Monday, January 17, 2022

Wolf Moon Social Justice Spell Jar

spell jar, full moon, social justice, wolf moon, spell, ritual, witchcraft, hedgecraft, hedgewitch, hedge witch, traditional witchcraft, witchcraft, occult, pagan, neopagan, wicca, wiccan, cunningfolk,

This year, I want to focus on regularly practicing witchcraft, including honoring the Full and New Moons. For a while there, I was, but the pandemic hit, and, well, everything fell by the wayside. I know I am not alone in that feeling and probably not the only one whose practice has suffered as a result. While we are still in a pandemic, I feel compelled to take back control of my life and my magical practice, and this starts with spell work.

Tonight is the first Full Moon of 2022 and, in the States, MLK Day. Known as the Wolf Moon, this is a time for protection magic, action, and social justice, which is exactly what today's spell jar is all about. However, this spell jar alone is not enough. At the end of the spell, I include resources and actions you can take to empower this spell and ensure its success. All spells require mundane work, this one more so than others. Creating this spell jar without taking real-world action is the equivalent of posting a black photo on your social media page and then going about your normal content routine the next day. It's performative activism and has no place in this very real fight.

What You'll Need

  • Jar with lid or cork
  • Red Jasper
  • Garnet or Hematite
  • Rose Quartz
  • Peppermint
  • Chamomile
  • Jasmine
  • Rose
  • Cinnamon
  • 2x2 inch square of paper
  • Pen
  • Orange Candle
  • Justice Tarot Card

spell jar, full moon, social justice, wolf moon, spell, ritual, witchcraft, hedgecraft, hedgewitch, hedge witch, traditional witchcraft, witchcraft, occult, pagan, neopagan, wicca, wiccan, cunningfolk,

What to Do

Begin by cleansing and consecrating your space using your preferred method. Before starting on the creation of your jar, meditate on what social justice means to you. Conjure up images and feelings relating to social justice issues. Think about systemic racism, trans- and homophobia, the patriarchy, inequalities, xenophobia, etc. Remember the countless innocent lives snuffed out too soon by a biased 'justice' system. Remember the laws and regulations being pushed through our government to limit the human rights and voting rights of specific groups. Call up all the emotions you can possibly muster. If this means you are crying at the end of the meditation then so be it. If you are angry, all the better. You should be fired up, ready to pour all of that into this spell.

Now that you are ready, begin awakening your ingredients and adding them to your spell jar. Begin with the red jasper. Say, say, "Red jasper, bringer of justice, courage, and inner strength. Awaken my inner warrior. Bring balance where there is none. Give me the strength and courage to speak out against injustice and fight for what is right." 

Next awaken the garnet or hematite by saying, "Garnet [or Hemitite], ground me in this moment. Help me remember what I am fighting for. Help me make just decisions and protect me and those I fight for from the evil." 

Now awaken the rose quartz by saying, "Rose quartz, crystal of unconditional love and empathy. Help me love thy neighbor as myself. Help me love unconditionally and listen empathetically. Light the way to a world full of radical self-love." 

Next peppermint: "Peppermint, bringer of protection, abundance, and clarity. Help me see the situation clearly. Be a call to action, not only tonight but all nights. Ignite the fires of my soul and aid me in my task." 

Next chamomile: "Chamomile, bringer of justice and introspection. Help me confront my own biases so I may change and encourage change in others. Remind me to be gentle and caring." 

Next jasmine: "Jasmine, flower of healing and communication. Help heal the wounds caused by an inequitable system. Open the doors for communication and help the oppressors hear our message." 

Next rose: "Rose, flower of love and compassion. Encourage empathy and help me realize I do not need to understand everything; that by letting go of this need I can better show compassion and empathy. Bring love and compassion to a world fraught with hatred and divisiveness." 

Finally, cinnamon: "Cinnamon, bringer of warmth and success, lend this spell your aid. Bring forth abundance and speedy results. Warm the hearts of those shrouded in ice so that they may see the error in their ways. Uncross an oppressive system and break down barriers. Ensure the success of this spell." 

On the piece of paper create a SATOR square on one side and draw the Tiwaz rune on the other. To create a SATOR square write SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, ROTAS as seen below:

Roll up the paper and place it in the bottle. Seal the jar and place the orange candle on top. Light it and allow the wax to melt down over the sides, sealing the jar completely. As it melts, recite one of the following: Psalm 35, Psalm 58, Psalm 137, Psalm 109, or the following incantation invoking Hekate. 

"Hekate, Guardian of Children and the Marginalized, Keeper of the Keys and Crossroads, Guardian of the Gate, Tocherbearer, hear my plea. Bring justice now, I ask of thee. Right the wrongs that have been done and avenge the oppressed O Mighty One. Bring swift justice to a broken system and punish those who continue oppression. Bear your torch and wield your knife to remove barriers on this night. Hasten, Dark One, hear my pleas, this is what I ask of thee." 

If you chose a Psalm, before closing the prayer with Amen, tell God, the story of oppression and social inequality and ask for justice to be served. Continue chanting until the candle goes out. Place the jar on top of the Justice card and allow the jar to charge in the moonlight overnight. Follow up the spell by getting involved in social justice. Below are several resources and suggestions to help you fight the good fight.

*Follow BIPOC content creators such as Alexis Williams (@lelegenevieve), Toby Nabors (@racialequityinsights), Brando (@anish_no_bae), Clare Brown (@clarabellecwb and @claarabelletoks), and Levert Blout (@levertthebassman)

*Write to your representatives about issues related to social justice. has a wonderful list of actions you can take this MLK day and includes scripts and links to email or call your representatives.

*Learn. Read books and content about systems of oppression such as Savage Inequalities, White Fragility, The New Jim Crow, The Color of Law, Killing the Black Body, Policing the Black Man, Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race, American Prison, Democracy in Black, and Radical Self Love.

*Call out your friends, family, and strangers when they say or do something that continues to upload the standard of oppression.

This spell requires constant action. Recharge the jar each Full Moon by recounting what you have done to fight social injustice. This jar must be fed at least once a month. I suggest keeping this jar for at least one year before dismantling. At the end of the year, break the jar's seal and bury the remains at a crossroads, thanking Hekate or God for their help. If you wish, recreate the jar the following January and continue your social justice journey. You'll likely find yourself changed for the better by the end.

Why You Did It

Understanding the why's of a spell are just as important as performing it. It helps you understand the process so you can modify the spell or ritual to suit your needs and helps guide you to write your own. It's my intention that by providing these explanations, you can build a better understanding of how spells are written and executed so you can modify and build your own spells (the goal of my Spellcraft Series). 

For this spell/ritual, the spell is performed during the Full Wolf Moon which is associated with protection, action, and social justice. Furthermore, it was done on or around MLK Day, further empowering the spell with social justice energies. The Full Moon is also associated with manifestation, which we are trying to do with this spell jar.

spell jar, full moon, social justice, wolf moon, spell, ritual, witchcraft, hedgecraft, hedgewitch, hedge witch, traditional witchcraft, witchcraft, occult, pagan, neopagan, wicca, wiccan, cunningfolk,

The crystals and herbs we used in this spell are each associated with an issue related to social justice. Red jasper is associated with balance, stamina, courage, inner strength, and right wrongs, making it perfect for social justice work. Rose quartz promotes love and therefore empathy, promoting a more understanding, empathic, and loving world, especially in regards to yourself and your view of others. 

Wish to break this spell? Unfortunately, this is not a spell to be undone. If you really wish for the negative energies to come back, invite them back. Garnet and Hematite are both associated with grounding, decision-making, and protection. They lend protection to both the caster of the spell and those suffering from an inequitable system while opening your heart and mind to the task of dismantling the oppressive system. Peppermint promotes action and brings mental clarity, while chamomile and jasmine promote justice, introspection, healing, and communication. Rose, like rose quartz, promotes love and empathy while cinnamon ensures success, heats up the spell, and brings protection.

The SATOR Square is a four-way palindrome that is associated with protection and diminishing the power of oppressive forces. It has historically been used to create protection charms and amulets and is used in the same way in this spell jar, to protect marginalized groups. The Tiwaz rune symbolizes justice, balance, and sacrifice. This spell requires constant 'sacrifice' in order to continue feeding it. By sacrifice, I mean donating to charities, taking time to read and learn, and otherwise doing the work necessary to dismantle inequities in our society.

If you chose to recite a Psalm, the ones listed ask God to bring swift justice, making them perfect for this sort of ritual. If you chose to use the Hekate invocation, Hekate is associated with marginalized groups and bringing justice. She is an impartial judge and swift in her punishments. She is also a barrier breaker and perfect for dismantling systems of oppression.

Finally, the spell jar is sealed with an orange candle and charged by the Justice card and Full Moon. I think the Justice card and Full Moon are obvious here, but the orange candle may not be. Orange is the color of justice, attraction, and removing blockages.

spell jar, full moon, social justice, wolf moon, spell, ritual, witchcraft, hedgecraft, hedgewitch, hedge witch, traditional witchcraft, witchcraft, occult, pagan, neopagan, wicca, wiccan, cunningfolk,

If you wish to break the spell, simply dismantle the jar and dispose of the remains. However, I encourage you to feed this jar for at least one full year. At the end of the year, break the jar's seal and bury the remains at a crossroads, thanking Hekate or God for their help. If you wish, recreate the jar the following January and continue your social justice journey. You'll likely find yourself changed for the better by the end. I cannot stress this enough.

Remember to record this ritual on your ritual/spell worksheet or in your Book of Shadows for reference later.


I highly encourage all of my readers to create such a spell jar this Full Moon. I know the pandemic has caused many of us to take a step back from the things that matter most and this is a great way to start taking small, manageable steps in the right direction. I focused almost entirely on BIPOC social justice, but this jar can and should be used to fight ALL oppression, including homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, xenophobia, and the patriarchy. Each month I am picking a different issue to focus on using Bettie's Pages's #ChallengeYourShelf as a starting place. I hope you will join me this year as we work together to fight for real justice. 

If you liked this post and would like to support future content, please consider leaving a small tip in the jar. 


  1. Immensely poignant spell. Thank very much not only for sharing it (+ focusing on a vitally important topic), but for delving deep into its heart and explaining why each component is involved. You have a real knack for bringing the purpose of magickal workings to the fore and making them easily assessible to others.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

    1. Thank you! Your sweet comment brough tears to my eyes!


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