Monday, November 2, 2020

Samhain Altar 2020

altar, sabbat, Samhain, Halloween, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca

I hope everyone had a wonderful, safe Samhain. If I am honest, I had a quiet evening with no rituals or magic to speak of. I even asked my ancestors and the spirits that normally wish to speak on Samhain that I needed a break. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is completely overwhelmed with this year and the last thing I wanted to deal with the problems of spirits. Despite not wishing to speak to anyone, I did set up my altar for Samhain. Samhain is the last of the harvest festivals and a time to celebrate the final crops being pulled from the field for, after Samhain, the remaining fruits belong to the fae and other spirits. The veil thins, making communication with spirits easier as they can walk among us this day. Greens, purples, oranges, and blacks are common colors used at this time of year, representing the changing of the season, the ripening of the fruits in the fields, and the long, chilly nights. With these themes in mind, I put together this simple seasonal altar.

altar, sabbat, Samhain, Halloween, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca

1. Candles and Lanterns- Samhain represents the death of the Sun and the dormancy of the Earth. Traditionally, this is a time when the spirits cross over into our realm for the night, using lights, flowers, or the aroma of a homecooked meal to guide them home. The white candles are to represent the Sun and mourn His loss, while the lanterns are to guide my ancestors home. (Where did I get it:  Dollar Tree 2017; Cost: $5; $1 each)

altar, sabbat, Samhain, Halloween, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca

2. Feathers- Feathers are commonly associated with the Otherworld and can be used to lift your messages to spirits and can aid in soul flight. I placed the feathers on my altar for this purpose, to aid in communication with my ancestors and spirits, should I decide to speak with them on a later date. (Where did I get it: Found; Cost: Free)

altar, sabbat, Samhain, Halloween, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca

3. Black Onyx, Clear Quartz, and Amethyst- The crystals circling the central skull and antler are for protection, increasing psychic abilities, and amplifying magic. The black onyx is also the perfect grounder, helping to keep your body safely on Earth during spirit communication and astral travel. (Where did I get it: Metaphysical Stores; Cost: ~$4)

altar, sabbat, Samhain, Halloween, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca

4. Antler and Fox Skull- Deer are said to walk between realms, being messengers from other Otherworld. Their antlers are said to aid in communication between us and spirits, hence its placement on my altar. It is also this time of year that deer begin to lose their horns, a clear mark of the season. The fox skull represents my spirit guide, Meka, who often aids in my astral travels and spirit communication. Skulls are also a representation of the dead and a common Samhain theme as we are celebrating the dead. (Where did I get it: Found/Gift; Cost: Free)

5. Pumpkins- Pumpkins and other squash are one of the last crops to be harvested from the fields as they take time to grow and fill with enriching nutrients and water. The two pumpkins on my altar are a nod to these wonderful fruits that store well for the Winter months and provide much-needed sustenance when all other foods are scarce. (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree 2020; Cost: $2; $1 each)

altar, sabbat, Samhain, Halloween, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca


Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found, made, or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. I hope you find this sort of break down helpful, especially those of you looking to create Instagram perfect altars on a budget!

How did you celebrate Samhain this year?

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  1. Beautiful, as always. I had a quiet Samhain as well. I invoked my inner kitchen witch and baked some pumpkin cookies and made some harvest-appropriate cocktails for my husband and I. We moon-gazed from our balcony and watched a spooky movie.

    Here's hoping 2021 calms down a little. We could all use a break.

    1. Mmmmm! I want some cookies now. Haha! I watched several Halloween/scary movies and worked almost the entire day on the book I had to finish writing. Its all done though and sent off the publisher!

  2. It is vitally important, IMO, to take breaks in life when we recognize the need for them - including on the spiritual front. I'm all for in-depth, magick laiden, activity filled sabbats, but sometimes, a witch just needs to scale back, savour the broader energy + picture of the sacred day, and focus on their self-care/wellbeing more than on having the witchiest sabbat celebration the world has ever witnessed.

    Excellent job on allowing yourself to have a mellow Samhain. I'd call mine "middle ground" (in terms of how much I did on and pertaining to it) this time around and suspect my Yule will be much the same.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

    1. I just haven't had the mental capacity to deal with magic lately. My grandmother that recently passed away was very upset I didn't do any work on Samhain because she has been trying to reach me with a message for my mother. She ended up forcing her visit the other day, when I still wasn't ready, and I got an ear full...She is still has feisty as ever. Despite her being mad, I'm glad I took the night off and all the subsequent nights. I am so utterly drained. Trying to teach, blog, write a book, and practice magic during a pandemic is too much. I don't have energy for any of it! I hope you guys are fairing better!

    2. Just remember that you don't have to be "perfect" all the time. It sounds to me like you're absolutely -killing- it right now, so don't be too hard on yourself. And congrats on finishing your draft! That's a huge accomplishment!


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