Friday, January 7, 2022

Magical Properties of Hag Stones

hag stone, traditional witchcraft, trad craft, adder stone, Odin stone, holey stone, cunning folk, witchcraft, crystal magic, witch, wiccan, wicca, pagan, neopagan, occult, gem, stone

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  1. Fascinating. I consider myself fairly well-versed when it comes to stones and I've never heard of this. I'll have to keep and eye out in the future.

  2. Adore! Ever since learning about hag stones as a child, I have scoured countless beaches, riverbanks, etc for them across multiple countries and Canadian provinces, but have yet to encounter one in the wild (ditto, albeit in different settings usually, for four leaf clovers). I know that some folks sell them online (both the real deal and simulated ones with humanmade holes in them), but for now I'm continuing to hold out hope that I will cross paths with one in nature at long last.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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