Monday, July 17, 2023

Review: We'Moon 2024 Datebook

datebook, astrological calendar, lunar calendar, witchy datebook, witchy planner, witch, witchcraft, pagan, wicca, wiccan, spiritual, spiritual planner
Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

A couple of years ago I had the fantastic opportunity to be a part of a witch's datebook. I am happy to announce I will be featured in another in 2025 by We'Moon, a woman-owned lunar calendar and handbook on the natural rhythms of Earth that celebrates diversity. But that's over a year away! What about next year? Well, We'Moon just released their 2024 astrological planner which I am here to review today!

Before I jump into the planner itself, I'd like to provide some more information about We'Moon. We'Moon which means "we of the moon," was founded over 40 years ago for women by women. Their planner is specifically designed to amplify women's voices from around the world, creating a safe, inclusive space for all voices. They are dedicated to including diverse perspectives and imagery in their calendars and datebooks, purposely avoiding cultural appropriation and rejecting oppressive cultural norms. They do all of this while celebrating the natural rhythm of the moon and cycles of the year. You can learn more about the company on "What is We'Moon." This has to be one of the best spiritual companies I have run across in quite some time and I am happy to share them with all of you today. On the to the We'Moon 2024: Luminations datebook!

datebook, astrological calendar, lunar calendar, witchy datebook, witchy planner, witch, witchcraft, pagan, wicca, wiccan, spiritual, spiritual planner

First of all, their lunar calendars come in a variety of formats, including spiral bound, paperback, loose leaf, and even a Spanish version, ensuring there is something for everyone. They have distributors in Europe, Mexico, Costa Rica, Canada, and the United States to reduce shipping costs, thus providing greater affordable access than other witch planners on the market today. You can find out more about their distributors here. All of their planners are also environmentally friendly and certified as "green" by Co-op America. They print on Hansol Paper, which is 60% recycled content, with solvent-free soy and vegetable-based inks. As such, they are able to save 114 fully grown trees, 45,717 gallons of water, and 8,066 pounds of greenhouse gasses, among other ecological benefits. Nothing speaks to my environmental scientist heart more than a company that takes its environmental impact seriously. It isn't just their products that are environmentally friendly, their packaging is as well. Unfortunately, this led to the first datebook I received for 2023 being damaged, but it was not their fault. My USPS driver decided to place the cardboard mailer on top of my garbage can during a thunderstorm instead of placing it on my covered front porch. Needless to say, my local post office got an ear full as this is not the first time they have done this to me. But anyway. Don't let my experience with USPS deter you from ordering. We'Moon handled it brilliantly and promptly sent me another.

As I mentioned earlier, 2024's astrological planner is called Luminations, which invokes the Waxing Half Moon. Each year, they pick a different moon phase as the theme of their calendar, which I think is so magical. Like many lunar datebooks, this one includes daily astrological data, moon phases, void course moons, and solar changes for each day of the year. It also includes over 100 images and writings from women all over the world, which cover a vast array of spiritual topics from holiday writings, horoscopes, tarot, herbs, and more. The beginning of the planner includes an introduction to how to use it, a sky map for the year, and an introduction to the theme. I love this as not all witches are sure where to start with an astrological planner. I know when I first started, I didn't understand what half the astrological information meant or how to incorporate it into my daily practice. This planner helps clear up some of that confusion, and the poetry, articles, and images throughout provide powerful inspiration to make your life more magical. Like any tool, however, this datebook is only as powerful as the person using it. If you fail to keep up with it, it won't benefit your practice. At the end of the book is a list of all of those that contributed, a guide to astrology, and a month-by-month glance at the moon phases for quick reference. This last bit is one of my favorite aspects of the planner. I love quick visuals rather than being bogged down by other information and know anyone with ADD/ADHD will appreciate this as well.

datebook, astrological calendar, lunar calendar, witchy datebook, witchy planner, witch, witchcraft, pagan, wicca, wiccan, spiritual, spiritual planner

I received a spiral-bound version of this datebook, which is fantastic as I can easily flip to the current date and write on a flat surface without having the book fold over on me. As I mentioned before, there are other options available, including a loose-leaf version that you can hole-punch yourself and place in whatever planner case you want. I love that there are multiple options available.

The only downside to this planner is the space available for each day and the lack of blank month-at-a-glance pages. There isn't a whole lot of room to write in information for each day nor is there a place to jot down notes. If you are an extensive notetaker or have a lot on your plate, you may need to pair this with an additional planner instead of relying on it as your only one. The vast amount of information, collaboration, and inspiration found in this datebook more than makeup for these 'flaws.'

datebook, astrological calendar, lunar calendar, witchy datebook, witchy planner, witch, witchcraft, pagan, wicca, wiccan, spiritual, spiritual planner

If you are looking for a new astrological, witchy datebook for 2024, I highly encourage you to check out We'Moon's 2024: Lumination datebook, moon calendar, and astrological planner. I know you won't be disappointed! You can order your copy now, before 2024, on their website now and you may even be able to pick it up from one of their distributors! I am super excited to tell you all more about the 2025 calendar when the time comes. Until then, I hope you enjoy their 2024 planner.

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