Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Book Review: The Magick of Food- Rituals, Offerings & Why We Eat Together by Gwion Raven

kitchen witchcraft, witchcraft, witch, food magick, magic, rituals

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Yeah, I know. Two book reviews in a row. Probably not exactly what you wanted, but I promised myself and publishers that I would have these books reviews done before the end of the year. Nothing quite like procrastination right? However, I am especially thankful I have been given the opportunity to read and review these amazing books before they hit the shelves. To all my kitchen witches out there, this is a book for you.

The Magick of Food: Rituals, Offerings & Why We Eat Together by Gwion Raven is a new and interesting approach to kitchen witchery. Unlike other kitchen witch books, this one focuses on the food itself and the act of preparing it. This is not your regular introduction to kitchen witchcraft and Wicca and lacks a lot of that beginner fluff so many of us are tired of reading about. Authors and publishers, please stop with the cookie-cutter introductory book already. But I digress once again. Raven covers a variety of food topics in this book, from the history of food to how you can use food in your modern magical practice. Scattered throughout are little nuggets (pun intended) of wisdom from a variety of authors, chefs, witches, and more and some fabulous recipes. I haven't cooked any of them yet, but reading them made my mouth water.

On top of it all, there are wonderful magical rituals included involving food. I don't know about you, but I love food; I purposely plan entire vacations around food! Raven speaks from this same place; this place of absolute love of food and the amazing things that come with it. His passion for food and the magic it contains is evident in his writing and his sense of humor. I really enjoyed reading about his personal stories that centered around food and it got me thinking about how the biggest events in my life had food at the center, how those smells and tastes bring me back to those moments and that there is amazing magic in that. Furthermore, Raven encourages healthy relationships with food, although he doesn't specifically say this is what he is doing. His exercises around mindfulness and listening to our bodies, even if they want that donut, encourages healthy eating habits by refocusing our attention on the act of eating and enjoying food, instead of just mindlessly eating because we have to or because we are bored.

While some of the historical interpretations, although seemingly well researched, seemed a little farfetched or speculative at times, the foundation the book is built upon is solid. However, there was some little attacks on GMOs at one point which science doesn't support, but otherwise Raven was understanding and mindful of food deserts and food insecurity and refuses to pass judgment on people eating what they need or have to in order to survive. If you are looking for a new book on kitchen witchery, the magic of food, or just looking to practice magic more often, I encourage you to pick up this book. Many witches I talk to complain about not being able to practice magic everyday and how it makes them feel less witchy for whatever reason. Raven offers practical, everyday solutions to practice magic daily through food because we all have to eat, right? That's what separates us from the dead. So prepare to put on your apron or head out to a restaurant and enjoy the magic of food.

The Magick of Food: Rituals, Offerings & Why We Eat Together by Gwion Raven is currently available for preorder and will be released January 8, 2020. What a great start to the New Year!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Book Review: Outside the Charmed Circle-Exploring Gender & Sexuality in Magical Practice by Misha Magdalene

Outside the Charmed Circle, book review, witch, witchcraft, gender studies, sexuality, pagan

Edit: This post was edited on 1/19/2020 to include a response from the author.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I've read a lot of really great books this year on witchcraft, whether it be fiction or nonfiction, choosing to focus less on introductory books and more on specialized fields within magic. This book is no exception, and it is probably one of the most important books I will ever read. Outside the Charmed Circle: Exploring Gender & Sexuality in Magical Practice by Misha Magdalene may not be the book we wanted, but its the book we need, as a community, right now. And honestly, it's not just witches and pagans that need to read this; it's for everyone: witch, Christian, young, old, cis, trans, queer, and straight alike.

Outside the Charmed Circle is an in-depth, academic look at gender and sexuality in the magical community, as the title suggests, but it's so much more than that. Don't let the academic side of the book deter you from picking this one up. Furthermore, stop being afraid of discussing gender and sexuality. It's an uncomfortable subject to be sure, but one that absolutely must be addressed here and now in order for our world to become a safer, more inclusive place. But I digress. Misha, who is a nonbinary witch of 30ish years with a degree in gender studies, speaks with authority, compassion, and even a bit of humor throughout the book. They share their personal stories, some of which are funny and some of which are saddening, but those stories help the reader connect deeply with the subject matter.

The book dives deeply into what gender and sexuality are and what that means within magical practices and society as a whole. Misha covers everything from queer gods and goddesses (I can tell you I learned a lot here!) to sex magic to consent to forming your own magical praxis. I have to say, the chapters discussing consent and the queer gods and goddesses were my two favorite sections. As a victim of sexual assault, I appreciated the thought and consideration that went into the chapters on consent, and that it wasn't just about consent between two humans, but between humans and spirits and deities as well. They were beautifully written, empowering, and so refreshing. There have been a lot of talks lately about consent, sexual assault and homophobic, transphobic, and racist rhetoric and actions by pagan leaders (and those outside our community as well). Many of these "whistleblowers" have been attacked, marginalized, threatened, and forced into hiding because they had the audacity to challenge the idea that maybe some of the things we have been doing need to change. Like many of us, Misha grappled with these issues, even leaving paganism because they couldn't reconcile their beliefs with the atrocities happening within our community. I'm so glad Misha came back and came back with an amazingly brilliant book addressing many of these issues.

But Misha doesn't just tell the reader what is wrong with our community, they ask that we confront our own biases and work through them. There are a dozen or so exercises built into the chapters. Some are as simple as freewriting, while others are more in-depth rituals. I actually worked through every. single. exercise in this book. This is something I have never done before. I usually skip around and say I'll get back to it later, but not with this book. I was in Asheville, sitting alone in the bathroom writing while my SO slept or enjoying an orange in my kitchen in complete silence (apart from my cat Jane who also wanted to partake in said orange). The exercises Misha includes force us to confront our fears, misconceptions, and actions and to really evaluate why we feel the way we feel and why we do the things we do. It was utterly eye-opening to stare at my self naked in front of a mirror for an hour. I didn't want to do it, but I did. I wept a lot during that exercise (and I'm crying again now thinking about it), but I did it and have a newfound respect for what is mine.

The book ends with a call to action, that we have a long way to go and that this book and its exercises are not a one-and-done experience. I have strived to be inclusive, but this book let me know that I still have some changing to do; that I can do even more. So to my fellow queer witches, I'm scooting over on the bench and making some for you at our table.

Before I go, however, I had one issue with the book: the use of the term black magic. Misha probably uses it twice within the book, maybe three times. I found it interesting that a book on being inclusive would use a term rooted in racism. However, I feel this wasn't intended to be disrespectful, but instead, because we do not, as a community, have a word to describe the "darker" side of witchcraft that is universally accepted and understood, especially in reference to past practices and views. Furthermore, it is likely due to his background in the Feri tradition, which uses that term regularly as well as many other Wiccan traditions. But that's for another time. Please see Misha's response to this comment below.

Outside the Charmed Circle: Exploring Gender & Sexuality in Magical Practice by Misha Magdalene is currently available for pre-order and will be available on January 8, 2020. I encourage you to pick up a copy, share it with friends, and widen your spiritual practice and worldview just a little.

Response from the author: "Thank you so much for your incredible review of "Outside the Charmed Circle." I'm utterly delighted and humbled that you found something of value in my work, and the vulnerability and openness in your review brought me to tears multiple times as I read it to my partner.

If I may, I wanted to respond to your comment about my use of the term "black magic." I'm in full agreement with you about the racist implications of the term, and I don't commonly use it. In fact, I was so surprised by what you'd written that I actually went back to the manuscript and searched to see where I'd used the term, because I couldn't remember having done so!

You were absolutely correct, though: I used it twice. The first was a quote from Feri grandmaster Victor Anderson, which I've always interpreted to be him attempting to get away from the racial implications of white/black magic in favor of a "pretty words/practical applications" distinction. (How successful he was is, of course, open to debate!) The second was in reference to magic as practiced in the Renaissance and Enlightenment era, and was meant to convey how the folks of that era saw the sort of grimoiric sorcery under discussion. Regardless, I could've made that point better. My work is intended to be explicitly inclusive and anti-racist, and I will absolutely keep your critique in mind going forward.

Again, thank you."

Saturday, December 28, 2019

2019 Flying the Hedge Reader Survey

Hello, witches! It's that time of year again when those pesky reader surveys start popping up. I know that they can sometimes be time-consuming or seem irrelevant, but I'd like to let you know that they are extremely important and help bloggers like myself produce authentic content that you the readers actually want to read! There is nothing worse than pouring time and effort into a post just for no one to enjoy it or like it! So without further ado, I have a pesky, yet extremely helpful reader survey I would like you to take. Simply click on the link for the survey below and fill it out to the best of your ability. This survey will help drive where the blog goes in 2020, including series posts. I only want to produce content you want to read, so if you could spare 10-15 minutes of your time sometime between now and January 3rd, I would greatly appreciate it!

2019 Flying the Hedge Reader Survey

Friday, December 27, 2019

Magical and Medicinal Uses of Cloves

cloves, magical, medicinal, witchcraft, herb magic

Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Powers: Exorcism, Healing, Love, Money, Protection
Magical Uses and History: The name "clove" originates from the Old French world clou and the Latin clavus meaning "nail" for its shape, like that of a nail. For this reason, cloves are often seen as protective. Native to the Molucca Islands, cloves were a prized commodity of the Ancient Romans and Chinese. In fact, cloves were so prized wars were waged over them and the Dutch, wishing to capitalize on the clove market, took control of most of the clove groves, destroying all trees outside of their territory. To increase prices, the Dutch even set fire to many of their own trees and those of the natives to create an artificial shortage. At the time, cloves were worth their weight in gold and could often only be afforded by the wealthy. Because of this, cloves are often associated with money and prosperity. Today, clove incense is often burned (oh, the irony) to attract wealth and prosperity and to dispell negativity.

Natives in the Molucca Islands historically planted a clove tree for each child born. It was believed that the tree was directly linked to the fate of the child. A healthy, thriving tree meant a healthy, thriving child, while a sickly, dying tree was believed to forboding. These trees were protected and cared for so that the child would also be protected. When the Dutch began destroying these trees, the natives revolted, forcing the Dutch out and causing clove growing practices to change.

Cloves are also historically linked to healing and protection from illness. Clove oil has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, especially dental ailments and is naturally antiseptic. The Chinese would chew cloves before meeting with the emperor or other royal figures to ensure their breath was pleasant. However, one of its most famous uses is in the pomander ball or pomme d'ambre which translates to "apple of amber." Pomanders were balls made from different perfumes that were worn or carried in a vase for protection against infection and bad smells. While it originally started out as mixtures molded to look like fruit and kept in wooden, metal, or porcelain (as seen in several paintings of Queen Elizabeth I), more recent adaptations of this charm include an orange (apple of amber) covered in cloves and wrapped in ribbon. Beginning in the eighteenth century, many wealthy Europeans ran with the idea of studding oranges with cloves and giving them to loved ones as a gift for Christmas or the New Year, hence why modern pomanders are often associated with Yule and Christmas. This charm is often allowed to cure dry and placed in drawers and closets to protect again pests, or as a charm to help the ill recover faster. While cloves were not nearly as expensive as they had been, oranges were, making orange and clove pomanders something only the wealthy originally indulged in. And let's be honest, only the wealthy can afford to use food as an air freshener instead of eating it. As such, modern pomanders are also associated with wealth and prosperity and is said to bring good luck to those that have them.

Cloves can be used in a number of spells including:
    Protection Spells
    Banishing Magic
    Money Spells
    Healing Rituals

Medicinal Uses: Cloves can be used to soothe nausea, vomiting, and even flatulence as well as to stimulate the digestive system. Furthermore, cloves are naturally antiseptic and a mild anesthetic, which makes it great for treating toothaches before you can get to the dentist as it contains a chemical called eugenol. Furthermore, some early research suggests that clove oil may repel mosquitos for up to 5 hours!

Preparation and Dosage: To create an infusion, place some cloves (as many as you want depending on how strong you want the infusion to be) into a cup of boiling water and allow to infuse for 10 minutes. Drink up to 3 times a day. For a toothache, a whole clove can be placed directly onto or near the tooth in question and "sucked" on until the pain is gone. Do not chew. I have found that slightly grinding the clove with some water to create a mash works best. Clove oil can also be used by placing a small amount on a cotton ball or Q-tip and putting this near the tooth. Clove oil can burn so keep this in mind when using. Smelling cloves can also heighten your senses and clear your mind. Please be aware the eugenol slows blood clotting and should not be taken with aspirin or other blood thinners."

Want to print a copy of this for your Book of Shadows? Click below for your free copy!

cloves, magical, medicinal, witchcraft, herb magic

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Yule Altar 2019

yule, winter solstice, altar, witch, witch altar, pagan

Yule is definitely one of my favorite holidays of the year. Being the shortest day of the year, it reminds us to look within ourselves and reflect upon our lives. It is also a great time to communicate with spirits and the Wild Hunt often takes place during this time. Furthermore, Yule is characterized by rebirth, new beginnings, and hope. Despite it being the shortest day of the year, it reminds us that light will come again and the Sun will be reborn. This year's altar reflects all of these themes, from the Wild Hunt to rebirth.

yule, winter solstice, altar, witch, witch altar, pagan

1. Candles- This altar is covered in candles symbolizing the rebirth of the Sun. Furthermore, they represent sympathetic magic, the idea that by lighting the candles to symbolize the Sun and returning warmth, that the Sun will arrive quickly the next morning and continue to grow in strength through the Spring and Summer. Being white, the candles represent purity and a clean slate in preparation for the New Year. Yule is a time to reflect and begin anew. (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree (2018-2019); Cost: $1 for each candle holder and $1 for all the candles)

yule, winter solstice, altar, witch, witch altar, pagan

2. Rose of Jericho- The Rose of Jericho, also referred to as resurrection fern, is the perfect addition to any Yule altar as Yule is the time the Sun is reborn. In Christianity, this is represented by the birth of Jesus, while other religions also see the birth of a God of Goddess occurring at this time as well. The Rose of Jericho symbolizes this rebirth and renewal symbolic of this sabbat. (Where did I get it: House of Rituals Subscription Box; Cost: $12)

yule, winter solstice, altar, witch, witch altar, pagan

3. Yule Tree- No Yule altar is complete without the Yule tree. This evergreen tree represents life during death, that despite how bleak and terrible things may seem, there is still hope that life will return and Spring will come again. (Where did I get it: Michael's Craft Store 2015; Cost: $4)

yule, winter solstice, altar, witch, witch altar, pagan

4. Pearls, Bloodstone, and Garnet- Pearls, bloodstone, and garnet are all traditional stones of Yule. The pearls represent the Moon, which dominates on the longest night of the year. They also represent purity, love, and protection. Spirits abound on this night, having extra time to roam our plane of existence. Pearls offer up their protection this night in the loving embrace of the Moon. Bloodstone, on the other hand, was known as heliotrope by the Ancients which comes from the Greek helios meaning "sun" and trepein meaning "to attract." As such, bloodstone or heliotrope signifies "sun-turning" and is said to attract the rays of the Sun. Again, this is a form of sympathetic magic to bring forth the rebirth of the Sun and ward off the neverending night. Finally, garnet represents the primordial fire of creation which will bring about the rebirth of the Sun and with it will come Spring and new life. (Where did I get it: Various Subscription Boxes and Metaphysical Stores; Cost: ~$6)

yule, winter solstice, altar, witch, witch altar, pagan

5. Fox Skull- Once again I have my fox skull on my altar, representing the spirits roaming the Earth during the Winter Solstice. Furthermore, the skull represents the Wild Hunt, a ghostly group of supernatural beings in wild pursuit. Witnesses to the Wild Hunt are said to die or be taken to the Underworld. The skull is a nod to this folklore tradition and a form of protection from the Hunt, lest we be pulled into its pursuit.  (Where did I get it: Gifted; Cost: Free or available on Etsy for $30)

TOTAL COST: ~$28-58

yule, winter solstice, altar, witch, witch altar, pagan

Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost may be higher. I hope you find this sort of break down helpful, especially those of you looking to create Instagram perfect altars on a budget! There is no reason your altars have to cost a fortune, so why not save some money and use what you may already have? This altar is on the more expensive side, but I didn't have to purchase anything new to create it. I like to use items I already have or find in nature, so while at first it looks expensive, it actually cost me very little in the long run.

How did you celebrate Yule this year? Let me know in the comments below. I took a trip to Asheville and celebrated with a ghost tour, a visit to the Biltmore Estate, a hike to Catawba Falls, and some really good food and cheer. It was just what I needed to recuperate!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Spirit Work for Yule

Spirits, spirit communication, yule, winter solstice, spirit work, shadow work, wassail, tarot

Yule falls on December 22nd this year, which is throwing me off big time! This solstice is the opposite of the Summer Solstice, making it the longest night of the year. It is a time of rebirth, reflection, new beginnings, and transformation, making it the perfect time for shadow work and goal setting. It is also a time of merriment and joy, so why not spread some this holiday season by sharing some Wassail?

1. Create a New Year's tarot spread

Tarot is a great way to communicate with spirits, and because Yule is the longest night of the year, it is deeply associated with release and reflection. This is the perfect time to do a year in review and reflect upon the previous 12 months and set intentions for the next 12. To create a New Year's tarot spread, begin by lighting a white candle. Focus on the candle's flame and ask the spirits for guidance in the New Year. Shuffle your deck and begin drawing 12 cards, one for each month of the year. Lay them out in a row and turn them over, one at a time. Reflect upon the meaning of each card. Be sure to write down any messages, thoughts, or meanings that pop into your mind. After reviewing the first card, which is associated with January, close your eyes and open your consciousness to any other messages the spirits may have for you regarding January. Repeat this step for the remaining 11 cards. If you need to, light some mugwort incense or drink some mugwort tea prior to partaking in this ritual. Mugwort opens the mind and makes you more preceptive to receive messages from beyond.

2. Drink Wassail

Okay, on the surface it probably isn't the most magical thing you can think of, but drinking wassail can be. Wassail is a spiced cider that contains port and sherry, although there are nonalcoholic versions available. The word wassail is derived from the Anglo-Saxon words waes hael which means "to your health." Historically, this hot alcoholic drink was served during the holiday season, especially to visitors and family, from a large wooden bowl decorated with holly and ivy. Wassail is a great way to honor the changing seasons, the triumph of the Holly King, the end of the year, and to drink to the health of yourself and your loved ones. Furthermore, it is extremely grounding. Brew up a batch of wassail in your crockpot, step outside into the snow or cold, and drink deeply. Express gratitude to the spirits and the Earth around you. Be sure to share a little wassail with the local land spirits. They will appreciate the warm drink. Looking for a recipe? Try this traditional recipe.

3. Perform shadow work.

Being the longest night of the year, this is a great time to focus on yourself and your "shadow" side. We all have something we need to heal, improve upon, or reconcile. This is the perfect time to do so. The first step in performing shadow work is deep self-reflection. I like to meditate and hedge ride when I do this. I begin by digging deep and reflecting on all that has happened, what is still bothering me, how I respond to stress and changes, and how I would like to improve upon those things. I follow it up with a hedge riding session where I discuss other potential issues with my guides because, let's be honest, they often see more than we do, and potential ways to respond to these issues. During the process, take extensive notes. Use these notes, along with the tarot spread mentioned above, to set goals and plan for 2020. Remember, the best goals are specific, attainable, and measurable. I like to plan 3 months at a time so I can see progress, but use whatever goal-setting method works best for you.

And there you have it, a full year of ideas for spirit work. Working with spirits, whether they be your guides, local spirits, or our ancestors, can be amazingly fulfilling. Furthermore, building these relationships helps strengthen our bond with the unknown and enhances the efficacy of our magical practice. My spells are significantly more successful with the help of spirits, and I hope you find the same to be true in your practice. So what are your plans for this Yule? Do you have any magic already scheduled? Myself? I'm going to spend the holiday out of town enjoying a new city, hiking, and honoring the spirits of the season. I hope you enjoy the holiday as much as myself.

Monday, December 9, 2019

December Full Moon Worksheet

full moon, witchcraft, tarot, ritual planning

This month's Full Moon falls on the 12th and falls in Gemini, that two-faced SOB. Can you tell I am a little salty? Needless to say, this month's Full Moon will be a little chaotic. There is a chance that money and/or relationship problems will come to a head this month, so be prepared to release what no longer serves you going into the New Year. Being the last moon of the year, this is the perfect time to think critically over the past year and reflect upon what you need to release. It's not going to be a super easy Full Moon, so be prepared to do a little work. Like every month, this Full Moon worksheet includes all the usuals, from a release and cleanse box to a tarot spread. The 5-card tarot spread is designed to help you identify what you should release prior to the New Year so you can start 2020 off on the right foot.

full moon, witchcraft, tarot, ritual planning


Looking for more free worksheets? Why not get your free copy of my spell/ritual worksheet to write your best spells and rituals yet?

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Book Review: The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs by Judy Ann Nock

book review, magical herbs, witchcraft, kitchen witch

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Time for another book review witches and I am so excited to share this one with you! I just finished The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs by Judy Ann Nock and I am in love! This is one of the best witchcraft herbal books I have ever read in all of my life. Yes, it's better than Cunningham. Blasphemy, I know.

Nock begins the book by breaking down common uses of herbs, from medicine to gardening to cooking, with magical correspondences sprinkled throughout. I absolutely loved all the little historical asides, myths, and folklore on the different herbs or uses she was discussing. These asides offer a glimpse into the past and offer a deeper understanding of how magical traditions regarding plants developed over time and why we have many of the magical correspondences we do today. To add to my love, Nock also takes a scientific approach to herbs, advising readers to be aware of reactions and always consult a physician or herbalist when using herbs.

In the section on gardening, which is one of my favorites, Nock introduces "sacred sustainability," or the idea that we should live and harvest sustainably and that this act is sacred in and of itself. This resonated with me as an environmental science teacher and as a witch. She discusses creating your own magical garden as well as how to create your own compost with a magical spin. Her discussion of compost and how creating it is a magical act tied to the Wheel of the Year, the Elements, and the Triple Goddess was deeply profound. I honestly had never thought about compost as being magical, but after reading her explanation, I'm converted. If anything, she taught me at that moment to recognize the magic in even the most mundane of acts. She evens offers an amazing composting ritual to do when you begin your gardening journey. I've never been so excited to create compost in my entire life. Haha!

She follows up with a great section on kitchen witchery, which, while short, introduces the idea that cooking is a magical act. This section could have been longer, but there are lots of great books on the topic out there and I believe Nock was just trying to briefly introduce the subject to peak interest. The following chapter covers herbs in wellness. Here, she breaks down the different schools of thought on treating disease. I was thankful she pointed out some of the flaws of homeopathy but would have liked to have seen more in this section explaining the controversy behind it. Homeopathy is based on the idea that like cures like and through dilution we make a cure more powerful. There is ZERO, and I mean ZERO, scientific evidence to support homeopathy, which is very different from naturopathy and other holistic forms of medicine. But I digress. This is definitely an argument for another time.

Following this introduction to the uses of herbs comes a beautifully illustrated section covering 100 herbs and their history, associations, and magical uses. I would have liked to have seen this section fleshed out a little more, especially regarding the history, but fully understand that to cover each herb in such detail would take many a book. Despite this, the section is great and offers some new information, even for me! I look forward to seeing the illustrations in the physical copy. They are beautiful in the electronic copy I read, so I can only imagine they are even better in person.

Part 2 is all about using herbs in magical workings. Her uses and suggestions are new and inventive and have given me so many ideas for future spells. This is the first time in at least 2 years that I have read through spells and been like, "Oh! How thoughtful and inspiring! I am going to use this!" Her spells cover everything from self-care, luck, love, divination, shadow work, and healing. Nock also offers suggestions on how herbs can be used as magical tools and on your altar. There is mention in this book of the Rule of Three, but it was so brief that it didn't turn me off from the rest of the book. There is so much more to this book than Wicca.

I can't even begin to stress how much I loved this book. In fact, I went ahead and preordered a copy because I just had to have the physical copy to make notes in. If you only purchase one book this year, make sure its this one. It is an absolute must-read for all witches, new or not. The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs by Judy Ann Nock will be available on December 10, 2019, so preorder your copy today!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Meditation, Astral Projection, and Hedge Riding: What's the Difference?

meditation, astral projection, hedge riding
You can read more about the differences, specifically between meditation, pathwalking, and hedge riding here.