Monday, January 7, 2019

Magickal Folk Box Review: December

Magickal Folk Box Review: December

Before I start this review I would like to make a point to say that subscribing to a subscription box isn't required to perform magic. Furthermore, having witchy stuff doesn't necessarily make you a witch, nor do you have to have a bunch of stuff to be a witch or perform magic. Magic isn't about the stuff you use, but about you. The magic comes from you, not the crystal or tea or candle or whatever object you are using. With that being said, December was my last Magickal Folk box, at least for a little bit, so this review will include my overall thoughts on the subscription as a whole, as well as a review of this month's content. This month's Small Combo Box from Magickal Folk focused on the Crone aspect which is representative of this time of year.

Magickal Folk Box Review: December

The first item I removed from the December small combo box was the Meditation Kit. This particular kit contained a couple of items, including a black and red candle, and a golden sheen obsidian bracelet. According to the information card, this kit centers around "crone mysteries" and the knowledge and wisdom the crone provides. The purpose of this small ritual meditation is to reflect and grow as an individual. The red candle is to ground, incite, and betow personal power while the black candle is meant to connect with our ancestors and banish any unwanted energy. The bracelet, containing both light and dark, represents refined wisdom in that both light and dark exist together, not alone.

Magickal Folk Box Review: December

Magickal Folk Box Review: December

Also pictured is some Winter Solstice tea, which contains earl grey tea, coneflower, cinnamon, peppermint, lemon peel, and natural bergamot flavoring. This tea came as an extra little gift, a Yule present if you will. I decided to pair it with the Meditation Kit because the flavors match well with this time of year, which also happens to be the time of the Crone. Furthermore, they are relaxing, helping to reach that meditative state easier. The tea is delightful and pairs well with a little bit of milk or cream.

Magickal Folk Box Review: December

The next item I removed was the Tea Ritual Kit. This tea, which contains Irish black tea, elderberry, elderflower, dandelion root, and ginger root, is all about connecting, belonging, authenticity, wisdom, and truth. I love how the tea has some pretty awesome healing abilities as well, especially this time of year with cold and flu season upon us. Elderberry and flowers, ginger, and dandelion are all known to help prevent or shorten illness. This ritual tea is designed not only to keep you healthy but also connect with yourself and your ancestral roots. While Samhain sees the veil at its thinnest, the Winter Solstice is another time the veil is very thin, making contact with the spirits, including our ancestors, easy. This ritual tea will help you get there with ease. The tea has a strong flavor, but the elderberry and flower bring about a slight sweetness.

Magickal Folk Box Review: December

Finally, I removed the Crystal Ritual Kit, which contained several beautiful crystals this time. Called "Keeping of the Cauldron," this kit contained several pieces of Picture Jasper and Dumortierite, for creativity, wisdom, patience, and self-mastery, again characteristics of the Crone aspect.

Magickal Folk Box Review: December

This kit also contained a Cerridwen Anointing Oil of sunflower and almond oil mixed with Silver Fir and Magnolia essential soils, dried Gotu Kola, Ginko, and Corn Silk. The oil has a sweet aroma and is used to anoint the crystals to invoke the Goddess Cerridwen, keeper of the cauldron Amem, the cauldron of divine knowledge, wisdom, rebirth, and transformation. If you don't know the story of Cerridwen, I strongly suggest you read it. It is a beautiful tale.

Magickal Folk Box Review: December

I loved how cohesive this month's box was and how they can easily be combined into one beautiful ritual for the Winter Solstice or for any New/Dark Moon.

Since it has been three months, I would like to give you a complete break down of my overall thoughts on this box.


  • The box is consistent. It always comes with a tea kit, meditation kit, and a crystal kit.
  • The item quality is great. Every item is worth more than I paid and sometimes you even get some bonus items thrown in!
  • The information card is informative and explains how to use the items for each kit. All of the items, except crystals, are made by Magickal Folk, so you are supporting a small pagan business.
  • This box is affordable. For a month's subscription, you are looking at spending just $24!
  • You get a little of everything with the small combo kit. I love how the small combo kits give me a variety of rituals and items each month, especially the tea!
  • You get to join a responsive community. When you subscribe, you are given the option to join their private Facebook groups and join in discussions with other witches who subscribe, as well as the curators behind the boxes!
  • There are different tiers. They offer a variety of subscription box options, all of them budget friendly.
  • This box is available! There is no waiting list, although they do sell out quickly, especially if it's a theme people want to be a part of!


  • The information card is incomplete. Unfortunately, there is no mention of the cost of the items nor where the crystals are sourced from, but overall the information cards are nicely done.
  • Sometimes the information cards are hard to read. Depending on their choice of cardstock for the month, sometimes the information cards can be difficult to read.
  • There is some packaging that is not eco-friendly. The paper and cardboard box can be recycled, but the bubble wrap can not. I believe having eco-friendly packaging as much as possible is extremely important.
OVERALL: 5 out of 5 stars 

Interested in purchasing this box? Check out Cratejoy. They have a large selection of subscription boxes that cover just about everything.

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