Thursday, October 24, 2024

Vetrnætr/Winter Nights Altar 2024

Vetrnætr/Winter Nights Altar 2024

Winter Nights begins on the first full moon after the Autumn Equinox and lasts three days during which three blots, or sacrifices occurred: Alfablót, Disablót, and Haustblót.

Alfablót and Disablót were believed to be celebrated more privately while Haustblót was a community event. There is some suggestion that Disablót was also celebrated publically, and in some parts of the world, it still is. I, however, have chosen to make this a private celebration. Alfablót and Disablót are both celebrations of our ancestors, local spirits, and deities, each focusing on a different group. Alfablót celebrates our male ancestors, spirits, and Álfar, while Disablót celebrates our female ancestors, spirits, and Dísir. Haustblót, on the other hand, is more of a thanksgiving to celebrate the abundance of the final harvests, give thanks, and honor the spirits and deities that made such a bountiful harvest possible. One last hurrah before the cold sets in and the earth withers.

The themes and symbols represented by this holy tide are the harvest, abundance, cycles, family, heritage, and sacrifice. This is a time to give thanks, celebrate the fruits of our labors, and request continued protection and abundance. With these themes in mind, I created the base altar featured below. Please know that this is the base, not the complete altar. Each night I added new items and conducted short spells and rituals not featured for privacy reasons. I've included an expanded note about this at the end of the post to give you a better idea of what you won't see pictured and why.

Vetrnætr/Winter Nights Altar 20

1. Harvest Candle Holder with Green Candle- This harvest candleholder has previously graced my Mabon altar for many, many years, but I now find it fitting for my Winter Nights altar, as this is also a time of thanksgiving and celebration of the harvest. It represents the bounty of the season with its pears, apples, grapes, and berries. The earthen tones and colorful leaves represent autumn and the changing of the seasons as the Wheel turns yet again toward winter. Like most years, I placed a green candle in the holder to represent abundance, specifically agricultural abundance as green is associated with plants, luck, and wealth. Green also represents the Earth and the gracious gifts She bestows upon us during the harvest, for without Her nurturing soils, we would not have nutrient-rich foods. Nestled around the candleholder are grapes, which are currently finishing up their growing season. These grapes represent abundance and prosperity, as well as merriment and good tidings, as they would traditionally be turned into wine, especially mulled wine. (Where did I get it: Goodwill & Dollar Tree; Cost: $3)

Vetrnætr/Winter Nights Altar 2024

2. Incense Holder with Cone Incense- Incense has been used across cultures to communicate with the gods and send messages to the Otherworld for centuries. It is one of the best ways to trigger a magical response in your brain and let it know it's time for ritual. Furthermore, incense is commonly used as an offering, a gift to those we wish to commune with. For all these reasons I have incense on my Winter Nights altar. I picked a scent that resonated with me, that felt 'right' for the season. Each night of Vetrnætr I lit new incense to carry my prayers, stories, and thoughts to those I was speaking to. I used it to cleanse and clear the space around my altar and to summon the spirits of those I wished to honor each night. (Where did I get it: Five Below; Cost: $3)

3. Autumn Leaf Candle Holders with White CandlesThe leaf candle holders are an ode to the season and the changing leaves that herald autumn. Their orange color represents attraction. In this case, it is used to attract the Sun and keep Him burning bright within the sky for a little while longer so the rest of the crops may ripen. In conjunction with the candles, which represent the Sun who is slowly waning in the sky, they work together as a sympathetic form of magic to give the Sun continued strength. Candles are also traditionally used to light the way so souls may find their way home. I included these extra candles to call forth my ancestors and my spiritual guides so I may thank them and regale them with tales of my life. (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree; Cost: $2.50)

Vetrnætr/Winter Nights Altar 2024

Jera, Othala, and Algiz Runes- Since this is a Nordic holiday, no altar would be complete without some runes. Jera is the rune of the harvest, representing reward, fruition, commitment, and fertility. It signifies the cycle of life, from birth to death, and abundance to come. As Winter Nights is a celebration of the final harvest, it only makes sense to pay tribute to the harvest through Jera. Othala, however, is the rune of heritage, inheritance, and home. It represents your family roots, your genetics, and your spiritual heritage. This is incredibly important during Winter Nights, as both Alfablót and Disablót are celebrations of our ancestors and heritage. Finally, Algiz is the stag rune. It represents hunting, as well as honor, nobility, and, maybe most importantly, protection. As the Wheel turns, our ancestors would have relied more heavily on hunting as a source of food and would have called upon their ancestors and gods for protection through the harsh winter months. With this rune, I invoke the same protection upon my home, calling for those within to be protected and never go without, even if times are hard and the weather is harsh. (Where did I get it: Won; Cost: Free)

Vetrnætr/Winter Nights Altar 2024

5. Fox Skull- The fox skull represents my animal guide or otherworldly familiar. She has been a staunch companion and ally for many years, and this skull is used as a spirit home for her during my magical workings and spirit flights. She is honored here during Vetrnætr as one of the feminine spirits I celebrated during Disablót. She took center stage on my altar each night, as she is an important part of my practice. I honestly couldn't do what I do without her. Not pictured are her offerings, which shall remain private. Not only does she act as my guide, but she also aids me in communicating with other spirits. She helps to ferry my ancestors into our realm for communication and is present on this altar for the same task.  (Where did I get it: Gifted; Cost: Free)

6. Offering Bowl- Blót means sacrifice, and that is exactly what is to occur during Winter Nights. Each night I made a sacrifice and offering to say thank you to those who have helped me. What I sacrificed each night was different, dependent upon the spirits I was thanking, but it was made nonetheless. The bowl I used is an earthen bowl gifted to me by my best friend on my birthday last year. What better way to use it than to give thanks? (Where did I get it: Gifted; Cost: Free)

Vetrnætr/Winter Nights Altar 2024

TOTAL COST: ~$8.50

Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found, made, or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. This altar is more expensive than some of my previous altars because I wanted to include some new items I purchased this year. I hope you find this sort of breakdown helpful, especially for those of you looking to create Instagram-perfect altars on a budget!

Vetrnætr/Winter Nights Altar 2024

It's important to note this is not my full altar for Winter Nights. Each night I added new things, the majority of which are very private. This includes pictures of my ancestors, notes, letters, and personal belongings. It also includes some of my ritual tools and sacrifices and offerings I gave. These are private and between me and the spirits I work with, hence their absence from these pictures. I encourage you to do the same with your altar. Remember, part of witchcraft is "to remain silent." This doesn't mean not sharing your knowledge and craft, but being wise in what and how you share. Not everyone has your best interests in mind.

I hope everyone has a blessed winter and that it is nothing but light in the darkness.

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