Friday, October 25, 2019

Book Review: True Magic- Unleashing Your Inner Witch by Cyndi Brannen

Book Review: True Magic- Unleashing Your Inner Witch by Cyndi Brannen

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I am a reader of Cyndi Brannen's blog Keeping Her Keys, so when her latest book, True Magic: Unleashing Your Inner Witch became available on NetGalley, I jumped on the opportunity to review it for the publisher. Unfortunately, I was left disappointed. Overall the book is decent, but if you regularly follow her, it felt like longer versions of some of her blog posts.

In True Magic: Unleashing Your Inner Witch, Brannen discusses seven steps to unleash your inner witch: Healing, Relationships, Sovereignty, Growth, Connecting, Abundance, and Wholeness. In each step, Brannen walks you through a series of rituals specifically designed with each of these steps in mind in an attempt to focus your magical workings and grow as a witch. If you are a new witch, this is a good place to start actually practicing magic, after you have learned some of the basics. If you are a seasoned witch, there are some new approaches that may interest you. However, a little digging will find similar results in other books and online sources. Based on the writing, I believe that this book is designed to go with one of her workshops and maybe even an email course (she mentioned her email list in the book more than once), and the set up is slightly confusing. There were points where the book jumped around too much, or topics were not fully explained, especially how they connected with each other during a ritual. This may be because, as I said, this is designed for a course, or because I was reading an unpublished e-ARC.

There were some things, however, that I really liked. I loved that she made the connection between the Lower Realm, Middle Realm, and Upper Realm with the elements and parts of our bodies. This view of the World Tree grounds the realms in a tangible, human reality, making it easier to visualize and even travel between realms. My favorite piece, however, was her "Witch's Hour of Power." Brannen encourages her readers to set aside just one hour a day for magical workings. She even recognizes that to grow your craft you don't have to practice the Witch's Hour of Power every day, but the consistency of the practice leads to better magical results. I've started trying to intentionally set aside an hour a day for my practice, whether it be working on my blog, connecting with witches on Instagram, reading tarot or bones, hedge riding, meditating, or working on my Grimoire (which is seriously lacking at the moment!). This hour of time, set aside in the evening, is a great time for me to just decompress from the stress of my daily life. Brannen offers a number of suggestions on what you can do during your Witch's Hour of Power, so if you are unsure, she's got you covered. Her spell ideas and rituals are refreshing, and the magical crafts are useful and meaningful.

As I said, the book was decent. It isn't the best witchcraft book I have ever read, but it isn't the worst either. If you are just starting out and looking to grow your powers, this is a good place to start. If you are seasoned, I'd stick with following her blog and Facebook groups, or even attending one of her workshops. I'd give this book 3 stars. Preorder your copy now before the November 1st release date.

What are you currently reading? Is there a book you'd like me to review or do you have a suggested book for your fellow witches? Shoot me an email or leave a comment below!

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