Saturday, August 10, 2019

Lammas Altar 2019

Lammas Altar 2019

First of all, I apologize for this post being late. School has started back and I have been planning, teaching, and sitting in meetings every day! Yay being back to work. Haha! Lammas begins our season of harvest, being the first of the harvest festivals. Summer is not quite over yet and the fruits and vegetables are riping quickly. In some parts of the world, wheat is being harvested and set aside to make flour and bread for the upcoming winter months. Summer squash, zucchini, peaches, and grapes are also being picked, especially here in Georgia, and prepared for small feasts. The Earth's bountiful harvest is beginning and the Sun is still bright and powerful in the sky. However, this harvest we begin to see the changes as the days grow ever shorter and the evenings begin to cool. This is a great time to thank the Earth and Sun for all they are providing us with while still spending time outdoors, soaking up the last of the rays before Winter comes calling.

Lammas Altar 2019

1. White Candles & Candle Sticks - The 4 white candles represent the Sun in all his glory, an obvious fire symbol. The two white candles in the red and clean glasses, red also being representative of the Sun and strength, smell of vanilla, a feminine scent representative of vitality and passion. Mother Earth is working tirelessly with the Sun to provide us with the grains, fruits, and vegetables we are harvesting this season. (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree; Cost: $1 for 2 pillar candles, candlesticks $1 each, jar candles $1 each)

2. IvyThe silk ivy represents wealth, abundance, and fertility, as well as the Sun (Horned God) who is helping the plants grow in strength and ripen fruits and vegetables. It encircles the candles and the other components of the altar to symbolize how the Sun and Earth work together to provide life. (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree 2017; Cost: $1)

3. Plastic Grapes- Grapes are often harvested at this time, some being turned to wine while others are enjoyed as a snack or paired with cheese and crackers. The red grapes represent the first of the harvest crops as well as the feminine and blood, the "life-giver." (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree 2017; Cost: $1)

Lammas Altar 2019

4. Moss Agate- Moss agate is a wonderful crystal as it attracts abundance and prosperity thus aiding in plant growth and guaranteeing a healthy, bountiful harvest, which is so important during a harvest festival. There are three of these crystals encircling the flowers to represent the Sun, Earth, and Moon and how the three work together to bring life into existence. (Where did I get it: Metaphysical Store; Cost: ~3)

Lammas Altar 2019

5. Marigolds and Black-eyed Susans in a Mason Jar- My garden is in full bloom, covered in Marigolds and Black-eyed Susans. I took some fresh cuttings from my garden to represent the bountiful harvest from the Earth at this time and bring some of my garden into my home. Being yellow in color, both of these flowers also represent the Sun, who lends his strength to help my garden grow. (Where did I get it: Target or My Garden; Cost: Free or $0.50 for mason jar)

Lammas Altar 2019

6. Antler- Represents the masculinity and fertility, as well as the connection between our realm and the Otherworld. I always like to put something on my altar to connect with the spirits. It is placed behind the flowers to show how our world and the Otherworld are parallel to one another, connected by those of us who travel between the worlds. (Where did I get it: Found; Cost: $0)

7. Wheat- Lammas is first and foremost a bread holiday and you can't have a Lammas altar without wheat somewhere on it. I placed three sprigs of wheat to represent abundance and the central focus on this holiday. (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree 2017; Cost: $1)

Lammas Altar 2019

Lammas Altar 2019

TOTAL COST: ~$10.50

Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. I hope you find this sort of break down helpful, especially those of you looking to create Instagram perfect altars on a budget! This altar is slightly more expensive than some of my others, but mostly because it's pretty full!

How did you celebrate Lammas this year? I ate a peach. For real, that's what I did. It was my first day back to work and all I wanted to do was sit outside with my chickens and eat peaches, so that's what I did! Haha!


  1. Beautiful! I especially like the flowers. Thank you for sharing. :) I usually bake for Lammas so I made gingerbread and bread this year (a 90 minute loaf that was quite easy, lol). Also lit a candle and walked in my favourite nature reserve.


    1. Thank you! Sounds like you had a nice Lammas. What type of bread did you make? I am thinking of trying a recipe you bake in a dutch oven, but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.

    2. It was a white loaf with honey in. The recipe uses coconut oil but I don't have any in at the moment, so substituted butter. It tasted nice, a bit sweet because of the honey. Here's the recipe if you're interested:

      Oh, sounds good. I've never used a dutch oven either. Hope it comes out well when you have a chance to try it. :)

    3. Thank you for sharing the recipe! I am totally going to try it out in the future. :)

    4. You're welcome! Hope you like it. :)


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