Sunday, September 3, 2017

Nova Luna Box Review: August

Nova Luna Box Review: August

Last month one of the best things to happen to me was receiving this little box of joy. Unfortunately I didn't do anything for the New Moon last month, but I am still thrilled with the box of goodies I received and will use them in future rituals.

Nova Luna Box Review: August

Upon opening this box, I noticed some things were different. This time instead of a letter I received a card with all the of the information I needed. This card was much nicer than the letter from the month before, showing that the creators of this box are evolving. It was beautifully designed and well-organized. The front of the card gave the correspondences for the New Moon in Leo while the back explained a little bit about the New Moon and the solar eclipse, the contents of the box, including prices, a New Moon mantra, and where to find ritual ideas on their blog.

Nova Luna Box Review: AugustNova Luna Box Review: August

Next, I withdrew the candle. This month's candle smelled of roses, sage, violet, damiana, honeysuckle, and jasmine. When burned, the candle smells mostly of roses and filled my entire house with the smell of early summer and love. Embedded in the top were pieces of onyx and clear quartz for amplifying and aid in transformation and new beginnings.

Nova Luna Box Review: August

Nova Luna Box Review: August

Wrapped up in beautiful celestial tissue paper next to the candle was an herb bundle from Broad Street Collective. There is no mention on the card which herbs are included, but after doing a bit of research I found the bundle contained cedar, sage, and rose. From looking at it, I believe it may also contain lemongrass. While it smells amazing prior to being burned and looks nice, it doesn't smell too pleasant when burned. Furthermore, it doesn't want to smolder as other herb bundles typically do. This will be a toss-in-the-fire type of bundle for future use. With the herb bundle came a pack of matches. I have to say, as a witch obsessed with candles and smoke, you can never have too many matches!

Nova Luna Box Review: August

Underneath everything was probably my favorite item, a cloth crystal grid from Crystal Grids. I have been researching crystal grids and have even been thinking about designing my own wooden ones to sell. This was a pleasant surprise and a sign that I need to continue down this path. Accompanying the crystal grid was a clear quartz tower and 4 carnelian crystals. Unfortunately, I had to figure out on my own which of the stones I had. The card mentions I could have received any of the following: Blue Chalcedony, Carnelian, Citrine, Mookaite Jasper, or Sunstone. I have to say, I am disappointed I did not receive blue chalcedony or mookaite jasper. However, to the untrained witch, carnelian, citrine, and sunstone all look very similar, which could lead to confusion. It would be been nice if the card had indicated which crystals I received or if the creators had limited it to a one crystal option. The quartz crystal tower is quite stunning and makes a marvelous centerpiece for the crystal grid.

Nova Luna Box Review: August

Nova Luna Box Review: August

Nova Luna Box Review: August

Overall, I am pleased with this month's box, with few exceptions. I look forward to seeing what next month holds for me.

Looking for a subscription box, but don't know where to start? Read my other pagan subscription box reviews and check out Cratejoy to see what boxes catch your eye!


  1. That's a beautiful box! I think such small details also should have style in fashion. It's an inevitable thing.


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