Sunday, January 19, 2020

Flying the Hedge Joins Ko-fi

Hello, witches!

In a previous post, I mentioned how costly it is to run my blog, from both a monetary and time perspective. After talking with a co-worker and seeing several of you asking how you can repay me for my work, I decided to set up a Ko-fi account. Ko-fi is essentially a virtual tip jar where readers can help support the blog through small donations, just $3.

I will never charge my readers to access my blog. I will never start a subscription service; I will never offer high priced courses; I will never sell worksheets or spells or rituals or anything else, with the exception of a possible book. Yeah, I am still working on it.

I am a firm believer that access to knowledge should not be gated with a price tag. I recognize that we live in a world where money is not evenly distributed and that some people live in essentially education deserts (much like food deserts). There are no public libraries. There is limited or no Wi-Fi access. Knowing this, I can't bring myself to gate my knowledge.

With that being said, I also believe in compensating people fairly for their work, and I personally like to support my fellow bloggers through likes, shares, comments, affiliate link purchases, and even tipping them, whether it's through Patreon or Ko-fi or another service.

If you would like to help support the blog, feel free to click the link below or to the right on the sidebar. Any and everything helps and will go directly to helping me continue to provide quality content. If money isn't an option, likes, shares, and comments go a hell of a long way and are extremely appreciated.

I absolutely love blogging about hedgecraft, and even on my worst day, I can't imagine ever really giving it up. You guys are the reason I love it so much and reading all the kind and amazingly supportive comments on my survey brought me to happy tears. Know that I appreciate every single one of you that reads my blog.

Thank you for everything!

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