Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Magical and Medicinal Uses of Honeysuckle

Magical and Medicinal Uses of Honeysuckle. Includes free BOS page!

Folk Names: Goat's Leaf, Woodbine
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter or Venus
Element: Earth
Powers: Love, Money, Protection, Psychic Powers
Magical Uses and History: Honeysuckle or woodbine is deeply associated with love and devotion. This is likely due to the plant's clinging and entwining nature, a fact immortalized in a number of works, including Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and several of Shakespeare's plays where it was a symbol of enduring, steadfast, and embracing love. In Greek mythology, it is said that the lovers Daphnis and Chloe, who lived far apart, could only see each other as long as the honeysuckle bloomed. Daphnis prayed profusely to the gods for honeysuckle to bloom longer so that he and Chloe could spend more time together. It is believed Daphnis's prayers were heard and now honeysuckle blooms continuously during warm weather periods. In Italian folklore, however, it is said that a young peasant, Paolo, fell in love with two different girls, Bianca and Nerina. Both loved Paolo but agreed they would not be jealous of each other no matter who he ended up choosing. Paolo threw bouquets for flowers into both of their gardens, but Bianca did not return the attention while Nerina secretly did. Paolo still could not make up his mind and therefore decided to marry the first girl that brought him a flower. By this time, all of the flowers were dead, leaving nothing for the girls to collect. Bianca prayed to Venus for flowers, tears streaming from her face as she did so. From those tears, a vine grew and the first honeysuckle flowers bloomed. When Paolo passed the next day, he was struck by the heavenly scent of honeysuckle. Ignoring Nerina's advances, he immediately went to Bianca, showering her with kisses and affection. Both of these stories solidify honeysuckle's association with love and devotion. As such, honeysuckle can be used in love spells, baths, and rituals to attract a lover, keep a lover, or promote self-love. Furthermore, the binding nature of honeysuckle vines can be used to bind a lover to you, although I don't suggest this.

The scent of honeysuckle was believed to induce psychic powers and dreams. During the Victorian period, teen girls were forbidden to bring the flower into the home because it was thought to induce erotic dreams. Today, lightly crushed fresh flowers can be rubbed on your forehead prior to induce prophetic dreams, increase psychic powers, and aid in divinatory practices. Honeysuckle oil can also be used, or incense burned for the same purpose. Furthermore, the sweet scent is uplifting and therefore can be used to bring happiness to your home, dispel depression, and remove negativity from a space.

Honeysuckle is often associated with money spells as well due to its fast-growing and prolific nature. Burning honeysuckle incense, placing the flowers around a green candle, or simply putting the flowers in a vase attracts money and prosperity. Growing near your home, honeysuckle brings good luck and wealth while warding off thieves and witches. If it grows over your door it is said to keep fevers at bay.

Honeysuckle can be used in a number of spells including:
     Protection Spells
     Money Spells
     Love Spells

Medicinal Uses: Honeysuckle has been used to treat inflammations, including sore throats and mouth sores, and for general infections including cold, flu, fever, and urinary tract infections. In Chinese medicine, it is used to treat arthritis.

Preparation and Dosage: Flowers, stems, and leaves can be used to make a variety of remedies. To make an infusion, boil 2 cups of fresh flowers in one quart of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain and return the tea to the pot. Add 1 cup of honey and stir until mixed. Drink up to 3 times a day. For a tincture, take 1-4 milliliters internally up to three times a day. Externally the flowers can be applied as a wash for skin rashes, inflammations, and sores. To make a wash use the infusion recipe without the honey. Honeysuckle is not intended for long-term use. While the flowers are low in toxicity, the leaves and stems are not. Symptoms of poisoning include drowsiness, extreme tiredness, dilated pupils, and photosensitivity. DO NOT USE HONEYSUCKLE BERRIES.


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  1. Thank you! I am just getting into my path I was looking at the abundance of honeysuckle in my back yard thinking this has to be useful! Couple of quick confirmations that they YES are. I was dropped here! Please yes send me this page. I will be harvesting tomorrow!!

    1. Good luck on harvesting! I'm glad you found my post useful and hope you enjoy the full herbarium page. :)

  2. Thank you. I bought a Woodbine the other day because she asked me to. Now I have a clearer idea why… lovely download!


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