Monday, June 24, 2019

Litha Altar 2019

Litha Altar 2019

Litha is a time for celebrating the Sun in all his glory. Being the longest day of the year, the Sun is at its peak in strength, and will slowly begin to wane as the year progresses. It is a time of bountiful harvests as fruits ripen on the vine, bush, or tree. Here in Georgia, blueberries are ripening and peaches are being picked. Oh, how I love a good peach! Not only this, but you can feel the life force that is our Mother Earth as she soaks in the Sun's rays and breathes life into the plants around us. Like Beltane, Litha is also a time the fae are active, often times being seen dancing in the woods. For this altar, I went with masculine elements and lots of Sun symbolism.

Litha Altar 2019

1. White Candles and & Candle Sticks - The 4 white candles represent the Sun in all his glory, an obvious fire symbol. The two white candles in the red and clean glasses, red also being representative of the Sun and strength, smell of vanilla, a feminine scent representative of vitality and passion. Mother Earth is working tirelessly with the Sun to provide all living creatures with food. (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree; Cost: $1 for 2 pillar candles, candlesticks $1 each, jar candle $1 each)

Litha Altar 2019

2. IvyThe silk ivy represents wealth, abundance, and fertility, as well as the Sun (Horned God) who is strongest on the Solstice. I feel it really pulls the entire altar together. (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree 2017; Cost: $1)

3. Pink Flower Incense Holder- This is the newest addition to my witch cabinet.  In the center is an  incense holder to represents fire and air, as the incense requires fire to burn and produces smoke or scented air. Being pink, it represents love, which results in the flowering fruits so abundant at this time. (Where did I get it: Five Below 2019; Cost: $3)

Litha Altar 2019

4. Carnelian Chips and Garnet- Encircling the bottom of the incense holder are carnelian chips and a piece of garnet. I use carnelian a lot to represent the Sun because it is cheap and easily accessible. Plus, every subscription box and crystal set always sends me more, as if I don't already have enough. Being red, a symbol of fire, courage, and strength, carnelian is deeply associated with the masculine Sun. The garnet is a crystal of fire, its dark red wine tones symbolizing health, passion, and strength. While normally associated with Yule, I felt garnet was the best stone this year to be at the center of the altar, representing the divine energies of the Sun. (Where did I get it: Amazon and Subscription Box; Cost: ~2)

Litha Altar 2019

5. Sun Wheel- My beautiful Sun Wheel! It represents the Sun, which is most prominent on the Summer Solstice, masculine energy, light, and fertility. I made this last year and I am so happy to pull it out again to display.  (Where did I get it: I made it; Cost: Under $5)

Litha Altar 2019

6. Antler- Represents the masculinity and fertility, as well as the connection between our realm and the Otherworld. I always like to put something on my altar to connect with the spirits.(Where did I get it: Found; Cost: $0)

Litha Altar 2019


Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. I hope you find this sort of break down helpful, especially those of you looking to create Instagram perfect altars on a budget! This altar is slightly more expensive than some of my others, but mostly because it's pretty full!

How did you celebrate Litha this year?


  1. Thank you for this! I have never celebrated Litha. This year will be my first time and you have given me some ideas for my first Alter. Blessed be, fellow witch. :)

    1. Of course! I hope you have/had a wonderful Litha!

  2. That sun wheel is so beautiful would you mind sharing how you made it?

    1. Thank you! You can find the full instructions here:


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