Thursday, July 25, 2024

Witchcraft for Well-Being: 5 Spells, Rituals, and Remedies to Reduce Stress During Political Turmoil

Witchcraft for Well-Being: 5 Spells, Rituals, and Remedies to Reduce Stress During Political Turmoil

I don't know about you, but I am very concerned about the political and social future of the United States, and that concern has led to a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. My concerns are numerous and often all-consuming which has left me feeling drained, scatterbrained, and physically ill. Anyone involved in collective liberation knows this is exhausting work, and burnout is very real. However, we cannot build community and fill the community cauldron if our chalices are empty, making self-care an integral part of spiritual activism and collective liberation. 

I talk rather extensively about self-care as a form of collective liberation in my book The Green Witch's Guide to Self-Care: Natural Spells, Rituals, and Remedies for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit, and I obviously highly recommend giving it a read, but for those of you who cannot make the purchase for whatever reason, I am sharing 5 new spells, rituals, and remedies for self-care specifically designed to get you through these politically trying times. 

To reduce the financial stress some spells may impose, I have focused on no or very few ingredients, and those ingredients I did pick are readily available and affordable at your local grocery store. I have also offered substitutions, alternatives, and modifications to ensure everyone can participate.

Earthing Ritual to Recenter After a Protest (or other stressful event)

Earthing is a form of grounding in which a person directly connects their body to the Earth, using Earth's energy to help refocus, recharge, and recenter. According to Chevalier et al in The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Bodyworkers' Pain and Overall Quality of Life: A Randomized Controlled Trial, earthing regularly can reduce pain, stress, and inflammation, and improve mental well-being. It is believed this occurs because electrons are able to move freely between you and the Earth, causing an energic shift inside you. Whether this is what is actually happening or not is still up for debate, but current scientific research does support that it is good for your overall health. There are many ways you can practice earthing, from walking barefoot to lying on the ground to playing in the dirt to swimming in a natural water system. However, in order to reap the full benefits of earthing, you need to spend at least 30 minutes in contact with the Earth.

  • Yourself
  1. Go outside and choose how you wish to connect with the Earth. Will you be standing, lying, walking, swimming, gardening?
  2. Take a deep breath in through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, and then exhale through your nose for four seconds. This is known as box breathing, which has been found to increase your awareness and reduce stress.
  3. As you continue box breathing, feel the stress leave your face, then your jaw, then your shoulders, slowly releasing the tension as you move down your body. Push that stress out through your feet (or other low touching point) and into the Earth.
  4. Continue this breathing technique and tension release for up to 5 minutes, or until you feel completely relaxed.
  5. Visualize roots sprouting from your body and connecting you with the Earth. Feel the Earth's energy enter your body, evening your heartbeat, and uplifting your mood.
  6. Once you have established a firm connection between you and the Earth, you can continue meditating, take a walk, swim, or otherwise go about your business outdoors, continuing to maintain that link between you and the Earth for at least 30 minutes.
  • Altering your breathing can cause a reduction in blood pressure which can cause you to pass out. It can also trigger seizures in some people and PTSD in others. If you are worried about passing out, begin this exercise by lying down. I also suggest practicing with a friend to ensure your safety.
  • If you can not go outside and directly connect with the Earth, you can use a bowl of potting soil or a grounding crystal such as hematite, black tourmaline, obsidian, shungite, or smoky quartz.
  • If you cannot use the box breathing technique (because of a cold, deviated septum, asthma, or other concerns) you can breathe through your mouth or modify other breathing techniques such as pursed-lip breathing or belly breathing.

Anti-Anxiety Bath Salt for the Burnt-Out Liberator

Taking a 10- to 15-minute bath once a week has been proven to decrease stress hormones, balance serotonin, and regulate your mood. Combining the soothing properties of water, with the healing properties of plants creates a potent mixture that will blast any stress or tension you may be having so you can continue to fight the good fight. This particular recipe uses grapefruit, cedar (or pine), and sage mixed with salt and oatmeal. Salt is a natural cleanser and remover of negativity. Oatmeal is less harsh and helps heal and repair dry skin. Grapefruit, like other citrus scents, helps relieve stress and anxiety and replaces it with happiness and positivity. Cedar (or pine) and sage are known to soothe the mind (again relieving stress and anxiety), as well as remove negativity and protect against outside influences that would seek to harm you. If you can't take a bath, there are other options you can employ listed in the Warnings/Modifications/Alternatives section.

  • 3 cups Epsom salt
  • 1 1/2 cups coarse sea salt
  • 1/2 cup ground oatmeal
  • 1/4 cup dried grapefruit peel (or 6 drops grapefruit essential oil or fresh grapefruit slices added directly to the bath, not the salt mixture)
  • 1/2 cup fresh or dried cedar needles, finely chopped (or 6 drops Virginia cedarwood essential oil)
  • 1/4 cup fresh sage, finely chopped (or 2 tbsp dried sage or 6 drops sage essential oil)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil or grapeseed oil
  • Muslin bag
  • amethyst, sodalite, clear quartz, smoky quartz, blue lace agate
  • candles
  • instrumental music
  1. Combine salts, oatmeal, and dried herbs in a large bowl and stir clockwise, visualizing the mixture filling with calm, relaxing energy until well combined.
  2. If using essential oils, combine the essential oil with your carrier oil and add to your salt and herb mixture. If you are not using essential oils, add the carrier oil alone to the dry mixture. Again, stir clockwise while continuing your visualization until well combined.
  3. Add the mixture to a jar or sealable container. Use 1-2 cups of salt per bath.
  4. Fill a bath with warm warm. Add the salt mixture to your bath and stir counterclockwise, envision your stress and tension disappearing.
  5. If using crystals, candles, or music, set those up now by placing them around your tub (or in if you are using water-safe crystals) and dimming the lights.
  6. Slip into the bath and feel your stress and tension wash away. Spend no more than 30 minutes bathing. If you wish, add in some breath exercises, meditation, or chanting.
  7. When done, dry off with a white or light-colored towel (symbolizing a fresh start) and drink a large glass of cool water to help flush your system and rehydrate.
  • While bathing is generally regarded as safe, warm or hot baths can cause blood pressure to drop and your heart rate to increase which can lead to dizziness, lightheadedness, and even fainting. If you suffer from cardiovascular disease, you may want to try one of the alternatives below.
  • If you cannot take a bath, this recipe can be used in a foot soak for the same purpose.
  • Apart from the alternatives suggested in the recipe above, other herbal options include chamomile, lavender, basil, orange, lemon balm, or calendula.

Stress-Relief & Courage Sachet for Collective Liberation

I love a good sachet or spell bag. Unlike a spell jar, sachets allow the scent of the herbs used to permeate the space, enhancing their effects on the body. Chamomile and lavender are the most commonly used herbs to reduce stress and anxiety. Their scents are deeply calming and uplifting. Rose petals have also been found to reduce stress, but also to promote love, especially self-love. Cinnamon helps improve cognitive function while simultaneously reducing depression and anxiety. Cinnamon is a firey spice, meaning it will also inspire you to keep going, even when things get tough. Amethyst, blue lace agate, and sodalite are all associated with stress relief, but also aid in communication and intuition, allowing you to be clear in your mission and purpose.

  • 1 teaspoon chamomile blossoms
  • 1 teaspoon lavender
  • 1 teaspoon rose petals
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Amethyst, blue lace agate, or sodalite
  • Sachet or spell bag, preferably a breathable bag
  1. Holding the chamomile, lavender, rose petals, and cinnamon in your hand, gently blow on them, breathing life into them and helping them to awaken. Ask them to help reduce your stress and increase self-love so you can continue fighting for collective liberation.
  2. Place them into the sachet while saying, "Chamomile for peace. Lavender for relief. Rose for love. Cinnamon for strength. Together bring me solace and the courage to speak up for the voiceless."
  3. Next, hold your crystal(s) in your hand, and envision it filling with calming yet powerful energy. Blow your intention into the crystal(s) and say, "Soothe my aching heart and mind and give me the strength to speak my truth. Help me communicate clearly and effectively so I may change hearts and minds." Add the crystal(s) to your sachet.
  4. Close the sachet and tie the drawstring into a single knot. The number one is associated with strength, focus, confidence, and leadership.
  5. Hold the sachet in both hands and say, "By earth and air, fire and water, I bless this spell. May my stress be gone and my mind clear." Hold the sachet to your nose and breathe in its scent deeply.
  6. Carry on your person and breathe in its scent whenever you feel stressed, need to clear your mind, and strengthen your communication.
  7. Renew at least once a month with fresh herbs or whenever you feel the magic waning.
  • Do not use chamomile if you are allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, or daisies. Chamomile can be replaced with lemon balm.
  • If you do not have a sachet, you can easily turn this recipe into a spell jar.
  • Chamomile and lavender are easily found in grocery stores as tea if you do not have loose herbs already on hand.

Tension-Reducing Tea for the Tired Activist

Tea is one of my favorite forms of magic. There is so much you can do with a few herbs and warm water. Drinking tea, no matter its contents has been proven to relax the body, reduce stress and tension, and awaken the mind. It's a great way for any political fighter to wind down and relax after a stressful day. This recipe combines green tea, lavender, and lemon balm, which are all known for their stress-relief properties. Green tea is also slightly caffeinated, which helps improve cognitive function without causing the jitters. This recipe makes a couple of servings, which can be drunk warm or cold. It also reheats nicely.

  • 1 teaspoon loose green tea (or 1 green tea bag)
  • 1 teaspoon dried lavender blossoms (or 1 lavender tea bag)
  • 1 teaspoon dried lemon balm (or 1 lemon balm tea bag)
  • 3-4 cups warm water (175-180° F)
  • 1-2 teaspoon honey or sweetener of choice
  1. Combine green tea, lavender, and lemon balm with 3-4 cups of warm water. Allow the mixture to infuse for 5 minutes. Strain or remove the tea bags. If the tea is too cold, rewarm the infusion in a small saucer.
  2. Add your honey or sweetener and stir counterclockwise while saying, "Banish my tension and stress. It shall be gone and replaced with peace."
  3. Enjoy while visualizing your stress and tension leaving your body and peace flowing through you. Feel free to couple this with meditation or breathing exercises.
  • Green tea contains about 30mg of caffeine. If you are sensitive to caffeine, you can remove it completely. White tea contains slightly less caffeine and can be used as a replacement.
  • Those with chronic anxiety may experience increased anxiety with caffeine use.
  • Other herbs you can use include chamomile, mint, passionflower, valerian, holy basil, or ashwagandha.

Moonlight Release Ritual to Empower Freedom Fighters

Sometimes even the most staunch of freedom fighters suffer from doubt, burnout, anxiety, and stress. This release ritual will help you rid yourself of all the negativity, leaving you feeling ready and empowered. This ritual can be performed during the full or dark moon, both of which are great for releasing and empowering and is best performed outside.

  • Pen/Pencil
  • Paper
  • Black candle
  • Lighter/Matches
  • Fire-safe Dish
  1. Begin this ritual by cleansing and consecrating your space using your preferred method and grounding and centering. If you wish, cast a circle and call on any deities related to collective liberation, social justice, or courage/strength such as Artemis, Saturn, Libertas, Forseti, or Lugh. 
  2. Light the candle and by candlelight write down any concerns, fears, stresses, or frustrations you may be feeling right now. Allow the words to flow freely. Write down everything you can possibly think of, even if it's a stream of consciousness. Don't worry about writing in complete sentences, spelling, grammar, or anything else. Your focus should be pouring all of your pent-up feelings onto paper.  If you feel like saying the words aloud as you write, do so. You may even feel like crying, screaming, stomping, or shaking. Allow yourself to release it all.
  3. Once you have finished releasing everything onto paper, burn it in the flame of the candle. See your stress, fear, frustrations, doubts, and concerns burning away and turning to smoke and say, "I release my stress, my fear, my doubts, and my frustrations. I release the tension I feel in my soul. I release all of this negativity from my life. I am free from it all and ready to proceed into the unknown boldly and confidently."
  4. If you wish, spend time meditating, grounding, or doing a tarot/oracle/rune reading to help guide your next steps.
  5. Close this ritual by blowing out the candle, blowing the remainder of your stress, fears, and doubts away from you.
  • Be mindful when working with fire. He is sometimes fickle and can easily get away from you if you aren't paying attention. Use a fire-safe dish and always have water, a fire extinguisher, or sand nearby in case of emergency.
  • If you cannot perform this ritual outside, working near a window will work just as well.
  • You can substitute the black candle for a white one if needed.
  • If you cannot use fire, you can drown your fears, doubts, and stress in water and flush them down the toilet.


However you choose to engage in political activism, these spells, rituals, and remedies are for you. Use them to your advantage and remember, our opponents are not relenting, and we mustn't either. It's okay to take care of yourself while fighting for others. Self-care is the most important part of activism. We are stronger when we are healthy and well-rested. You are important too.

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