Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mabon Altar 2020

Autumn Equinox, altar, sabbat, Mabon, August Eve, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca

Happy Mabon, witches! Mabon, also known as Pagan Thanksgiving, is the second harvest festival and is a celebration of the bountiful harvest coming in. The Autumn Equinox marks the first day of Fall and from this point on, the days will grow ever shorter and cooler and the crops in the field was steadily decrease until there is nothing left. But for now, there is more than enough to go around and save for the coming Winter months. In honor of the abundance of fruits and vegetables and the turning of the Wheel toward Fall, I incorporated earth tones, fruits and vegetables, and antlers to thank the masculine side of nature for fertilizing the crops and ask for its continued strength for the remainder of the year.

Autumn Equinox, altar, sabbat, Mabon, August Eve, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca

1. Harvest Candleholder with Red Candle- This beautiful harvest candleholder represents the bounty of the season, full of grapes, pears, squash, and the remainder of the berries. The earthen tones and colorful leaves represent the beginning of Fall and the changing of the seasons as the Wheel turns. The red candle represents the masculine energies of the Sun and the passion that created the crops we are now harvesting. It also works to sympathetically encourage the continued growth of the crops lest harvests not last through the Winter months. (Where did I get it: Goodwill & Dollar Tree; Cost: $3)

2. Deer Antler-  The deer antler represents the masculine energy and the power required to finish plowing the fields and bringing in the crops. It also represents the promise of regrowth and new beginnings; just as the deer sheds it antlers the Earth sheds her green and sleeps for the Winter, only to be reborn in the Spring. (Where did I get it: Found; Cost: Free)

Autumn Equinox, altar, sabbat, Mabon, August Eve, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca

3. Leaf Candle Holder with White Candles- The leaf candle holders are an ode to the season and the changing leaves the mark so many areas of the world at this time. Furthermore, having two of them represents balance as during the equinox both day and night are balanced. The candles represent the Sun who is slowly waning in the sky.  (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree 2017; Cost: $3, $1 each)

Autumn Equinox, altar, sabbat, Mabon, August Eve, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca

4. Green Aventurine and Rutilated Quartz- In the center of the altar are three crystals, two green aventurine and a rutilated quartz. Green aventurine is a crystal of balance and prosperity, both characteristic of Mabon. The rutilated quartz, on the other hand, is a protector as well as a stone to facilitate change. While the seasons are changing, so to are our lives. This crystal is designed to ease this transition and protect us through the changes while easing anxiety. (Where did I get it: Metaphysical Stores; Cost: ~$8)

Autumn Equinox, altar, sabbat, Mabon, August Eve, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca

5. Drinking Horn- On the right of the altar is a drinking horn, a symbol of feasting, joy, and merriment. Mabon is a time of celebration, the wine flowing and spirits high. (Where did I get it: Goodwill; Cost: $1)

Autumn Equinox, altar, sabbat, Mabon, August Eve, witchcraft, witchy, hedgewitch, pagan, neopagan, wiccan, wicca


Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found, made, or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. I hope you find this sort of break down helpful, especially those of you looking to create Instagram perfect altars on a budget!

How did you celebrate Mabon this year? Unfortunately for me, I lost my grandmother yesterday afternoon and will be celebrating quietly at home with my family. I am thankful for the time I was given with her and for the continued love and support from my family and friends during this trying time. I hope that the rest of you are able to celebrate in whatever way you see fit, or at least eat a hearty meal!

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  1. Willow, I'm so sorry for your loss. 2020 really has been a year for everyone, hasn't it?

    Your alter is lovely, as usual, and I love how you show that you can be thrifty and still make something beautiful.

    1. Thank you Adrienne. Its definitely been a challenging time for my family. Unfortunately I did not end up getting to go to her funeral, which I felt dreadful about, but in the end, it gave me an opportunity to grieve in my own way. Thank you again your for kind words. <3

  2. Oh dear...I am so sorry for your loss. Grandmas are pretty cool people; I am sure you have some pretty special memories of your time with her.

    1. Thank you! I do have very fond memories of her. She was an amazing woman, raising two girls on her own most of her life. She was a stubborn woman, but so full of love and laughter. I used to tease her for how tiny she was. She was only 5 foot to my 6 foot. I'm going to miss her so much and know my mom is too.

  3. There is so much beauty, heart and soul in each altar you share with us, dear Willow. I have sincerely come to look forward to your posts featuring them and am thinking that I might need to take a page from your (spell) book and blog about some of my own altars as well.

    Many you have a blessed, beautiful and bewitchingly lovely Mabon-into-Samhain season.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

    1. Thank you, Autumn. I would LOVE to see the altars you create. I am sure they would put mine to shame!


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