Friday, June 2, 2023

Ripe for Success: A Strawberry Moon Ritual for Abundance and Prosperity

abundance, prosperity, wealth, luck, success, candle magic, candle magick, magick, strawberry moon, full moon, esbat, ritual, spell, witchcraft, witch, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, magick, magic, occult, hedgewitch, hedge witch, green witch, kitchen witch
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June's full moon is commonly known as the Strawberry Moon due to the abundance of strawberries being harvested during this time. Here in Georgia, strawberry season is just about over, our warmer weather pushing the peak of the season ahead into late April and early May, but the themes are still the same. This is a time of abundance after a long rest and the perfect time for manifesting prosperity and abundance in your own life. This ritual should be performed the three days around the Strawberry Moon, or during the peak of the full moon. This ritual also pairs well with my Strawberry Moon Worksheet.

What You'll Need

  • 1 green or white candle with a candle holder (or try House of Intuition's Money Magic Candle)
  • Toothpick or another tool to etch
  • 1 teaspoon dried strawberry leaves or fresh strawberry 'caps'
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2-3 drops of honey
  • Match or lighter
  • 3 strawberries (9 total for 3 nights)

What to Do

During the first night of the Strawberry Moon, begin by cleansing and consecrating your space using your preferred method. If you wish, cast a circle and invite any spirits or deities associated with prosperity, money, and abundance.

After your space has been cleansed and consecrated, etch the Fehu rune into your green or white candle using a toothpick or other etching tool. Combine the dried herbs on a plate or flat surface and hold your hand over the top of them and say, "Strawberry for luck, basil for money, and cinnamon for good fortune. Combined I ask you to bring prosperity and abundance to my life so I shall never want." Dress the candle with 2-3 drops of honey then roll it in the herb mixture, making sure to lightly coat the entire surface. Do not overdress your candle as this can create a fire hazard. Place the candle in your candle holder in the center of your workspace.

Pick up the first strawberry and hold it in your hand. Close your eyes and think about your past abundances and prosperities. What are you thankful for? What have you previously had enough of?  Allow these memories to wash over you and fill you with joy and gratitude. Feel that energy move into the strawberry. Place the strawberry to the left of the candle.

Pick up the second strawberry and hold it in your hand. Close your eyes and think about your present abundances and prosperities. What is currently in your life that you are thankful for? What do you currently have enough of? Allow these memories to wash over you and fill you with joy and gratitude. Feel the energy move into the strawberry and place it in front of the candle closest to you.

Finally, pick up the last strawberry and hold it in your hand. Close your eyes and think about your future abundances and prosperities. What do you want more of in your life? What will life be like with more of those things in your life? How will your life change? Allow these visions to wash over you and fill you with gratitude and contentment. Feel that energy move into the strawberry. When ready, place the strawberry to the right of the candle.

abundance, prosperity, wealth, luck, success, candle magic, candle magick, magick, strawberry moon, full moon, esbat, ritual, spell, witchcraft, witch, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, magick, magic, occult, hedgewitch, hedge witch, green witch, kitchen witch

Light the candle and say, "My past, present, and future are full of abundance and prosperity. I am thankful for all that I have and shall never want in the future. I draw wealth, success, and good fortune to me always."

As the candle burns, continue visualizing your past, present, and future abundance and prosperity. When ready, consume the first strawberry (past/left). Feel its energy coarse through you, strengthening and nourishing your body, mind, and spirit. Repeat this process with the other two strawberries, allowing the candle to burn as you do so.

When you have finished consuming the strawberries, snuff out the candle and complete your ritual by releasing any energy, deities, or spirits you called upon. Repeat this spell for the next two nights for three nights total, allowing the candle to burn down completely on the third night. Bury any eco-friendly spell remains near your front door for good luck.

Why You Did It

Understanding the why's of a spell are just as important as performing it. It helps you understand the process so you can modify the spell or ritual to suit your needs and helps guide you to write your own. It's my intention that by providing these explanations, you can build a better understanding of how spells are written and executed so you can modify and build your own spells (the goal of my Spellcrafting Series). 

First, this spell is conducted during the Strawberry Moon, June's full moon which is associated with wealth, prosperity, abundance, fertility, and fullness of life. The full moon in general is also associated with manifesting, making this the perfect time to manifest abundance and prosperity, especially that related to money and food. The full moon generally lasts 3 nights, and three is associated with good fortune as well as action. By performing this spell during the full moon for three nights, you reinforce your intention, although you can also perform this spell just once or during the waxing moon which is also associated with growth and manifestation.

Next, a green candle was chosen to represent money, wealth, and abundance. White, on the other hand, is associated with new beginnings and high vibrations. The Fehu rune was carved into the candle to empower it with wealth and abundance. Fehu means "wealth" particularly 'mobile' wealth, a reference to cattle or sheep which brought their owners a comfortable living. It helps ensure the prosperity you experience is long-lasting and stable. The candle was then rolled into a mixture of strawberry leaves, basil, and cinnamon, all herbs associated with luck, prosperity, good fortune, money, abundance, and wealth. Honey was chosen to bind the herbs to the candle to sweeten the deal and bring wealth. Honey was often referred to as liquid gold, its color and richness of flavor being associated with abundance and wealth.

abundance, prosperity, wealth, luck, success, candle magic, candle magick, magick, strawberry moon, full moon, esbat, ritual, spell, witchcraft, witch, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, magick, magic, occult, hedgewitch, hedge witch, green witch, kitchen witch

Three strawberries were used to represent your past, present, and future abundances. Part of manifesting is recognizing that what you want already exists in your life. By showing gratitude, you recognize how much you already have and are able to attract more of it toward you. There is a strong correlation between  gratitude and manifestation. The strawberries were filled with these energies and then eaten to imbibe you with their strength and intention so that you may take the actions needed to bring more abundance into your life.

Finally, any eco-friendly spell remains, which were likely the remaining herbs, were buried near your front door to bring good luck and fortune. The spell remains buried close to your front door are said to draw things toward you, in this case, your spell's intention.

Wish to break this spell? If you are getting more than what you initially bargained for, thank the Universe for all it has given you and let it know you are satisfied. If you have attracted unwanted attention from this spell, you may need to conduct a spell to turn away prying eyes or make you invisible. If you have attracted the unwanted attention of a lover, you may need to banish them or do a chord-cutting ritual. Breaking this spell is completely dependent on what you have too much of.

Remember to record this ritual on your ritual/spell worksheet or in your Book of Shadows for reference later.


Remember, the Strawberry Moon is a time of prosperity, abundance, fertility, and love. No matter what you decide to do this full moon, I hope it's full of magic!

Interested in learning more about the full moon, Strawberry Moon? Below are some resources to get you started.

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