Monday, July 8, 2024

Summoning the Rain: A Weather Spell to Summon Rain During Times of Drought

Summoning the Rain: A Weather Spell to Rain During Times of Drought

I'm not sure about everyone else, but we are experiencing a pretty severe drought in my area. My grass is almost completely dead and if it wasn't for me watering my garden, none of my flowers would have survived the season. Even with watering, they are barely blooming because it's so hot and dry. We desperately need rain, and what better way to try and coax it here than with a little bit of magic?

Rain and weather spells are well documented throughout history, especially among pastoral communities that relied heavily on the weather to ensure they could survive through the winter. One bad growing season could spell disaster for everyone. While the methods vary across cultures, most rain spells incorporate water, including the one I present today.

What You'll Need

  • Bowl of water, preferably rainwater
  • Broom or herb bundle (options include heather, fern, henbane, and pansy)
  • Ingwaz rune
  • Offering for Freyr such as apple, apple cider, coins, grains, barely, or ale.

What to Do

Begin by going outside with your materials. Take a few deep breaths to ground and center yourself, connecting with the earth below you and the sky above. Holding the Ingwaz rune in your hand, raise your arms toward the heavens and say, "Freyr, mighty Vanir lord, Bringer of growth, rain, and sword, Hear my plea, this land is dry, Send your waters from the sky. By the power of Ingwaz, fertile seed, Let the heavens open, and fulfill this need. Gentle rain, come forth and fall, Nourish the earth, heed my call." Dip the rune into the bowl of water and sprinkle the water onto the land, symbolizing the rain you wish to bring.

Summoning the Rain: A Weather Spell to Rain During Times of Drought

Still holding the rune, dip your broom or herb bundle into the water and begin sprinkling it around your home or chosen area, walking in a clockwise direction. As you do so, chant "Rain, rain bless this land. Gentle and quick come again." or continue invoking Freyr using the previous incantation. Visualize dark clouds heavy with rain forming above you and gently raining down, quenching the earth's thirst. Smell and feel the rain's gentle touch. Continue walking, sprinkling, chanting, and visualizing until you have walked completely around your home (or wherever you are walking) or until you feel you raised enough power to be released.

Raise your hands back into the air with the rune in one hand and the broom/herb bundle in the other and tip your face towards the heavens. Release the energy you have built up. I usually do this by taking a deep breath and then exhaling until all the air has been pushed from my lungs. Close the ritual by thanking Freyr by saying, "Thank you, Freyr, for hearing my plea, For rain and blessing cast upon me. By your power, let the land be drenched, Rain shall fall until all is quenched. Please accept this offering of [insert offering here] as thanks."

Not everyone can walk, practice openly, work with deities (or Norse ones), or lives in a home with walkable property. As such, here are some suggestions to modify this spell to suit your own needs.
  • Use a map of your area if you cannot go outside, walk, etc. Pull up a satellite image of your home and print it, or use your smartphone, iPad, or other electronic device that can lie flat. Cover any electronic devices with clear plastic or place them in a clear plastic baggy to avoid damaging the device. I know many are water-resistant so if you are comfortable sprinkling a few drops of water on it, then go right ahead. Just be sure not to soak the device or try to charge it until it's completely dry. Perform the ritual as intended, sprinkling the water over your printed map or device.
  • If you don't work with deities or don't work with Norse ones, you can call upon the Universe or other rain deities such as Zeus or Taranis. Substitute the offering to correspond with the deity of your choice, or use honey or your spit (both are universal offerings).

Why You Did It

Understanding the whys of a spell (or recipe) is just as important as performing it. It helps you understand the process so you can modify the spell or ritual to suit your needs and helps guide you to write your own. It's my intention that by providing these explanations, you can build a better understanding of how spells are written and executed so you can modify and build your own spells (the goal of my Spellcrafting Series). 

This spell begins by going outside (or using a map if you are modifying) so the Universe/spirits/deities know where you want it to rain. Being specific in our spells is incredibly important, and giving a specific location is crucial to this spell. You can ask for rain all day, and rain will fall, it just might not be where you want it to be. I can ask for rain in my city, but it spans 4 different counties so where it falls within the city limits may not include my house specifically.

Summoning the Rain: A Weather Spell to Rain During Times of Drought

The Ingwaz rune was used in this spell because it represents Freyr, the god of rain, fertility, and agriculture. Ingwaz, like Freyr, is also associated with fertility and prosperity, as well as growth and potential. Because rain is nourishing, it was often viewed in a reproductive manner, being akin to sperm that falls and 'fertilizes' the land, allowing it to blossom. This is why many fertility gods are often associated with rain as well.

Historically, brooms have been used in many rain spells as it's believed the broom can stir up wind and clouds, bringing rain with them. By dipping the broom in water and sprinkling it upon the land, you are performing sympathetic magic, where like attracts like. Many herbs are also deeply associated with bringing rain, the most famous being heather. Heather is allied with mist and rain, preferring to grow in moist areas. It's the most commonly used herb to bring rain and has been used to sprinkle water upon the earth or in rain-bringing incense. One medieval incense recipe calls for henbane and fern, which are also associated with rain, to be combined with heather and burned to coax rain to put the fire out and save the rain-loving plants. A lesser-known rain herb is pansy. According to folklore, picking pansies will bring rain, or picking a pansy and dousing it in water will bring rain. Either way, it's associated with bringing rain, making it a great addition or alternative.

Summoning the Rain: A Weather Spell to Rain During Times of Drought

Finally, this spell was performed in a clockwise manner to draw the rain to you. Clockwise is associated with attracting things.

One common concern with weather spells is that once the rain starts, it may not stop. This is where our thanks come into play. I specifically included that rain will fall until "all is quenched" meaning that once the earth and plants have had their fill, the rain will stop. If for whatever reason the rain does not stop, you can perform a rain-stopping ritual by lighting a candle (fire is the opposite of water) and saying "Rain, rain go away. Come again another day." Yes, this old nursery rhyme is a traditional rain-stopping spell and works quite well.

Remember to record this recipe in your Book of Shadows or use my Spell/Ritual Worksheet for reference later.


Since casting this spell, it has rained twice and we have 4 more days of rain predicted to come. Already my plants have perked up and several brown spots in my yard and filling in with some green. It will take several more days of rain to undo the damage that has been done, but I am hopeful.

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