Monday, March 23, 2020

Spring Equinox Altar 2020

Ostara, spring equinox, altar, witchcraft, witch altar, sabbat, spring, witchy, occult, pagan, wicca, wiccan

Ostara or the Spring Equinox marks the first day of Spring in most traditions. It is a celebration of new life, fertility, prosperity, and abundance. The Sun begins warming the Earth, melting the snow and bringing with it an abundance of new life. Dandelions and daffodils bloom in full colors, trees begin to blossom, and the birds, bees, and rabbits return to feast upon the new blossoms. Because the Equinox is a time of equality, equal day and night, I wanted to create a balanced altar with some symbolism of this duality represented. I used traditional symbols of spring, including pinks, greens, and blues as well as eggs, rabbits, and flowers, all of which embody the spirit of Spring.

Ostara, spring equinox, altar, witchcraft, witch altar, sabbat, spring, witchy, occult, pagan, wicca, wiccan

1. White Candles- White is the color of purity and new beginnings. Life is starting anew as Spring arrives, and the flame represents the Sun who breathes life back into the Earth by fertilizing Her with His vibrant rays. The white sand in the bottom of the candle holder represents the last of the snow that is melting away, nourishing the soil with life-giving waters. I chose the iridescent candleholders because their colors remind me of Spring, the light blues, pinks, and yellows commonly associated with this time of year. (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree (2018-2020); Cost: $1 for each candle holder and $1 for all the candles)

Ostara, spring equinox, altar, witchcraft, witch altar, sabbat, spring, witchy, occult, pagan, wicca, wiccan

2. Marble Egg- The blue, marble egg is the ultimate symbol of fertility and new beginnings. As Spring begins, the birds flock back to their mating grounds, building nests and laying eggs that will give birth to the next generation. I placed it in the center of my altar as fertility is the predominant theme of Ostara. The blue color represents healing, calm, and femininity, something I believe is currently lacking in the world right now. (Where did I get it: Free; a gift from my family. It could easily be replaced with a plastic egg or a real egg for $0.25; Egg holder: Target 2018; $1)

3. Ceramic White and Gold Rabbits:  Rabbits, due to their rapid breeding, are strongly associated with fertility, new life, and new beginnings. They are also one of the first animals to appear in the spring, making them considered the harbingers of Spring. This year I chose to place both a white and gold rabbit on my altar. The white rabbit represents the purity of the Spring Earth and the rapid blossoming of the trees. The golden rabbit represents the nourishing rays of the Sun who showers the Earth with the abundance of His radiant glow. Together they represent the duality of equal day and night characteristic of the Spring Equinox. (Where did I get it: Hobby Lobby 2017; Cost: $3 each)

Ostara, spring equinox, altar, witchcraft, witch altar, sabbat, spring, witchy, occult, pagan, wicca, wiccan

4. Yarn Carrots- Carrots, with their phallic shape, represent masculinity, lust, and fertility. In fact, carrots are believed to cure impotence in men and increase fertility in women, making them the perfect addition to an Ostara altar. Furthermore, their orange color represents fire, passion, and the Sun.  (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree 2020; Cost: $1 for a package of 4)

5. Green Aventurine- The light hues of the green aventurine represent the new life sprouting up in the warming Earth and abundance. Furthermore, aventurine is known as a balancing crystal, helping to balance both masculine and feminine energy, making it the perfect crystal to represent the Spring Equinox. I placed two aventurine crystals on my altar to represent this duality and harmony between masculine and feminine energy. (Where did I get it: Metaphysical Store; Cost: $1 each)

Ostara, spring equinox, altar, witchcraft, witch altar, sabbat, spring, witchy, occult, pagan, wicca, wiccan

6. Pink Flower Incense Holder- In the center is an incense holder without the incense. I used it because of its pink color and flower shape. The flower represents the new blossoms of Spring, and being pink, it represents love and unity, which results in the flowering fruits so abundant at this time. (Where did I get it: Five Below 2019; Cost: $3)

Ostara, spring equinox, altar, witchcraft, witch altar, sabbat, spring, witchy, occult, pagan, wicca, wiccan

TOTAL COST: ~$15-16

Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. I hope you find this sort of break down helpful, especially those of you looking to create Instagram perfect altars on a budget!

How did you celebrate the Spring Equinox/Ostara this year?

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  1. Meaningful, inspiringly gorgeous Ostara altar. It radiates with the optimism, vitality and sunny soul of this flourishing chapter of the year.

    Blessings of light, serenity, safety, comfort, happiness, and endless magick to you this spring, sweet Willow. 🌼

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life


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