Monday, May 30, 2022

Sour Jar for Reproductive Freedom

sour jar, curse, hex, reproductive freedom, spell, ritual, witch, witchcraft, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wicca, wiccan, occult

If I am being completely honest, the last couple of weeks have been extremely difficult. I feel like every day the news gets worse and I am deeply concerned. I've spent a lot of time purposely distracting myself with work, exercise, and video games while I attempt to process. I am angry, hurt, and, honestly, scared. The most recent news includes the leak of the draft to overturn Roe vs Wade by the Supreme Court. No matter your views on abortion, overturning Roe vs Wade will have cataclysmic consequences in the United States, of which includes the loss of our right to privacy. I strongly support our right to choose what is best for ourselves without government interference. I am also a firm believer in the use of baneful magic to fight social injustices and as such thought this was the perfect time to pull out the big guns, magically speaking.

Since the full moon eclipse, whose chaotic energies are still going strong, I have been putting together a series of four sour jars for reproductive freedom, one for each of the Supreme Court justices who signed the draft to overturn Roe vs Wade after lying to the public in order to be confirmed. This spell is best performed during the waning or dark moon and requires constant attention until the draft goes public...if it ever makes it that far. My hope is this spell, along with others and public outcry, will help stop it dead in its tracks.

Please note that I do not believe in the Rule of Three nor am I a love and light witch. Decolonizing witchcraft includes understanding the value of baneful magic as a tool against oppression. If baneful magic is not something you are into, simply move along and find other ways to fight for reproductive freedom.

What You'll Need

sour jar, curse, hex, reproductive freedom, spell, ritual, witch, witchcraft, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wicca, wiccan, occult
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Knife
  • Lemon
  • Cayenne Pepper, Red Chili Flakes, or Chili Powder
  • Poppy Seeds
  • Five Whole Cloves
  • Twine or Black Yarn
  • Jar with Lid
  • Vinegar
  • Three Nails or Pins
  • Spanish Moss (optional)
  • Wasp or Wasp Nest (optional)
  • Onyx (optional)
  • Black Sealing Wax, Black Yarn, or Twine

What to Do

Before you begin this spell, cleanse and consecrate your space using your preferred method. I also encourage you to set up general protections to ensure the spell does not inadvertently cause you undue harm.

Begin by writing the full name and birthday (if you have it) of the person you wish to bind and curse. I went with Clarence Thomas (June 23, 1948), Neil Gorsuch (August 29, 1967), Brett Kavanaugh (February 12, 1965), and Amy Coney Barrett (January 28, 1972). If you are cursing more than one person, make a separate jar for each. 

Fold the paper several times, making sure to fold it away from you. Cut a slit on top of the lemon and place the folded paper into it. Cover with cayenne pepper, red chili flakes, or chili powder and poppy seeds. Poke nine cloves into the lemon and wrap the entire lemon closed with twine or black yarn five times. As you wrap the lemon say, "I bind you, [insert name], from taking action against reproductive freedom. May you be unable to decide and your discussions are fraught with discord. May your life be full of strife until this bill is dead." 

sour jar, curse, hex, reproductive freedom, spell, ritual, witch, witchcraft, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wicca, wiccan, occult

Place the lemon in the jar and cover it with vinegar. Add the three nails or pins, Spanish moss, wasp or wasp nest, and onyx to the vinegar and seal. If using wax, melt the wax and pour it over the lid. If using yarn or twine, warp the jar five times while repeating the same mantra as before. Shake the jar vigorously, filling it with your rage and discontent. Visualize the target being filled with confusion, strife, conflict, and the inability to take action against reproductive freedom. Place it in a dark spot, away from prying eyes. Shake daily, recharging the jar with your intent, until a verdict is reached.

After the initial construction of the jar is complete, perform a cleansing ritual to remove any residual negativity from yourself. I suggest showering after this particular spell and using an uplifting smelling soap, such as grapefruit or rose. Smoke-cleanse your work area with an uplifting and banishing incense such as rosemary.

sour jar, curse, hex, reproductive freedom, spell, ritual, witch, witchcraft, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wicca, wiccan, occult

When you are satisfied with the results of this spell, dispose of the sealed jar in the trash.

Why You Did It

Understanding the why's of a spell are just as important as performing it. It helps you understand the process so you can modify the spell or ritual to suit your needs and helps guide you to write your own. It's my intention that by providing these explanations, you can build a better understanding of how spells are written and executed so you can modify and build your own spells (the goal of my Spellcraft Series). 

For this spell, we used a number of sour and unpleasant ingredients to bring unpleasantness to our target's life. The first thing we did is write the name and birth date of our spell's target on a piece of paper. This acts as the "tag" for the spell. Just as a gift tag makes a present for you, a spell tag designates who the spell is intended for. This way you don't unintentionally harm someone else. By folding away from you, you are sending the energy out away from you. This acts is both protective and activating, directing the energy into the universe instead of toward you. Banishing and binding energies as sent away (folded out) while abundance and prosperity energies are drawn in (folded toward you).

The tag is placed in a lemon to sour the life of the recipient. Cayenne pepper, red chili flakes, or chili powder is used to heat up the spell, burn the recipient, and sew general discord and discomfort. Poppy seeds, on the other hand, sew discord between people, making it difficult to come to an agreement. Whole cloves, which look like pins, are used to prick and poke, making the recipient uncomfortable, as well as to tear down their walls, making them susceptible to the curse. This is all then wrapped five times with twine or black yarn to fully bind the person from causing further harm. Black is associated with banishment and binding, while the number five is associated with discord, struggle, and conflict.

The bound lemon is then placed in a jar to contain and stop the recipient's actions further. It's covered in vinegar to further sour their life, while the three pins or nails prick and poke, the wasp/wasp nest stings, Spanish moss sends bad luck, and the black onyx brings mental strife, nightmares, and breaks up relationships and bonds. All of this is sealed in black wax, black yarn, or twine to bind.

sour jar, curse, hex, reproductive freedom, spell, ritual, witch, witchcraft, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wicca, wiccan, occult

By storing the jar in a dark place, you are bringing darkness to the recipient's life, making it difficult for them to see clearly and make decisions. Shaking the jar empowers the spell and promotes turmoil by shaking up whatever plans the recipient had.

Finally, this spell is best performed on the waning or dark moon, which is associated with cursing and binding. However, this spell can be performed during any moon phase. If performing during the waxing or full moon, put more emphasis on bringing something into the person's life, in this case, discord and strife. The great thing about spells is that they can be performed successfully in any moon phase, you just have to get a little creative.

Wish to break this spell? Simply dismantle the spell jar, unbind the lemon, and remove the tag while saying, "This curse is broken. It shall no longer hold sway over [insert name]." Dispose of the remains in the trash.

Remember to record this ritual on your ritual/spell worksheet or in your Book of Shadows for reference later.


In all of my years of practicing witchcraft, I have only ever cast two curses. Know that I do not take such work lightly, and spend a considerable amount of time weighing my options before taking such actions. Again, I am not a love-and-light witch, nor do I believe in the Rule of Three. I do, however, believe strongly in justice and using the necessary means to fight systems of oppression. I am a Libra after all and I will not sit idly by as our rights are stripped away from us. I hope you won't either as this is so much larger than whether or not abortion should be legal. Stay safe out there.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Book Review: Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft by Madame Pamita

Baba Yaga, Slavic witchcraft, Ukrainian witchcraft, witchcraft, pagan, neopagan, occult, book review, witchy, witch, witchy book

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I have been looking forward to reading through this entire book since I was given a chapter sample a couple of months ago. I knew, before even reading the sample, that this would be a book I needed on my shelf based entirely on the title alone. While I do not have any Slavic ancestors (that we know of, although there is ancestry from Germany so there is a chance), I have a yearning deep within my soul begging me to learn more about Slavic witchcraft and folklore. This is the same yearning I have for Nordic and Scottish witchcraft and folklore, from which I know beyond a shadow of a doubt my family hails. So when I was graciously sent a copy of Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Woods by Madame Pamita from Llewellyn I immediately dove into the contents.

The first thing you will notice about this book is the beautiful exterior and interior design. The cover is a beautiful portrayal of Baba Yaga's famous house, while the inside is adorned with traditional Ukrainian red and black stitching. This is hands down one of the most beautifully detailed books on my shelf, and the design adds to the magic within.

Unlike other books, Madame Pamita combines story and practical magical advice to teach the reader about Slavic witchcraft. Each chapter is divided into three parts: story, the voice of Baba Yaga, and practical information. The story, which opens each chapter, is a mix of folklore and modern invention that follows the life of Vasylyna, who seeks out the help of Baba Yaga after being cruelly turned out by her stepmother (sound familiar?). This story reveals a bit of Slavic witchcraft, which is discussed in detail later in the chapter. The story is followed by the voice of Baba Yaga, who shares her rough and gruff wisdom with the reader. I looked forward to reading the tale in each chapter and found myself sometimes skipping ahead to see what would happen to Vasylyna next. This is certainly an entertaining way to introduce each chapter and engage the reader. There is nothing else like this on the market, at least to my knowledge, making it new and refreshing. When you read as many occult books as I do, the same format over and over again gets redundant and boring. This was pleasantly surprising, unique, and thoroughly engaging. Furthermore, the stories helped with the flow of content. Without it, the information would seem disjointed and unrelated.

Overall, this is a fairly lengthy book at almost 300 pages and twenty-one chapters. Madame Pamita introduces the reader to the different practices of Slavic witchcraft including stitch work, poppets, the crossroad, nature spirits, the spindle and loom, decorated eggs, and even the bathhouse. She includes practical spells, rituals, patterns, recipes, and advice any witch can use in their practice. This is a book I know I will be returning to again and again. There is so much useful information and I found myself taking extensive notes while reading. It's been a while since a book has had such a profound impact on my personal practice and taught me something new.

There is absolutely nothing I did not love about this book. It is culturally sensitive, inclusive, and open. In the wake of recent events, preserving, honoring, and respecting Ukrainian culture, folklore, and witchcraft is incredibly important. Madame Pamita does an amazing job honoring her ancestors and Baba Yaga in Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Woods. I know they would be so proud of her accomplishments.

I encourage you to pick up your own copy of Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Woods by Madame Pamita and help preserve and support Ukrainian and Slavic culture. I also encourage you to take other actions such as volunteering, donating, and supporting the efforts in Ukraine. If you are unsure where to start, check out They are looking for donations and volunteers to help Ukrainian refugees in Poland and other surrounding areas. You can also support small Ukrainian-owned businesses such as Aleksandra (@madame_ionesco) who offers tarot readings. If Baba Yaga taught me anything, it takes a village, even when we practice in solitude.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

How to Record Your Spells

recording spells, book of shadows, grimoire, spell log, ritual log, spell worksheet, ritual worksheet, spellcrafting, spells, rituals, witchcraft, pagan, neopagan, wicca, wiccan, witchcraft, spell writing, magick, magic

So you have written your spell, cast it, and disposed of the spell remains. Now what? You need to record it! When casting spells and performing rituals, it is extremely important to keep a detailed record of what you did, including the purpose, timing, ingredients, and even what you did with the spell remains. Why should you keep such a detailed log of your magical workings? Well, first of all, keeping track of your spells allows you to reflect on your successes and failures as a witch. If a spell is particularly successful, you may wish to use it again in the future. If a spell fails miserably, looking back at what you did may give some insights into where you messed up so you can improve, allowing you to troubleshoot potential pitfalls, a topic that will be covered at the end of this series. However, one of the most important reasons to keep a detailed record of your magical workings is in case the spell backfires or you wish to reverse it. Sometimes spells come back and bite us in the ass or have unintended results. Having a detailed record of your magical workings allows you to easily reverse the spell. This won't, of course, reverse the damage, but will at least allow you to stop it from harming you or others further.

How and where you record your spells is entirely up to you, but it should include the following basic information:
  • Ritual or Spell Name
  • Purpose/Goal
  • Date, Time, Moon, and Length of Spell
  • Ingredients
  • Deities or Spirits Called Upon/Worked With
  • Actions Performed and Words Spoken
  • Unusual Occurrences Before, During, and After
  • Spell Remain Location
  • Loophole to Break Spells
  • Results
You may also want to include additional notes including any messages received during the work. Again, this information will allow you to track your successes and failures, break spells if needed, and ultimately grow as a witch. Witchcraft is a craft, not a religion, and takes continuous practice to master. Recording your spells promotes such growth.

Most witches record their spells and rituals in a Book of Shadows, which is a journal of a witch's journey. If the spells are particularly successful, they are then transferred to a Grimoire, which is a book of knowledge and spells. However, not all witches keep both a Book of Shadows and a Grimoire or even call their journals/books by such names. There really is no right or wrong way to record spells other than that you are keeping track. With that being said, not all spells have to be recorded. Sometimes we work quick little spells throughout the day for protection, luck, relieve stress, or even jinx. These quick little spells, rituals, and prayers needn't be recorded, but you are most certainly welcome to record them if you remember them.

A couple of years ago, I put together a free Spell & Ritual Worksheet/Log that includes everything you need to record. You can snag your free, printable copy here.


For the next spell you cast, practice writing everything down. Find a system that works for you and run with it. Be open and willing to change this system, and recognize that as you grow as a witch, what worked originally may not work any longer.

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Monday, May 9, 2022

Magical Properties of Sunstone

sunstone, traditional witchcraft, trad craft, cunning folk, witchcraft, crystal magic, witch, wiccan, wicca, pagan, neopagan, occult, gem, stone

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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Magical and Medicinal Uses of Purple Deadnettle

purple deadnettle, herbalism, herbal remedy, magic, witchcraft, herb magic, green witchcraft, hedgewitch, herb magic, herb magick, magick, magic, occult, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan

Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Courage, Happiness, Healing, Prosperity, Protection, Resilience
Magical Uses and History: Purple deadnettle is a perennial 'weed' commonly found across the United States and Eurasia. Its scientific name, Lamium purpureum, is derived from lamia meaning 'gaping mouth' or 'throat,' a reference to the shape of the flowers and their long, hollow stalks. Other translations suggest it means 'the purple monster,' again a reference to the shape and color of the flowers that adorn this plant through the spring and summer months. Despite sharing a common name with stinging nettle, the two are unrelated with purple deadnettle belonging to the mint family. Like other mints, purple deadnettle very quickly takes over an entire field if given the chance, and therefore can be used in spells related to resilience, courage, and prosperity. Other folklore, however, suggests that a field being overtaken by purple deadnettle was a punishment for the unrighteous and the sign of a sinner, although I cannot find the exact origins of this idea.

Despite the possible association with sinning, purple deadnettle is also called purple archangel, which refers to its blossoming around May 8th, the day dedicated to the Archangel Michael. As such, it can be used for protection (especially for firefighters, officers, soldiers, and paramedics), to call upon Archangel Michael, or to dispel negativity. Its early spring blooming time is not only associated with Archangel Michael but also with merriment and cheer. It is one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring, signaling that winter is gone and warmer weather is on its way. This was cause to celebrate and purple dead nettle was often burned to lift spirits, clear away negative energy, and cool heated tempers.

Finally, purple deadnettle has historically been used to stop bleeding, soothe skin wounds and burns, purify the blood, cure insomnia, reduce period cramps, and treat inflammation. This means purple deadnettle works well in healing spells and rituals, especially those targeting the aforementioned ailments. 

Purple Deadnettle can be used in a number of spells including:
    Protection Spells
    Happiness Spells
    Healing Magic
    Prosperity Magic

Medicinal Uses: The leaves and flowers of purple deadnettle are known to be astringent, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, diuretic, diaphoretic, and purgative. Its leaves are commonly used to treat external wounds and cuts in much the same way as you would use plantain or yarrow. As a tincture or tea, it is used as a mild laxative as well as for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, especially in treating throat infections. Taken internally it can also help relieve allergy symptoms. However, because it is a mild laxative, the dosage is extremely important and purple deadnettle should not be taken by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. 

Preparation and Dosage: Purple deadnettle can be taken internally as an infusion or tincture. To make an infusion, combine 1/2 cup fresh leaves or 1-2 tablespoons dried leaves with 1 cup hot water and steep for 10 minutes. Drink up to three times a day. As a tincture, take 3-5 drops up to three times a day. Externally, purple deadnettle can be used as a poultice or salve and combines well with lemon balm and yarrow.

Want to print a copy of this for your Book of Shadows? Click below for your free copy! 
purple deadnettle, herbalism, herbal remedy, magic, witchcraft, herb magic, green witchcraft, hedgewitch, herb magic, herb magick, magick, magic, occult, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan

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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Book Announcement!

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After a lot of hard work behind the scenes for the past several months, I'm so excited to finally announce that I have a new book coming out, Green Witchcraft Tea Recipes: 60 Magical Brews for Love, Healing, and Growth. Green witchcraft is all about the power of plants and natural magic—and tea is an essential element of the green witch’s practice. This book combines the timeless ritual of making tea with a collection of spells to help you create restorative, healing, and empowering brews that hone your magical practice. 

Go beyond other witchcraft books with: 
  • A lesson in witchcraft—Explore the philosophies of green witchcraft and tea magic, and discover how they keep you connected to the earth and your sense of self. 
  • Your witchy kitchen—Learn the magical properties of individual flowers, herbs, and spices, then find step-by-step guidance on using them to brew powerful teas and tonics. 
  • Spells for every intention—Find recipes that are sorted by their desired result, from love and friendship to bodily health and spiritual growth. 
I would love you to support my book. You can pre-order your copy here.

Stay tuned for sneak peeks in the coming weeks! I’m so excited!

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Monday, May 2, 2022

Book Review: The Modern Craft edited by Claire Askew and Alice Tarbuck

cultural appropriation, decolonization, intersectionality, ethics, witchcraft, witch, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, inclusive, occult, book, book reivew, the modern craft, witchy book review, witchy, witchy reads

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second book I have read lately that is composed of a series of essays from numerous witches and pagans, and I have to say I am enjoying hearing from a number of voices in a single book. The Modern Craft: Powerful Voices on Witchcraft Ethics edited by Claire Askew and Alice Tarbuck is a radical collection of essays on the ethics of witchcraft. Essays include such topics as decolonizing your practice, practicing witchcraft while disabled, gender-fluid hierarchies, cultural appropriation, and the problems found in online witchcraft communities. Essay contributors largely belong to marginalized groups, their voices being amplified in this publication, and include such witches and pagans as Lisa Marie Basile, Lilith Dorsey, AW Earl, Iona Lee, Simone Kotva, and Briana Pegado.

Since this is a collection of essays, each chapter or essay deals with a different topic centered around ethics, inclusivity, and intersectionality. This is the first book that has come across my shelf dealing specifically with these issues, issues that desperately need to be addressed in our community if we want to continue to be able to call ourselves welcoming and open to those in need. Witchcraft and magic have traditionally been used by the marginalized to attain some control over their life situations, fight injustice, and otherwise make life easier. If we, as a community, want to continue this tradition, we need to recognize that cultural appropriation, white supremacy, homo- and transphobia, and ableism have no place here. It feels like every day we are fighting a new battle, but it's one we need to continue to fight. This book is a great place to start if you are just coming to witchcraft or are looking at ways to make your own life and practice more inclusive.

The first essay introduces the concepts of what is a witch, the language we use to describe witches and witchcraft, the historical implications of these words, and how language can help marginalized groups because witchcraft is an act of rebellion. This essay will certainly pump you up and get you ready for the coming essays. This is followed by an essay on practicing witchcraft while poor. This is a topic near and dear to me because while I certainly grew up with enough, I have not always had enough as an adult. Furthermore, constantly participating in capitalism degrades our environment and disconnects us from the world around us. You do not have to purchase expensive herbs and crystals to practice witchcraft. You can create your own correspondences and use materials you find and they will work just as well if not better than ones imported from far-off lands. I felt this essay paired well with the final essay on practicing witchcraft while disabled. The final essay, however, takes a different approach than the others. While the vast majority of essays are guides, the final one is written as a day in the life of. It was really eye-opening as an able-bodied person to see how those with a disability that limits mobility celebrate and practice witchcraft and paganism. Reading this essay made me rethink some of the spells I have written, and how I can make future spells more inclusive to those lacking the means or ability to practice as I do.

There are several essays addressing LGBTQIA issues, such as transitioning and using ritual to aid in this process, finding LGBTQIA friendly deities, raising non-binary children in witchcraft, rethinking masculine and feminine, and trans-exclusion in the occult community. As someone who has volunteered at LGBTQIA homeless shelters, mentored LGBTQIA youth, and worked to create a safe and inclusive environment in my classroom (of which I currently teach at least 2 transgender and 6 queer students), these essays really spoke to me, especially the essay discussing trans-exclusion. So many people attempt to use 'biological' sex to dismiss transgenderism without having any idea what they are talking about. As a biologist, I can tell you biological sex is so much more complicated than X and Y chromosomes and the idea that science is being used to be exclusive is disgusting.

Other essays include online occult communities and the problems associated with these groups (why I am no longer a member of many of them), how to decolonize your practice and the word shaman, the ethics of animal sacrifice and how racism has been used to distort actual African traditional religions and practices, cultural appropriation, the ethics of witchcraft capitalism and ecology which dives into the ethics of the crystal industry and potential alternatives.

While I took extensive notes on each essay, my thoughts and feelings simply cannot be summed up in such a way as to make a great blog post. Instead, I encourage you to purchase and read this book yourself. Hopefully, you come out the other side more empathic and open to changing your own practice. I cannot recommend this book enough and highly encourage you to pre-order your copy of The Modern Craft: Powerful Voices on Witchcraft Ethics edited by Claire Askew and Alice Tarbuck now. with that being said, I did have one issue. One author said that white sage and palo santo were the same things (not true) and that palo santo is better because it's sustainably harvested from dead trees (both true and not true). I feel like this mistake was a big oversight on the part of the editors, but its easy to overlook in light of the rest of the book.

Until next time!

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