Saturday, January 28, 2017

Mastering Your Grimoire: Introduction

Mastering Your Grimoire: Introduction

This has been a long time coming, and I am glad to finally get it off the ground. Mastering Your Grimoire is a blog series designed to help witches from beginners to advanced create a grimoire they can be proud of, one full of information, techniques, correspondences, spells, and recipes that can be passed down through the generations. Today, many witches have a Book of Shadows (BOS), not realizing they may need to keep a grimoire as well.

What is the difference between a Book of Shadows and a grimoire, you might ask? I actually wrote a pretty detailed post about it a while back that you can read here. However, I will share the main passage comparing the two here:
"A BOS is a witch's personal book of magic; a diary of magic if you will. It includes records of all magical workings, dreams and their meanings, rituals, etc. If the witch does not also keep a Grimoire, it can also include spells and other magical information needed to perform magic. Its always a good idea to keep records of your magical workings. This will not only help you progress as a witch by seeing your power grow, but will also allow you to see what works and what does not work for you.

A Grimoire is like a BOS, but not as personal. It holds information about rituals, spells, potions, and how to prepare magical tools. It also contains lists of correspondences and magical properties of herbs, gemstones, food, colors, etc. Basically, it contains all your magical research. It does not contain personal information or records of magical workings."
Personally, I keep two separate books. While I don't plan on having children of my own, I would still like to pass my book on, but not with any of my personal information. Its personal for a reason. A grimoire allows me to catalog all of my knowledge in one place for such occasions as sharing.

Mastering Your Grimoire is designed to aid you in the creation of your own grimoire. I will be following along in the series as well, showing you how my new grimoire is progressing. One of my goals this year is to complete 12 pages. I know that doesn't seem like many, but when you see what I have been up to, you'll understand why this a perfect number for me. Most posts will have a call to action, something you need to work on over the next couple of weeks/months. The first few posts should come out each week on the weekend. As we progress, however, I will begin tapering the posts. The call to actions will be more intensive, requiring you to read and research or design lengthy pages/sections.

I hope you will join me as I embark on this journey to mastering my grimoire.

Mastering Your Grimoire Series Posts:


  1. I keep a "spiritual" diary that I notate what specifically happened when I did spellwork and other personal details. So that is technically my Book of Shadows and my other books are my grimoires.
    Interestingly enough I just referred to them all as BOS/Grimoires but never considered my spiritual "journal" to be anything.
    Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing your progress!

    1. I can't imagine keeping up with so many different books. Haha! You are crazy. =P

  2. Thank you for explaining a bit about grimoires. I have a BOS but not a grimoire and didn't know much about them. I'll check out the other post as well. :)

    1. I am so glad you found the post useful! Grimoires have fallen "out of style" with the rise of Wicca, but I feel they are one of the most important tools a witch can have in his/her arsenal.

  3. I have 3 books, a Grimoire and BOS and a personal journal I call an Occult Codex. The Grimoire and BOS are like you outline them, but my Occult Codex is strictly my musings and meditation information. Of course I also have a couple of tarot journals too...but I agree, a Grimoire is an important tool and great to have as a separate thing from one's BOS.

    1. I have a separate book for hedge riding that is not part of my BOS. I feel like my BOS is more about the spells and rituals and divination I do. Hedge riding, while magical, is separate from these things and deserves its own book. Thank you for reading and sharing your system!

    2. So glad I found this post im some years late but I’m just starting out on this journey and this series is so amazing! Thank you!


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