Monday, August 10, 2015

Can you say overwhelmed?

I hope everyone had a fantastic Lammas. We spent that weekend with friends in Savannah, laying out on the beach at Tybee Island. Honestly, I needed to spend more than two days down there after everything that has happened the past couple of weeks.

If you remember, I said I had good news back in June. Unfortunately a month later said news went very, very sour. That was a week and a half ago. It was devastating news coupled with the unexpected request to be out of our house by the end of the month. We were originally told we would have 3 years here, but they are forcing us out after just 27 months. The reasons are honestly crazy, but thankfully have nothing to do with us personally. We have always paid rent early and have taken excellent care of the property. In fact, it is in better shape now than it was when we moved in. However, I have to take this as a blessing in disguise, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. My husband accepted a new job where he will be able to keep his beard and hopefully be happier while making slightly more money. Furthermore, because of the location of the job coupled with the fact that we are being forced to move, we are going to move closer to my parents. I know they are excited about it and having them close by for help is always a plus. We have been looking at houses and hopefully everything will go well. We have to move the weekend of the 29th, and I have already started packing. I just hope the move goes smoothly and we are able to find something right for our needs.

To add to the stress I have been studying for the GACE, Georgia's teaching certification exam. I take the test shortly after moving and while I know deep down I will do well, I am still very nervous and uncertain. I need to pass this test so I can start applying for teaching positions. After three years of nannying for the same family, I am ready for a change. I am tired all the time, especially since the family moved further from me. I sit in an hour of traffic to go to work and over an hour each day to get home. It sucks. Add the bad news, stress of moving, studying for a major exam, and going to school to it and you have a recipe for being overwhelmed.

I have several blog posts planned and many ideas, but I am not sure when I am going to get around to writing them as of yet. I do know this weekend will be the first weekend I don't have plans since May. I am looking forward to it. My husband will also be working this weekend, so I will very likely write up some blog posts. If not, please stick around. I will definitely be back after our move and look forward to sharing whatever new house we move into with you along with my house cleansing ritual, protection spells, and whatnot. I also have some projects I hope to start next month and I know you guys are going to love them when I am all done.

I hope everyone else is having a less stressful summer than us. If not, know you are not alone.


  1. Warm thoughts for a gentle and refreshing weekend. And good luck on both the move and the exam. You'll rock both!

  2. I hope that later you see this as the beginning of better times. I have rented several times in my life and the impermanence of it is so stressful. Best of luck on th exam and your new location.


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