The Summer Thermistice, also known as Lammas and Lughnasadh, is the first of three harvest festivals celebrated on August 1st, although this year is astronomically falls on August 6th or 7th. Traditionally, wheat is harvested from the end of July through the beginning of August, and Lammas was a time to celebrate this harvest as a successful wheat harvest would guarantee flour through the winter. Wheat is and was a staple in our diet and was often the only reliable source of food during times of famine and food shortages. In fact, it was such an integral part of our diet historically that when flour prices rose due to shortages, revolts followed. As such, celebrating the wheat harvest was a community affair marked by feasts, bread baking, and offerings to the harvest spirits, often including the first loaf of bread baked from the newly harvested wheat. This is a time to celebrate and honor the land and agricultural spirits, fruitfulness, prosperity, abundance, and change. This year I put together a very simple altar, using mostly plants from my garden.
1. Blackeyed Susan Bouquet- Lammas, being a harvest festival, is also a time to honor the Sun in an attempt to keep Him shining brightly until the end of the harvest season. Blackeyed Susans are associated with the Sun due to their shape and brightly colored yellow petals. hence their central location on my altar. Furthermore, they represent abundance and fruitfulness, as anyone who has grown Blackeyed Susan's knows they produce thousands of seeds and will quickly take over your entire garden if allowed. They also represent the union of Sun and Earth that results in the fruits of the first harvest. I placed my flowers with a couple of grape leaves in a mason jar outfitted with an orange ribbon bow, the orange also representing the Sun's strength. (Where did I get it: My Garden; Cost: Free; Mason Jar ~$0.25)
Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found, made, or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. I hope you find this sort of breakdown helpful, especially for those of you looking to create Instagram-perfect altars on a budget! This particular altar is mostly constructed with items I found in my garden, which brought the cost down this time significantly. The most expensive items are the crystals, which can be found cheaply with imperfections at many online retailers.
Did you do anything special for Lammas this year? I enjoyed the company of my chickens while working in the vegetable garden and later eating some super spicy Indian food and naan. I don't know about you, but there is nothing quite like Indian spice! May your harvests continue to be fruitful, whether that be literally or figuratively.
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Tremendously beautiful celebration and way of honouring this magnificent chapter of the year in which Mother Nature continues to have one foot firmly planted in summer, while the other is inching towards autumn.
ReplyDeleteWe have wild grape vines growing on a small section of the fence on one side of our house. Each year, without fail, I love to both photograph it and find ways of weaving it into my magickal working (knot workings included).
My sweet friend, may you a radiantly beautiful, entirely safe, and endlessly blessed Lammas season!
Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life