Friday, April 29, 2022

Beltane/May Day/Spring Equitherm Altar 2022

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, occult, spring equitherm

Beltane, May Day, or the Spring Equitherm falls directly opposite of Samhain on the Wheel of the Year, making also a very liminal time. Unlike Samhain, however, Beltane tends to bring forth more earth and land spirits, such as faeries, gnomes, and dryads, that wake with the Earth. Traditionally, Beltane is a fire fertility festival, with participants partaking in such activities as dancing around a May Pole, coupling, May marriages, crafting flower crowns, presenting neighbors with flower bouquets, driving cattle through bale fires for purification and protection, and, of course, feasting. Rituals were often performed around large fires to draw forth the Sun and ensure a prosperous harvest. Beltane marks the beginning of Summer for many cultures, and is a time when the Sun lies with the Earth and nourishes Her with His rays. Flowers are in full bloom, trees are leafing, and baby birds are hatching. This sabbat is deeply associated with fertility, strength, life, sex, love, and passion. With these traditions and themes in mind, I created an altar using mostly items I found in my own backyard that symbolizes the season.

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, occult, spring equitherm

1. Ferns, Blackberries, and Fleabane- Ferns, blackberries, and fleabane are associated with protection, prosperity, and luck. Since this is a liminal time and spirits walk among us, its always a good idea to have a little extra protection, especially if you plan on conducting any spirit work during this sabbat. Furthermore, Beltane is a time of prosperity and abundance, and rituals were often conducted to ensure the coming growing season would be plentiful. The yellow centers on the fleabane also represent the Sun who is returning to full strength, the white petals representing the purity of the union between Earth and Sun. (Where did I get it: Found in Garden; Cost: Free)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, occult, spring equitherm

2. Magnolia Leaves- Magnolia trees are an icon in the South, their waxy leaves remaining vibrant even during the cold of winter. They represent healing, fertility, and vitality, and are said to increase psychic abilities. I placed them on my altar to represent not only the vitality of the land, but also as an ode to winter and the Holly King who defeated this time of year. (Where did I get it: Found in Garden; Cost: Free)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, occult, spring equitherm

3. Bumble Bees- The bees, which are technically carpenter bees, represent the feminine, fertility, teamwork, growth, and sweetness of life. Bees are hard at work pollinating flowers, building hives, and making sweet honey. Bees are also representative of the Sun, making them a masculine aspect as well. This duality represents the union between both the masculine and feminine to bring about life at Beltane. I picked up both of these beautiful carpenter bees last April while out for a walk with my partner. I could hear them calling to me to be brought home instead of being left for the ants. They have held up extremely well over the past year and I look forward to using them on future altars or in future spells. Don't ignore the gifts the Earth provides. (Where did I get it: Found; Cost: Free)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, occult, spring equitherm

4. Rat Skull- Rats are associated with fertility, as they breed quickly and early like rabbits, as well as luck, innocence, ingenuity, quickening, change, and death. While death isn't often associated with Beltane, it does mark the death of winter and a time when communication between the living and dead is made easy due to the thinning of the veil. My partner found this skull near a gas meter while conducting a turn on and excitedly brought it home as a gift. He knows me so well. (Where did I get it: Found; Cost: Free)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, occult, spring equitherm

5. Quartz, Amethyst, and Red Calcite- The raw quartz, which I found a couple of years ago and is often featured in book pictures, represents balance, clarity, and vitality, while the amethyst represents transformation. The amethyst also represents dreams and psychic awareness. Since Beltane is a liminal time and spirits are extremely active, this is a great time for spirit work. The amethyst is there to aid in this communication. Red calcite, on the other hand, represents the Sun, vitality, confidence, strength, and increased energy, all themes associated with this sabbat. (Where did I get it: Found & Metaphysical Boxes; Cost: ~$7)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, occult, spring equitherm

6. White Candles in Golden Orange Candle Holders- The candles and candle holders represent the Sun and are a form of sympathetic magic to continue drawing the Sun's strength and ensuring He continues to shine and bless us with a bountiful harvest. As a gardener, I can do nothing without the warming rays of the Sun. (Where did I get it: Doller Tree; Cost: $3)

Beltane, altar, witch, witchcraft, May Day, witchy, wicca, wiccan, pagan, neopagan, occult, spring equitherm


Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found, made, or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. I hope you find this sort of breakdown helpful, especially for those of you looking to create Instagram-perfect altars on a budget!

Do you have any magical plans for Beltane this year? I plan to spend more time in my garden laying new mulch, weeding, and enjoying what the Sun has to offer.

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1 comment :

  1. Your sweet little wild sourced bee is a such a beautiful and meaningful addition to a start of May altar.

    A few years ago, I found a deceased yellow butterfly and instantly brought it home with me. "She" (I have always sensed a feminine energy from this lovely creature, but do not know its actual gender) has been with me ever since and often appears on my Beltane, Litha, and/or Lammas altars. As well, some years, as my Imbolc altar as well - in which case her colour represents the promise of returning spring sunshine and seeing her living kin once more, too.

    Wishing you a serene, safe, happy, and wonderfully magickal spring-into-summer season, dear Willow.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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