I don't know about you, but I am feeling very defeated, sacred, and otherwise just not great. Everything just feels...off. I know I am not alone in this feeling, but seeing and hearing from others who feel the same way as I do has been comforting but also stressful. While I do not consider myself to be an empath (in fact, I have some pretty harsh opinions about the whole idea of being an empath) I do feel a weight on my shoulders when exposed to others who are also struggling. There is a palpable thickness of emotion in the air. Because of this, I know it's the perfect time for some energy shielding and protection. I can't continue to fight the good fight if I am incapable of getting out of bed in the morning. This simple spell is designed to do just that!
What to Do
Before beginning this spell, it's important to cleanse yourself and the energy you hold as you don't want to lock in any of the negativity you currently hold. How you do this is entirely up to you, but I do have some suggested methods. In Witchcraft for Well-Being, I discuss Earthing as a potential method of cleansing. You could also take a bath or shower, use smoke or sound, or any other preferred method.
Once you are thoroughly cleansed and you have prepared your sacred space, Light the black candle. Hold the hematite in your hands and close your eyes. Feel it warm as you focus on your intention of shielding and protection. Visualize the hematite pulling any remaining negativity from your body. Let the tension in your neck and shoulders relax as you take a deep breath in and out. Once you are completely relaxed place the hematite in front of the black candle.
Next hold the algiz (ᛉ) rune in your hands, as you focus on your intention of forming a strong, impenetrable shield around you. Chant "algiz" (AHL-geez) over and over as you raise the stone above your head and circle it around your body completely. As you do so, visualize a shield forming deflecting negative energies away from you. Repeat this step until you can clearly see or feel the shield in your mind's eye. Visualize it contracting until it rests upon your skin like a film.
Pass the rune through the flame three times while chanting, "Algiz protect my energy and shield me from negativity. Nothing shall disturb my peace." Allow the black candle to burn out or snuff it out if you are short on time. You can carry the rune for ongoing protection if you wish. Repeat this spell at least once a month.
- Altering your breathing can cause a reduction in blood pressure which can cause you to pass out. It can also trigger seizures in some people and PTSD in others. If you are worried about passing out, begin this exercise by lying down. I also suggest practicing with a friend to ensure your safety.
- Smoky quartz, obsidian, black tourmaline, or other black crystals can be used in place of hematite.
- If you do not have a black candle, white can be substituted. Carve the algiz (ᛉ) rune into the candle prior to use.
Why You Did It
Understanding the whys of a spell (or recipe) is just as important as performing it. It helps you understand the process so you can modify the spell or ritual to suit your needs and helps guide you in writing your own. It's my intention that by providing these explanations, you can build a better understanding of how spells are written and executed so you can modify and build your own spells (the goal of my Spellcrafting Series).This spell begins with a cleansing. Because we are creating an energy shield, we don't want anything to be trapped inside the shield with us that isn't positive. Starting with a clean slate and replacing the energy with positivity ensures the shield keeps the good in and the bad out.
Next, a black candle was lit as black is associated with protection as well as removals and dispelling. The candle, along with hematite, helps pull any residual negativity from you and enhances the protection ability of the spell. Hematite, like the color black, is associated with protection and cleansing. It was warmed in your hand so it could be awoken and filled with your intention.
As with most spells, this one too shall wane with time. It should be renewed at least once a month, especially on the dark or full moon, or as needed. If you are exposed to excessive amounts of negative emotions or stressful situations, you will need to renew the shield more often. Remember to release the shield and cleanse prior to rebuilding it.
Wish to break this spell? Visualize the shield you created dissolving, shedding, or otherwise dropping off of you. This visualization can be paired with a chant such as "I release the shield for I no longer have use of it."
Remember to record this spell in your Book of Shadows or use my Spell/Ritual Worksheet for reference later.
I know things are scary right now and that you may be feeling hopeless. We may have lost a battle, but we have not lost the war. If we are to continue to care for each other and our communities, we must learn to care for ourselves. Energy shielding is a great way to ensure we can continue fighting, even in the darkest of times. But as Harris said during her concession speech, "Only when it's dark enough can you see the stars." Resistances are built upon hope, I have hope. If you ever need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Email is usually the best option as I am taking a break from social media to protect my own peace. Please do not take that to mean I have stopped doing the work. Mutual aid starts at home, and it's needed now more than ever. We will get through this.
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