Monday, February 4, 2019

Imbolc Altar 2019

Imbolc Altar 2019

Imbolc is the first of the fire festivals symbolizing the gradual rebirth of Spring. The cold winter months are behind us and there is a ting of warm weather in the air. If you live in the South, it is already beginning to look and feel like Spring. For Imbolc, I kept my altar simple and elegant, welcoming the Maiden and the Sun back from their long slumber.

Imbolc Altar 2019

1. White Candles with candlesticks- The white candles represent the Sun who is continuing to grow in strength during Imbolc. Furthermore, the candles act as sympathetic magic to quickly usher the Sun's return to power and the end of long, dark winter months. With the Sun comes sources of food and milder weather and the end of sickness, something our ancestors relied heavily upon. White also represents the purity of the Maiden who is replacing the Crone as the dominant female aspect. (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree; Cost: $1 for 4 votive candles, candlesticks $1 each)

Imbolc Altar 2019

2. Mangano (Pink) Calcite and Moonstone- Mangano Calcite is one of my favorite crystals. In fact, I loved it so much I went out and purchased more recently. The beautiful pink and white swirls are commonly associated with birth and healing, common themes as the Earth is reborn during Spring as the Sun regains his power. Mangano Calcite is also associated with self-love, inspiring us to take time to care for ourselves as we too shed our winter blues. Like Mangano Calcite, Moonstone also represents rebirth and transitions, as Winter slowly fades to Spring. (Where did I get it: Purchased at a metaphysical store; Cost: $5 for all three)

Imbolc Altar 2019

3. Salt and Bay Leaves- I loved The Witch of Lupine Hollow's mini Imbolc altar and its representation of Spring, so I decided to include one in this altar. The glass candle holder is gold at the bottom, representing prosperity and the Sun. The salt symbolizes snow while the bay leaves represent the plants that are determined to break through the snow and ice to reach the Sun. "Life finds a way." The candle again symbolizes the Sun the plants are desperately trying to reach (Where did I get it: Dollar Tree; Cost: $1 for a set of two pillar candles, $1 for a candle holder, $1 for a jar of bay leaves, $1 for salt)

Imbolc Altar 2019

4. Roses- The roses represent the love between the Earth and the Sun. Without the Sun, our Earth wouldn't have any life to be reborn with each turning of the Wheel of the Year. Furthermore, they represent the love among living creatures, that contributes to the rebirth of Spring. These same roses were on the Imbolc altar last year as well. I love roses and all they represent, so any excuse to pull them out is a good one. (Where did I get it: Found; Cost: $0) 

Imbolc Altar 2019


Like my other altars, most of the items I use are found or purchased for around $1, although if the items must be purchased by you, then the cost will be higher. I hope you find this sort of break down helpful, especially those of you looking to create Instagram perfect altars on a budget!

How did you celebrate Imbolc this year?


  1. I had a friend over and we did a small ritual of drumming and crafting a Sun Wheel (using your post as a guide!), and afterwards ate Shepherd's Pie and cakes and lavender milk :)

    1. That sounds lovely! How did you Sun Wheel turn out?


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