Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wyrd Sisters Oracle Deck Review

Wyrd Sisters Oracle Cards Review
Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a free copy of this deck in exchange for an honest review.

It's been a while since I had the chance to review an oracle or tarot deck, but thanks to Weiser, I was recently given the opportunity to review Wyrd Sisters Oracle by Casey Zabala, a sixty-card deck "devoted to working with the ancient deities who dwell at the roots of the world tree and set the order of the cosmos through their spinning, weaving, and cutting of the cords." I was specifically drawn to reviewing this deck because of its connection to Norse paganism, specifically the Norns who are in charge of weaving the threads of fate.

Wyrd Sisters Oracle Cards Review

Wyrd Sisters, like many other decks on the market today, comes with a guidebook that explains the meanings of the cards. However, this deck is fundamentally different from other oracle and tarot decks in that the cards not only have a meaning, but also a spell or magic associated with them. The 'suits' are divided into Spell Cards, Candle Magic Cards, Sigil Cards, Magical Tool Cards, and The Wyrd Sister Cards. The magic associated with them, however, is not always clearly outlined, instead allowing the user to formulate their own spells and rituals through intuition and potential correspondences. I find this concept absolutely fascinating and a great opportunity for all witches, new and old alike, to learn how to craft their own spells through limited guidance and add some variety to their practice. The book also contains two potential card spreads and a brief introduction to the Wyrd Sisters (Norns) and how they show up in this deck and spreads.

Wyrd Sisters Oracle Cards Review

As for the cards themselves, they are printed on a medium card stock with gilded silver edges. They bend easily for shuffling while maintaining their overall shape. The artwork is colorful and full of symbolism. I'm not going to lie, I don't find it to be the most beautiful deck I have ever used or seen, but its unique purpose and use make up for that. Overall, it's well-constructed and a deck I hope to use in the future, especially as I delve deeper into Norse paganism and magic.

You can order your own Wyrd Sisters Oracle deck by Casey Zabala wherever decks are sold.

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