Monday, May 6, 2024

Book Review: Throwing Bones by Mystic Dylan

Book Review: Throwing Bones by Mystic Dylan

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a free copy of this book via Weiser in exchange for an honest review.

In 2019, I wrote a series on Bone Magic in which I wrote a post about throwing bones and creating your own bone tarot (bone throwing set). Throwing Bones: Crystals, Stones, and Curios by Mystic Dylan is an excellent follow-up to this series. While not nearly as in-depth as what I wrote, Mystic Dylan does offer information I did not, including information on other types of divination and different throwing boards you can use in your practice.

The book opens with an introduction to divination, the types of divination, and traditions and techniques commonly used in different divination practices. Mystic Dylan mentions that bone throwing (cleromancy) found in hoodoo, footwork, and conjure has deep roots in South Africa specifically in the Zulu tradition, but makes specific note that bone throwing is not a closed practice or restricted and therefore open to everyone. I loved this nod to culture and diversity and the assurance it gives readers that they are not culturally appropriating by incorporating bone-throwing into their magical practice. In fact, bone throwing has roots that trace to just about every culture in the world, although the techniques, bone meanings, and tools often vary.

Book Review: Throwing Bones by Mystic Dylan

After a brief introduction, Mystic Dylan goes on to explain how to build your own bone-throwing set, how to prepare for a reading, different curios meanings, and cleansing and protection rituals that can be incorporated into your divination practice. There is also a chapter on necromancy, scrying, and pendulums. The book ends with 20 different divination boards you can use for all types of divination. Each board includes a full description and explanation of how to use it and can easily be used without removing them from the book. Honestly, the boards alone make it worth the purchase. Mystic Dylan also includes a further reading list at the end with plenty of great books on divination and cleromancy, books I also highly recommend.

Book Review: Throwing Bones by Mystic Dylan

Throwing Bones is extremely short but beautifully illustrated. There are plenty of pictures throughout, making this a great coffee table display for those of you who aren't afraid to hide your occult side. Despite its length, I enjoyed Throwing Bones: Crystals, Stones, and Curios by Mystic Dylan and will be coming back to it time and time again while I continue to grow my bone-throwing practice. Cleromancy deeply resonates with me and was one of the divination forms employed by Norse pagans, along with runes and trance. 

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