Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Yule Altar 2017

Yule Altar 2017

So, I have failed miserably in posting pictures of my altar the last couple of months. I set up a Mabon altar, but didn't get around to setting up a Samhain one. It has been a weird couple of months. I am having a hard time adjusting to my "new normal," and setting up an altar and photographing it has felt like a chore. However, I got around to setting one up for Yule in an attempt to distract myself. So without further ado, I present to you my 2017 Yule Altar!

Yule Altar 2017
Yule Altar 2017

Being a celebration of the rebirth of the Sun, who from the solstice forward begins to grow in strength, it was only fitting to include several candles representing the Sun's rebirth. Furthermore, I chose white candles to represent purity and light. The candle in the center is a Yule candle I received in a Box of Shadows box last year. It is evergreen scented and fit perfectly in front of the small Yule tree. Wrapped around the candles is a berry garland representing the feminine aspect and fertility. Furthermore, it represents the blood of the fallen Holly King who is defeated this time of year by the Oak King.

Yule Altar 2017

Around the middle candle are two bloodstones and a clear quartz tower. The bloodstone represents balance, especially since there is one on each side of the candle, while the clear quartz tower is for protection. On either side of the center candle is cinnamon incense which represents health and abundance.

Yule Altar 2017

Finally in the center is the traditional Yule tree which represents life, rebirth, and renewal. You can't have a Yule altar without a little evergreen tree! On either side of the tree are two wooden acorns to represent the Oak King who will begin to rise in power after defeating the Holly King. The evergreen Yule tree and candle mixed with the red berries are my representation of the Holly King.

Yule Altar 2017

Overall I decorated my altar using traditional Yule colors of green (for renewal and prosperity), red (for prosperity and passion), and white (for purity and light). I also used some more neutral tones, such as grey and brown, to stick with a more natural theme for my altar this year.

Yule Altar 2017
click for a better view
I hope everyone had a wonderful Yule! How did you decorate your altar this year?

1 comment :

  1. That looks to me as a mysterious one and definitely I would say that you did a really great job in making that one. Hope that the one I am working on also gets the shape I am looking for,


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