Monday, March 9, 2020

Tarot vs Oracle: What's the Difference?

tarot, oracle, witchcraft, divination

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  1. Good timing on this one for me, as I just picked up my first Oracle deck last week. Haven't had much time to test it out, but I'm interested in learning how to use it.

    1. Oh yeah?! Which oracle deck did you order? I just ordered another tarot deck. Its a Jane Austen tarot deck. I am so excited!!

    2. I picked up the Raven's Wand Oracle deck at my local witchcraft supply shop. Had no idea it was based off a book series; I just thought it had pretty artwork.:P

    3. Nice! The Jane Austen deck I ordered came in and its so beautiful. Its not a traditional tarot deck, but it'll get the job done!

  2. Thoroughly lovely explanation and infographic. It's a wonderfully refreshing change of pace to encounter someone else who isn't opposed to mixing oracle and tarot cards in the same spread/reading, if the mood/situation calls for such. Thank you for letting others know that it is perfectly okay to do just that, if they so desire.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

    1. Thank you! I have a habit of mixing a lot of things together, card or otherwise. Haha! I hope you and yours are doing well!


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