Tuesday, November 17, 2020

5 Witchy Books for Fall

witch, books, reading, fall, witchy, witchy reads, occult

I know this post is very late. I totally meant to have this out around the end of September but I certainly dropped the ball, and that's okay because it's still Fall! Besides, even if it weren't Fall or doesn't feel like Fall where you are, there is nothing wrong with reading some spooky witch books. Below is a list of some of my favorite witch books for Fall. With each book, I have included some awesome teas that go perfectly with the stories.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

1. The Midnight Witch by Paula Brackston- This book is an enchantingly dark Victorian tale, telling the story of Lady Lilith Montgomery who inherits the role of Head Witch of the Lazarus Coven. Lilith is especially gifted at speaking with the dead, and when the Sentinels, a group of dark sorcerers threaten her well-being she uses these gifts to protect those she loves. While her coven has a strict creed of secrecy and silence, Lilith risks it all for the man she loves. I love the spirit communication that takes place in this book compared to others that include similar tales. I could have done without some of the love storylines, but overall, this is a great book to read when the veil is thin. As the nights grow longer, the dead are more apt to want to talk, so why not curl up on the couch with a warm blanket and enjoy this book? "The dead are seldom silent. All that is required for them to be heard is that someone be willing to listen..."

I suggest sipping on Spirit Communication Tea from Healing Spirits while reading this book. It contains lemon balm, roses, oats, wood betony, Ginko, and motherwort, which will open the channels to communicate with the spirit realm. Of course, if you don't want them interrupting your reading, try Harney & Son's Royal Palace Tea.

2. The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco- This series is incredible! I haven't been able to make it through a single book in this trilogy without being overcome with emotions. The Bone Witch follows Tea, a bone witch (necromancer) who accidentally raises her dead brother, Fox. Feared by her community, she is taken away by an older bone witch who teachers her how to use her powers. Bone witches are a dying breed, needed to raise and lay to rest daeva who plague the kingdoms. Dark forces, however, interfere and Tea must figure out how to save herself and do what she feels is right, despite what others may think. There are so many twists and turns and I love how inclusive this book is.

I suggest drinking green tea while reading this Asian inspired tale. 

3. The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman- I finished this amazing book full of witchcraft, mystery, and death earlier this year. Honestly, I read it in 2 days it was that food. Violet Saunders and her mother make their way back to Four Paths, New York, her mother's hometown, after Violet's sister tragically dies in a car accident. Violet is soon introduced to the founding families and realizes the episodes she has been experiencing are not all in her head after all. Despite their best efforts, the founding families are struggling to keep evil at bay. The Gray is slowly becoming more powerful, taking the lives of the townsfolk regularly. Violet accidentally unleashes the beast and must work with her newfound friends to save the town. This is the first book in this series, so expect to be ordering the second, The Deck of Omens, as soon as you finish this one. 

I suggest pairing this story with Baba Yaga by Adagio Teas. The warm vanilla Oolong notes mixed with the Russian Caravan blend mix beautifully with this dark tale.

witch, books, reading, fall, witchy, witchy reads, occult

4. The Witches of BlackBrook by Tish Thawer- I had been eyeing this book since it was released and was so excited when it got it for Yule a couple years ago. Thawer mixes witchcraft, Wicca, and history into one beautiful story about three sisters whose spirits are desperate to reunite after they are separated during the Salem witch trials. Only through reuniting will they reach their full potential, but dark forces are keen on keeping them apart. The Witches of BlackBrook is the first of three in the series. You'll make it through this beautiful, fall story.

This book is best paired with Harney & Sons Cranberry Autumn Tea, a fire, and a warm blanket.

5. And The Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich- So this really isn't a witch book, but it will freak you out nonetheless. At least...it scared me. Written in a very untraditional manner, And The Trees Crept In is told from the perspective of Silla, who, along with her little sister Nori, make their way to Blood Manor to escape their abusive father. Silla is warned to stay out of the forest, but in an act of desperation, she enters anyway and if followed by a man. Day by day the trees creep closer to the manor and Silla slowly descends into a nightmare.

This book is best paired with Harney & Sons Hot Apple Spice Tea, an ode to Silla's apple-eating attempts.

witch, books, reading, fall, witchy, witchy reads, occult

And there you have it, 5 witchy books for Fall, or really any time of the year. I noticed after I took the picture that almost all of the covers were purple. How fitting considering purple is the color of magic! Have you read any good witch books lately? Share them in the comments below!

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  1. I love the Bone Witch series! It's so good!

    1. Right?! I have yet to read the last book, but I've cried so many tears in the first two. I can't wait to see how it ends.

  2. Good post. I've read The Midnight Witch (a couple of years ago, I think) and enjoyed it. The Bone Witch is on my "To Read" list! The others sound good, especially The Devouring Gray. Thanks for the recommendations. :)


    1. You will LOVE The Bone Witch and The Devouring Gray is the best fiction book I've read this year. I'm excited to read the next in the series.

  3. Enchantingly lovely selection. For a split second, when I was scrolling through my feedreader and saw the titles on the spines, my mind registered the third book as "Dorian Gray" and I was totally willing to go along with this Oscar Wilde classic potentially having witchy undertones that my teenage self may have missed when I last read it (nearly 20 years ago now).

    Alas, while that could be an interesting connection to explore, it's clear this says The Devouring Grey and now I'll be chuckling to myself all day over the idea that gothic lit as it is, The Picture of Dorian Gray might have been a witchy book. 😄😄😄

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

    1. Haha! Well, The Picture of Dorian Gray is on my bookshelf and my dear cat Oscar is named after him sooooo... Haha!


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