Monday, April 5, 2021

Magical and Medicinal Use of Linden

Linden, magic, herb magic, witchcraft, folklore, herbal remedy, green witch, hedge witch, kitchen witch, witch, witchy, herb, tree magic, magick, magic, linden flower, lime tree

Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter, Mercury, Sun
Element: Air
Powers: Divination, Justice, Love, Protection, Wisdom
Magical Uses and History: Linden, also referred to as the Lime Tree, is one of the most magical trees in the world, especially among Slavic traditions. However, to understand the full history of the linden we have to go back to Ancient Greece. There are two myths that include the linden tree, the first being the story of the nymph Philyra. Philyra was seduced by Cronos while he was shapeshifted into a horse and later gave birth to the centaur Chiron. After Chiron's birth, Philyra, upset that she had given birth to a monster, asked the gods to transform her into a linden tree, for which they obliged. Chiron grew up in the shade of the linden tree where his mother taught him wisdom and compassion. Chiron was so renowned for his wisdom that nobles sent their sons to be educated by him, where he taught under the linden tree. As such, the linden tree became known as a symbol of love, compassion, and wisdom. In the second Greek myth, Philemon and Baucis, a classical couple married by Zeus, were allowed to die at the same time so they wouldn't be parted. Philemon's body metamorphosed into an oak tree, the symbol of hospitality, while Baucis's body turned into a linden tree, thus symbolizing love, beauty, and grace, characteristics prized in a wife. As such, the linden tree can be used in love spells, marriage spells, and to bring wisdom.

Herodot later mentions that Scythian soothsayers used linden leaves to obtain inspiration and foretell the future, while the Enarei people used linden bark for divination. Either way, the linden tree can be used for divination, especially divination pertaining to love.

The Greek myths carried over into Roman mythology, where the linden tree was associated with both Venus (love) and Junona (wisdom). Young couples would decorate their home and altars with boughs of linden flowers to promote wisdom and long-lasting love. The poet Ovidiu recorded young women wearing crowns of linden flowers to honor fertility goddesses, but which exactly is unknown.

In pre-Christian Germanic mythology, the linden tree was associated with Freya, the goddess of life, torture, fertility, love, and truth, all characteristics associated with the linden tree. It was said that lightning would not strike a linden tree because of Freya's marriage to Odin. Linden trees were commonly planted in the town square or another central location and later near churches to act as the center. It was under the linden tree that tribal judgment was made, marriages were conducted, and celebrations held. Thus, the linden became associated with justice and peace and this practice of passing judgment lasted well into the Enlightenment period, and was often referred to as "under Tilia."  Because of this, the linden is perfect for spells pertaining to justice, peace, and other court matters.

Even after towns stopped using the linden as a tree of judgment, marriages were still often conducted under them. It was the sacred tree of lovers and fertility. In the shade of its branches, lovers would swear their eternal love to one another. According to French folklore, a marriage vow made under a linden tree would never fall apart. In Germanic folklore, this symbolism is immortalized in the poem Under der linden by Walter von der Vogelweide which tells the story of a maid and a knight who fall in love under a linden tree.

The tree is so scared to Slavic cultures that there are a number of towns named after the tree, including "Swieta Lipka" meaning "the Holy Linden Tree." It is a national emblem of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Slovenia. In Croatia, the month of June is named after the linden tree (Lipanj) whereas in Poland it's the month of July that bears the linden tree's name (Lipiec). In Poland, the linden tree was believed to have protective properties from both lightning (being associated with Freya), evil spirits, and baneful magic. Linden trees were planted outside of houses to protect against such ill tidings. The tree eventually made its way into Christian customs where it was believed to prevent temptation and sin. Prayers made under the linden tree were said to be more likely to be listened to because the linden was the tree of the Virgin Mary. Shrines to Mary were decorated with linden boughs, their soft nature being associated with love, protection, and peace. In Estonia and Lithuania, women would bring offerings to the linden tree to grant them fertility, while in many Polish villages, figures of the Virgin Mary were placed in the trunk of a linden tree to aid a woman in childbirth. It later became a Polish custom of the nobility to plant a linden tree after the birth of a firstborn or major wedding and named after the person the tree was meant to protect. Use linden branches and flowers to protect your home, ward away evil spirits, and bring peace to the home. Placed in the bedroom, it can promote fertility and fidelity while ensuring a lasting marriage. 

This only scratches the surface of the uses of the linden tree and some of the folklore and myths of the linden tree. There is so much more than what was covered in this post.

Linden can be used in a number of spells including:
    Love Spells
    Fertility Rites
    Marriage Spells
    Clearing Ritual Baths
    Protection Magic

Medicinal Uses: The flowers of the linden tree act as an antispasmodic, diaphoretic, mild sedative, and nerve tonic. It is often used to treat colds, fever, anxiety, muscle tension, and high blood pressure. When mixed with lavender or passionflower, it encourages relaxation and promotes healthy sleep. Linden flowers are generally safe for both children and adults but can cause hay fever in those allergic to pollen.

Preparation and Dosage: Linden flowers are usually taken as an infusion but can also be used in a tincture when treating anxiety. To make an infusion combine 2-3 teaspoons (2-10 oz) of dried flowers with one cup boiling water and allow to infuse for 20 minutes. Take three times a day. Linden tea can be mixed with apple juice to cut the flavor. Combines well with elderflower, passionflower, and lavender. To relieve sinus pressure, combine 2 tablespoons of dried linden flower with 2 cups of water and bring to a rolling boil. Remove from heat and inhale the steam. For a tincture, take 1-2 milliliters up to three times a day.

Want to print a copy of this for your Book of Shadows? Click below for your free copy! This Herbarium copy contains two pages and includes a recipe from Gather Victoria to make Semolina Sun Cake with Linden Blossom Syrup!

Linden, magic, herb magic, witchcraft, folklore, herbal remedy, green witch, hedge witch, kitchen witch, witch, witchy, herb, tree magic, magick, magic, linden flower, lime tree

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  1. Thank you for this highly informative and entirely engaging looking an linden.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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