)
La Petite Apothecary Massage Oil Review (sore muscles and muscle tension)

10 More Crystals Every Witch Should Have
10 Herbs Every Witch Should Have 
Crystals for Surgery Recovery
The Broom in Hedgecraft
Representing the Elements Using Crystals
Earth Family Crystals Review
Whirlwood Magic Wands Review


To see a complete list of my recommendations, please check out the Resources page. This list is no longer being updated.


  1. I just discovered your site and i love it. Thank you for being here!

    1. And thank you for reading! I am glad you are enjoying my blog. =D

  2. I absolutely love your blog. I had a strong interest in the craft, then had a lot of life changes happen and left for a few years, I recently reunited with it and felt like I finally came home. The information here is absolutely delightful and so so helpful thank you!

  3. If you like Garden Witchery you should read (unless you already have) "Magical Gardens : Myth mulch and marigold" by Patricia Monaghan!!!

  4. I just wanted to let you know that you and witchywords are my two go to witchcraft blogs. I have learned so much from you. You have been an amazing resource to me.

    1. Aww! Thank you so much! I am glad to be of help. =D

  5. I love your blog. I cant wait to get started on my own grimoire and book of shadows. I stumbled across this on pinterest from your post on Crystal's. Very informative.

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying it! Good luck on your grimoire and book of shadows!

  6. Just found your blog and glad I did. Very informative and helpful.

  7. I've been following your blog (off and on) for the past couple of years. As a fellow hedgewitch I find this to be an excellent resource! Informative, practical and beautifully designed. Your blog is my go-to for explaining what a hedgewitch is. Thanks!

    1. Thank you for reading and following along all these years. I appreciate it and I'm glad you find my blog helpful!

  8. Hi. I just found your blog today and i am so grateful. Its so relatable and most importantly for me, i understand.
    I have a question about hedge riding. What if i don't have a safe place to start from? I don't have any places i love. My childhood was a disaster. What should i do? I am embarrassed that i don't have anything. One would think at age 45. I would. I have been on my journey pretty much since birth. I have been in and out of toxic relationships. With family and loved ones. I am now focusing on me and healing. Thank you.

    1. That is perfectly fine! Not all of us have happy memories from childhood, but there are a host of other places you can start from. Do you have a favorite body of water? Water is a very liminal place and can be used to help you travel too and from the Otherworld. Wells, lakes, rivers, and fog are especially associated with astral travel. Even if you don't have a favorite body of water, if you can visualize a body of water and use it as your beginning and ending place. You will have to work on constructing this visualization, especially if you are working from scratch. Flesh out all the details before attempting to ride. This will help ground you in our realm and make travel too and from easier. If you don't flesh our the visualization, you will notice that its harder to travel as you cannot reach a true ASOC and it will likely hinder your ability to come back to our realm, which isn't good. Hopefully this helps. I wish you the best of luck on your journey! Feel free to reach out to me in the comments or shoot me an email/DM if you have any more questions. I'd be happy to assist you further. :)

  9. thank you for the free printables.It is so refreshing to see generosity in action, not much of that in the world these days. Looking for the good in folks is part of my quest. I appreciate and honour you.

    1. Of course! I believe knowledge should be easily accessible and free when possible. I'm happy to share my knowledge free of charge!


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