Saturday, May 16, 2015

Element: Fire

Magcial properties and correspondences of fire.


  1. I am an Elementalist practitioner who was raised by my step grandfather who came from a very long line of Irish druids (not Elementalists). I am unfortunately solitary now but am making a grimoire for my grandchildren and am looking for any other Elementalists, specifically fire elements. I cannot work with fire since I am a natural water element, and therefore have extremely limited knowledge to put in my book. I have been very appreciative of your knowledge and wonderful work here. Thank you for whatever help you might can offer.

    1. If you are looking for more information specifically on the element Fire, or even the other elements, check out my Elemental Magic Series under "Series." Its packed with information, folk lore, spells and rituals, correspondences, and how to connect with the element. I wish you the best of luck on creating your Grimoire!


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