Happy Ostara/Spring Equinox, witches! May the coming Spring bring the fruition of your desires. I set up a small altar to honor the coming Spring and our Mother Earth as she springs back to life. Because Ostara is an equinox, a day where day and night are equal, I made my altar equal in weight. Both sides have the same number of items and while they are slightly different, they are weights roughly the same, bringing equality and symmetry to the altar which is indicative of this sabbat.
Like last year, I placed a rabbit and a slew of eggs on my altar to represent fertility, new life, and new beginnings. You can't have a Spring altar without a rabbit. They are the most prominent symbol of the season. The ceramic eggs on either side were made by my mother when I was little. The large, blue marble egg in the center was handed down to me from my grandmother. Because of their family roots, these eggs hold tremendous love and power. Every time I look at them I smile. The egg holder is new this year. I picked up this gorgeous gem at Target a couple weeks ago for a dollar. The pastel pink of the holder is perfect for this season, as pink represents peace, fertility, and child-like joy.
Around the central marble egg are three crystals: amethyst, clear quartz, and rose quartz. Together these crystals represent peace and balance. The amethyst and rose quartz also represent fertility and love. Clear quartz, on the other hand, is a protector and amplifier of magic, thus creating a potent combination with the rose quartz and amethyst.
In the center is a milk glass vase of silk flowers to represent the rebirth of new life in Spring. March sees the return of many flowers that went dormant during the winter. My yard is full of flowers randomly planted by the previous owner. It is also a mystery each year what will pop up where. This year I am working on transforming my yard into a cottage garden. I can't wait to finish and show you guys the fruits of my labor. Spring is the perfect time for work in the garden as the ground is soft and the soil ripe for planting. The roses to the right on the altar are placed for the same reason as the silk flowers, to represent new life and beginnings. Roses also represent love, something we could all use more of right now.
Finally, I added four candles: 2 white and 2 pink. The white represents purity while the pink represent peace and fertility. Furthermore, the candles represent the rebirth of the Sun, who is reborn today. As He continues to grow in strength, the Wheel of the Year will move toward Beltane and Litha, bringing with Him warm weather and new life.
As always I like to keep things simple. I hope every one enjoys the day and has some good weather. Get out side and enjoy the first day of Spring.

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