While you don't
need any tools, herbs, or crystals to perform witchcraft, there are some herbs that can enhance your spells and rituals greatly. There are more than a few herbs out there to choose from, so how do you figure out which ones you should keep on hand? Lucky for you, I have done the heavy lifting. Below is a list of 10 herbs every witch should have. Each of the herbs come with suggested alternatives, so if you are unable to find one them or you find the herb doesn't resonate with you, feel free to grab the alternative instead. Please note that the alternatives may not have the exact same magical properties as the original herb, but share many features in common. I suggest researching each to find what works best for your needs.
Mugwort: This is an absolute MUST have for any witch, especially hedgewitches, due to its unique properties. No other plant has a stronger connection to witchcraft than Mugwort. It is one of the most commonly used herbs in any spell or ritual making it the number one herb to have on hand. Mugwort aids in strengthening psychic powers,
prophetic dreaming, and
astral projection and can also be used for
protection and healing. Use it during rune casting, tarot, palm, tea leaf reading, or any other form of divination to increase your psychic awareness. To learn more, read my
Herbarium: Mugwort post.
Suggested Alternative Herb: Marijuana or Tobacco or Skullcap or Wormwood.
Sage: Of course, sage made the list. How could sage
NOT be on the list? Sage is used in a variety of rituals and spells and is probably
the most commonly used herb in witchcraft. There are several species of sage, but white or desert sage tend to be the go-to for most witches. However, wild desert and white sage are being harvested at alarming rates and are part of a closed culture and therefore not available for all witches. Use regular kitchen sage to cleanse and purify magical tools, runes, oracle cards, crystals, your home, you name it. Sage can also be used to banish negativity and attract positive energy and vibrations. Sage is also used to enhance learning, knowledge, and wisdom, and is believed to be an anti-aging elixir. To learn more, read my
Herbarium: Sage post.
Suggested Alternative Herb: Angelica or Bay or Dandelion Leaf.
Bay: Bay leaves come from a shrub, often mistaken as a tree, from the Mediterranean regions of Europe. It is a very common staple in most spice cabinets, and its magical uses are just as versatile. It is often brewed in a tea to enhance clairvoyance and wisdom or induce prophetic dreaming. Bay is also wonderful for protection spells and purification rituals, making it as versatile as the crystal quartz. Some witches write wishes on bay leaves and burn them to help them manifest. Whatever you use bay for, it is a must-have in any witch's cabinet.
Suggested Alternative Herb: Angelica or Camphor or Sage.
Rosemary: "Always throw spilled salt over your left should. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Add pepper to your mashed potatoes. Plant roses and lavender for luck. Fall in love whenever you can." If you haven't seen or read
Practical Magic then this quote doesn't mean much to you, but if you have, you know exactly what I am talking about. Everyone else, FOR SHAME! Go correct the problem and come back when you are done. Rosemary is another staple to any witch's cabinet as well as most people's spice cabinet. It is used for protection, purification, healing, and love. As Sally said, plant it by your garden gate or front door to protect your garden/home and attract love. It works great with lavender as well. To learn more, read my
Herbarium: Rosemary post.
Suggested Alternative Herb: Frankincense
Lavender: Of course next comes lavender. Plant it for luck, combine it with rosemary to attract love, burn it to bring peacefulness to your home, or place it under your pillow to aid in prophetic dreaming. Lavender is an extremely common herb and is used in a variety of magical rituals and spells. Furthermore, the medicinal properties abound, making it an important addition to your magical cabinet. To learn more, read my
Herbarium: Lavender post.
Suggested Alternative Herb: Rose or Chamomile.
Clove: While I personally don't like cloves, they are commonly used in prosperity and luck spells, making them essential to have on hand. Furthermore, they can be burned to cleanse objects, people, or rooms and increase positive energy. Cloves are also used for protection and mental clarity. Because it is so versatile, many spells and rituals call for cloves and it is great to have on hand in case of a medical emergency such as a toothache!
Suggested Alternative Herb: Chamomile or Lavender or Cinnamon.
Cinnamon: Mmmm cinnamon. I do enjoy the smell, but not the artificially flavored treats like gum. Cinnamon is used to enhance spirituality, success, luck, and prosperity and can also be used in healing and protection rituals and spells. It is basically a go-to for most spell work, making it a wonderful addition to the list. Many witches will wear cinnamon or hang it in their homes, especially around Yule, to attract love, money, and prosperity and protect their home and body. Furthermore, cinnamon has great health benefits and is used in most herbal remedies to treat colds and coughs.
Suggested Alternative Herb: Dill or Clove
Dandelion: Of all the herbs on the list, I think dandelion is my favorite. It is bright, cheery, fragrant, and incredibly versatile. Furthermore, dandelions are one of the first flowers of spring, making them extremely important to bees. I don't know about you, but I have a thing for bees, and considering their current decline, allowing dandelions to grow in my yard is beneficial to everyone. Dandelion leaf can be used during divination practices, especially those involving the dead, as well as for healing, purification, and removing negativity from your home. The root is also used in divination and spirit calling. As a hedgewitch, dandelion is important to bridging the gap between our world and the spirit world.
Suggested Alternative Herb: Mint or Mullein or Rose Hips.
Thyme: Thyme is another herb common in most kitchens due to its culinary uses, but it also is great for most magical workings. It attracts loyalty, affection, and good opinion from others, making it great for spells and rituals regarding relationships, especially new ones, and interviews. Furthermore, thyme can be used to attract good health, luck and money, banish negativity and purify your home. To learn more, read my
Herbarium: Thyme post.
Suggested Alternative Herb: Magnolia Flowers or Sweet Pea.

Mint: To some, this may seem slightly odd to include on the list. Mint doesn't often appear in spells and rituals, but it should. Mint promotes energy, clears the
mind increases communication, and stimulates the senses. These properties, which are well known and well documented, are why mint should play a bigger role in witchcraft. It is perfect for eating or smelling before performing magical workings to get you "in the mood." Mint also attracts money and business, draws in good spirits, and protects your home.
Suggested Alternative Herb: Oregano or Peppermint or Tangerine.
So that is my list of 10 herbs I think every witch should have. Did I leave off an herb you use often? Disagree with something on my list? Feel free to add your suggestions in the comments!